Registry Entries for Network Services

The following services have additional value entries that can be specified in the Registry, in addition to changes that you can make using the Services icon in Control Panel or Server Manager in Windows NT ServerWindows NT Server. You can view current settings for these services by choosing the Services button in WinMSD.

Alerter service

NWLink transport

AppleTalk and MacFile services

Redirector (Rdr) service

BootVerification service

Remote Access Service (RAS)

Browser service

Replicator service

DiskPerf service

Schedule service

DLC transport

Server service

EventLog service

TCP/IP (FTP, NetBt, Streams, WinSock)

NetBEUI (NBF) transport

UPS service

NetLogon service

Workstation service

NetworkProvider service

Services that are not included in this section do not have hidden parameters that you can set.

This section describes parameters for these services under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services subkey.

Some of these services also have configuration information stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE. These values are described in "NetRules Subkey Entries," earlier in this chapter.

Note Wherever possible, choose the Services icon in Control Panel or use Server Manager in Windows NT ServerWindows NT Server to change values for these services.