Interactive Logon

The interactive logon can occur in any user accounts database where a user has an account. Depending on the type of Windows NT computer and how it has been configured, the From box (in the Logon dialog box) lists the local computer and/or domains where user accounts can be authenticated.

Summary of Interactive Logon Authentication

The following table shows the logon options for someone using a Windows NT computer in a workgroup, a domain, and a domain with a trust relationship. The unique identifier used by Windows NT after logon depends on the location of the database used to log on the user. The third column in this table describes the unique identifier used in each case. Any network connection requests sent elsewhere on the network include this unique identifier.

Table 4.1 Summary of Interactive Logon Authentication

Computer is in

User can logon at

Unique identifier


Local database

Computername and username


Local database Domain database

Computername and username Domain name and username

Domain with a trust relationship

Local database Home domain database Trusted domain database

Computername and username Domain name and username Trusted domain name and username

Domain without a trust relationship

Local database

Computername and username Untrusting domain name and username