Logon Scripts and Windows for Workgroups

By default, Windows for Workgroups does not run a logon script when a user logs on to a Windows NT Server computer. To run a logon script from Windows for Workgroups, you must configure Windows for Workgroups to log on to the Windows NT domain on startup.

To log on to the Windows NT domain on startup from a Windows for Workgroups computer

  1. From Control Panel, double-click the Network option.
  2. In the Microsoft Windows Network dialog box, choose the Startup button to display the Startup Settings dialog box.
  3. In the Options for Enterprise Networking box, select the Log On To Windows NT or LAN Manager Domain checkbox.
  4. In the Domain box, type the name of the Windows NT domain you want to log on to.
  5. In the Startup Settings dialog box, choose the OK button.
  6. In the Microsoft Windows Network dialog box, choose the OK button.

Windows for Workgroups does not recognize logon script parameters, and application programming interface (API) calls made from a logon script return an error.