Microsoft Official Curriculum

Microsoft Official Curriculum courses provide computer professionals with the knowledge required to expertly install and support Microsoft solutions. Courses are developed straight from the source¾by the Microsoft product and technical support groups. They include in-depth, accurate information and hands-on labs based on real-world experience. Microsoft Official Curriculum courses are designed to help you prepare effectively for Microsoft Certified Professional exams.

Microsoft Official Curriculum is developed in two forms:

Microsoft has developed instructor-led training for the Microsoft Windows NT version 3.5 product family. They include the following:

Support Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows NT 3.5

3-day course

Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.5

2-day course

Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5

5-day course

For full course descriptions and a referral to a Microsoft Solution Provider Authorized Technical Education Center, call (800) SOLPROV in the United States and Canada. In other countries, contact your local Microsoft office. Ask for the Microsoft Education and Certification Roadmap, an online guide to Microsoft Education and Certification. Or, see E&CMAP.ZIP from Library 5 of the Solution Provider forum on CompuServe (by typing GO MSEDCERT at any ! prompt).