Keyboard and Keyboard Layout Entries for Users

The Keyboard entry contains user preferences as defined by choosing the Keyboard icon in Control Panel. Entries are found under this Registry path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard

InitialKeyboardIndicators REG_SZ Number

Specifies initial values for keys. 0 means that NumLock is turned off after the user logs on; 2 means Numlock is turned on after the user logs on. This value is set during log off or shutdown to preserve the state of the Numlock key at that time.

Default: 0

KeyboardDelay REG_SZ 0 to 3

Establishes how much time elapses after you hold down a key before the key starts to repeat. The values 0 through 3 provide a linear scale from the smallest delay supported by the keyboard driver to the largest delay. Typically, 0 represents 250 milliseconds, and 3 represents 1 second, with a 20 percent accuracy.

Default: 1

KeyboardSpeed REG_SZ 0 to 31

Sets how much time elapses between repetitions of a character on the display when you hold down a keyboard key. The values 0 through 31 provide a linear scale from the slowed repeat rate supported by the keyboard driver to the fastest repeat rate. Typically, 0 represents 2 per second, and 31 represents 30 per second.

Default: 31

The Keyboard Layout key records the user's preferred layout, which is loaded and activated by the system when the user logs on. Entries are found under this Registry path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard Layout

When the user logs off, the user's current keyboard layout is stored here. The value for the entry is based on those defined in CurrentControlSet\Control\NLS\KeyboardLayout. To change the keyboard layout, choose the Windows NT Setup icon from the Main program group.

Active REG_SZ KeyboardLayout

Default: 00000409 (for standard U.S. English)

The Keyboard Layout\Substitutes key is empty by default. This subkey records a mapping between keyboard layout names. The system checks the user's Substitutes subkey when loading the keyboard driver, and if a substitute is specified, the corresponding layout name is substituted. For example, an entry such as the following under the Keyboard Layout\Substitutes subkey indicates that the user prefers the Dvorak U.S. English keyboard layout (00010409) to the standard U.S. English keyboard layout (00000409).

   00000409 : REG_SZ : 00010409