Windows NT Files

This chapter describes the files included with Windows NT. It also provides tips for freeing hard disk space and memory by deleting components that are not essential to the operation of Windows NT.

Note Not all of these files may appear on your system, depending on your system hardware and applications and accessories you choose to install.

The following list identifies the table to which you can refer for more information on files with a particular filename extension.




Table 4.1 Cursor (.ANI and .CUR) Files


Table 4.16 Quick Basic (.BAS) Sample Files


Table 4.23 Wallpaper (.BMP) Files


Table 4.5 Executable (.EXE and .COM) Files


Table 4.2 Control Panel (.CPL) Tool Files


Table 4.1 Cursor (.ANI and .CUR) Files


Table 4.4 Dynamic Link Library (.DLL) Files


Table 4.3 Driver (.DRV and .SYS) Files


Table 4.5 Executable (.EXE and .COM) Files

.FNT and .FON

Table 4.6 Raster and Vector Font (.FON and .FNT) Files


Table 4.7 TrueType Font and Font Header (.TTF and .FOT) Files


Table 4.11 Online Help (.HLP) Files


Table 4.12 Full-Text Search Index (.IND) Files for Online Help


Table 4.18 Setup Script (.INF) Files and Table 4.19 OEM Setup Script (.INF) Files


Table 4.21 Spelling Lexicon (.LEX) Files


Table 4.10 National Language Support (.NLS) Files


Table 4.13 Plotter (.PCD) Driver Files


Table 4.14 Adobe® PostScript Printer Description (.PPD) Files


Table 4.17 Screen Saver (.SCR) Files


Table 4.15 Printer Separator (.SEP) Files


Table 4.8 Introducing Windows NT Sequence (.SEQ) Files


Table 4.3 Driver (.DRV and .SYS) Files


Table 4.7 TrueType Font and Font Header (.TTF and .FOT) Files


Table 4.22 Text (.TXT and .WRI) Files


Table 4.20 Sound Wave (.WAV) Files


Table 4.22 Text (.TXT and .WRI) Files


Table 4.9 Miscellaneous Files