Network Entries for Users

This section describes the user preferences and settings for the network.

Network Administration Entries for Users

The following Registry path contains values used by administrators to remember the last server and client share points used by the NCADMIN.EXE application between executions:


LastClientServer REG_SZ 0 to 15 characters

Remembers the last server used for the creation of network client installation disks or Over the Network Installation startup disks.

Default: (none)

LastClientSharepoint REG_SZ 0 to 8 characters (MS-DOS); 0 to 80 characters (Windows NT)

Remembers the last share used for the creation of network client installation disks or Over the Network Installation startup disks.

Default: (none)

LastToolsServer REG_SZ 0 to 15 characters

Remembers the last server that referenced the network administration tools directory path.

Default: (none)

LastToolsSharepoint REG_SZ 0 to 8 characters (MS-DOS); 0 to 80 characters (Windows NT)

Remembers the last share that referenced the network administration tools directory path.

Default: (none)

Note LastToolsSharepoint plus LastToolsServer must be less than MAX_PATH - 3. (The 3 accounts for the two backslashes (\)at the beginning of the path and the one between the server and the share.) This same rule applies to LastClientSharepoint and LastClientServer.

Characters may be any legal UNICODE character that can be used in a server or share name. The NCAdmin subkey and these values do not appear until NCAdmin has been run at least once by the current user.

Network Connection Entries for Users

The following Registry path contains the list of specific shares to reconnect when the user logs on:


The Network subkey does not appear unless you are connected to a shared directory when the Reconnect At Logon option was checked in File Manager. There is a subkey for each shared directory to be reconnected at system startup. The name of the subkey is the drive-letter designated for the connection. Each such subkey can contain the following entries:

ConnectionType REG_DWORD 0x1 or 1x2

Specifies connection types as 0x1 for drive redirection or 0x2 for print redirection.

Default: 0x1

ProviderName REG_SZ Network name

Specifies the network provider for the path to the shared directory.

Default: Microsoft Windows Network

RemotePath REG_SZ UNC sharename

Specifies the UNC name for the shared directory.

UserName REG_SZ username

Specifies the username under whose authority the connection was established. The password is not remembered. This name can appear in the Connect As box in the Connect Network Drive dialog box in File Manager.

Default: (blank) (That is, the name of currently logged on user is assumed.)

Network Software Entries for Users

The following path contains subkeys with settings for user preferences related to Event Viewer, Server Manager, User Manager, and User Manager for Domains:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network

The following table summarizes default settings in the Network subkeys. All entries have REG_SZ data types.

Network subkey

Default value entries

Event Viewer

Filter= (as chosen in the Filter dialog box)
Find=: (string from Find dialog box)
IfNT=1 (1=focused on Windows NT server)
LogType=0 (0=system; 1=security; 2=application;
4=read from a file)
Module=System (or Security or Application)
SortOrder=0 (0=new events first; 1=old events first)
Window=132 126 504 282 0 (position and minimize)

Remote Boot Manager

Window=132 126 504 282 0 (position and minimize)

Server Manager

View = 4 (1=view workstations; 2=view servers)
ViewExtension (file being viewed if View=0)

User Manager


User Manager for Domains

SortOrder=0 (for sort by full name)
Window=132 90 480 258 0

The following defines most of the common parameters for these applications:

Confirmation REG_SZ Boolean

Specifies whether the application requests user confirmation for actions such as deletions or other value changes.

FontFaceName REG_SZ Name

Specifies font to use in the application main window, for example, Times New Roman.

Default: (none)

FontHeight REG_SZ Number

Specifies point size of font in the application main window.

Default: 0

FontItalic REG_SZ 0 or 1

Specifies normal (0) or italic (1) font style in the application main window.

Default: 0

FontWeight REG_SZ 0 to 900

Specifies the font weight (thin to heavy) of the font used in the application main window, where 400 is normal, 700 is bold, and 900 is heavy.

Default: 0

Note FontFaceName, FontHeight, FontItalic, and FontWeight apply only to the application main window, not to any dialog boxes.

GroupCommentsCutoffMsec REG_SZ Number of milliseconds

Separate remote API calls must be made for each group comment, which many be excessively slow for some installations. Setting this value to greater than zero suppresses the loading of local group comments (and global group comments against a non-Windows NT target), if loading the user list took more than the defined number of milliseconds. Set this value lower if you experience long User Manager for Domains startup, listbox refresh, or heavy network traffic over slow links.

ListBoxSplit REG_SZ 0 to 1000

In User Manager and User Manager for Domains only, specifies the vertical space (in thousandths) devoted to the user listbox as opposed to the group listbox.

Default: 667 (That is, the top two-thirds of the display is given to the user listbox.)

SaveSettings REG_SZ Boolean

Specifies whether options selected in the application are saved when the application is closed.

SortOrder REG_SZ Boolean

Specifies the sort order followed by the application, where 1 specifies sort by username, and 0 specifies sort by full name.

Window REG_SZ Pixel location for window

Specifies window location when application was last closed as four numbers plus 1 or 0 to indicate whether the window was iconized.

The Persistent Connections subkey contains entries that control the restoration of network connections, under this Registry path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
\Network\Persistent Connections

DriveMappingLetter REG_SZ UNC sharename

An entry appears for each connection to a shared network directory.

Order REG_SZ drive-letter order

Specifies the order for the shared directory connections.

For example, set the order to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" to save up to 26 previously connected server paths.

Default: (none)

SaveConnections REG_SZ Yes or No

Contains the value set by the Reconnect At Logon check box in the Connect Network Drive dialog box in File Manager.

Default: Yes

The following Network parameter is found in this Registry path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

.DLL Name REG_SZ String

Contains a pointer to Server Manager extension .DLLs used to augment RAS.

Default: (none)

The following Network parameter is found in this Registry path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

.DLL Name REG_SZ String

Contains a pointer to User Manager extension .DLLs used to augment RAS.

Default: (none)

The following Network parameter is found in this Registry path:

   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
\Network\World Full Access Shared Parameters

ExpandLogonDomain REG_SZ Yes or No

Specifies whether the Shared Directories list is expanded by default in the Connect Network Drive dialog box. This is the value set in the Connect Network Drive dialog box in File Manager by checking the Expand By Default check box.

Default: Yes

The following parameter is used by the Windows NT administrative applications:

   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
\Network\Shared Parameters

Slow Mode REG_SZ String

Stores information about which servers and domains are across a Low Speed Connection. User Manager for Domains, Server Manager, and Event Viewer read this information unless explicitly told whether to start in Low Speed Connection mode. The cache is updated each time one of these applications is started or set to a new, nonlocal focus, or when the user explicitly changes the Low Speed Connection setting. This is an LRU cache of up to 20 focus targets. The first entry is the most recently used.

This is a shared state between users, so if one user changes the cached setting for a target focus, other users get that setting by default. The user must be a member of a group with Power Users or better privileges to have access to this subkey.


SortHyphens REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Specifies whether to ignore hyphens when sorting lists of users. For example, set SortHyphens to 1 (true) if you want "a-test" to sort after "Administrator". The default setting of 0 (false) causes the hyphen to be ignored, and "a-test" would sort before "Administrator".

Note Although SortHyphens will primarily be of interest for User Manager for Domains, it also changes the base sort order for Event Viewer, Remote Boot Manager, Server Manager, and User Manager. In addition to these executables, the base sort order of the Control Panel tools for customizing network settings (NCPA.CPL), server, services, and devices (SRVMGR.CPL), and the FTP server services (FTPMGR.CPL) can be thus controlled as well.

Default: 0

Performance Monitor Entries for Users

The Perfmon subkey contains values under the following Registry path:


Only one value in this subkey should be altered:

DataTimeOut REG_DWORD Value (msec)

Used by the Performance Monitor data collection thread. If the thread does not return data within the time defined by Value, Performance Monitor ignores the data. Use a large value when remote monitoring over a slow link, as RAS.

Default: 20000 msec

The Monitor subkey contains values under the following Registry path:


Note Use MONITOR.EXE in the Windows NT Resource Kit to set up parameters for this subkey.

DataTimeOut REG_DWORD Value (msec)

This is the same as the Performance Monitor DataTimeOut value. Monitor Service uses it to determine when to give up on performance data collection from a remote machine.

Default: 20000 msec