Making Windows NT Servers Visible to LAN Manager Clients

To make a Windows NT server visible to LAN Manager clients, you must configure the Windows NT server to announce itself to LAN Manager 2.x servers. You can do this by using the Networks option in Control Panel or by changing the LMannounce entry in the Registry.

To make a Windows NT server visible to LAN Manager clients using the Control Panel

  1. On the Windows NT computer, double-click the Network option in Control Panel to display the Network Settings dialog box.
  2. Select Sever from the Installed Network Software box, and then choose the Configure button to display the Server dialog box.
  3. Select Make Browser Broadcasts to LAN Manager 2.x Clients check box, and then choose the OK button.

To make a Windows NT browser visible to LAN Manager clients using the Windows NT Registry

  1. Run the REGEDT32.EXE file from File Manager or Program Manager to start the Registry Editor.
  2. Locate the following key:


  1. Change the value of the LMannounce entry to 1.

For more information about the Windows NT Registry, see Chapters 10 through 14 in the Windows NT Resource Guide.