Printer Separator Files

You can use separator files for a variety of purposes. Windows NT includes separator files that print a page at the beginning of each document to make it easy to find a document among others at the printer and separator files that can switch a printer between PostScript and PCL printing.

The Windows NT default separator page is SYSPRINT.SEP. To specify a different separator page, type the name of the separator file, including its path, in the Separator File box of the Printer Details dialog box.

Windows NT includes the following separator files. For more information about printing, see Chapter 6, "Printing."

Table 4.15 Printer Separator (.SEP) Files




Switches printer to PCL printing (compatible with PCL)


Switches printer to PostScript printing (compatible with PostScript)


Prints a page before each document (compatible with PostScript)


Prints a page before each document (compatible with PostScript)