Recreating the Mail Initialization Procedure

When you first run the Mail application, it asks whether you want to use an existing postoffice on the workgroup or to create the postoffice on your computer. If you accidentally select the incorrect option, you will need to reinitialize Mail so that these options are available again. You can also use this procedure to recreate a postoffice.

To reinitialize Mail, follow these steps:

  1. Edit your Registry to delete ServerPath and Login (or edit their values to blank) in the following key:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Mail\Microsoft Mail

  2. Add or edit the CustomInitHandler entry to read as follows:

    CustomInitHandler:REG_SZ:WGPOMG32.DLL, 10

  3. Run Mail. The initialization process begins and once again prompts you for the location of the workgroup postoffice.