Message Reference (S - T)

Saving file in Cardfile 3.0 format.


Cardfile was unable to load the Object Linking and Embedding libraries, so it cannot support the Cardfile 3.1 format. If Cardfile saves your file in a Cardfile 3.0 format, be aware that any embedded object becomes a static object, which means that you cannot edit it from within Cardfile. Also, if the object is in color, saving it in Cardfile 3.0 converts the object to black-and-white.

Choose OK.

Scheme name cannot be blank.

[Program Manager]

In the Color option in Control Panel, you created a custom color, then attempted in the Save Scheme dialog box to save the scheme with no name. Windows NT does not support this naming selection.

Assign a name to your color scheme.

Scheme name cannot be blank.

[Program Manager]

In the Color option in Control Panel, you created a custom color, then attempted in the Save Scheme dialog box to save the scheme with no name. Windows NT does not support this naming selection.

Assign a name to your color scheme.

Scheme name cannot contain equals sign.

[Program Manager]

In the Color option in Control Panel, you created a custom color, then have assigned to it (in the Save Scheme dialog box) a name that contains an equals sign. Windows NT does not permit this naming selection.

Enter a different scheme name without an equals sign (=).

Scheme name cannot contain equals sign.

[Program Manager]

In the Color option in Control Panel, you created a custom color, then have assigned to it (in the Save Scheme dialog box) a name that contains an equals sign. Windows NT does not permit this naming selection.

Enter a different scheme name without an equals sign (=).

Scheme name cannot contain left or right brace.

[Program Manager]

In the Color option in the Control Panel, you have attempted to save a Custom Color Scheme that you have created, and in the Save Scheme dialog box, you have entered a name that contains a brace ([ ]). While you can include brackets (\(\)) in the names of Color Schemes, you cannot include braces.

Remove the brace(s) from the name of your color scheme, then select OK.

Scheme name cannot contain left or right brace.

[Program Manager]

In the Color option in the Control Panel, you have attempted to save a Custom Color Scheme that you have created, and in the Save Scheme dialog box, you have entered a name that contains a brace ([ ]). While you can include brackets (\(\)) in the names of Color Schemes, you cannot include braces.

Remove the brace(s) from the name of your color scheme, then select OK.

Screen already locked.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

Scroll bar range cannot be greater than 0x7FFF.


As part of its user interface, an application specified an invalid value.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

Search failed, end of log reached.

[Event Viewer]

You searched the event log, and the search produced no results.

Try again, specifying a different search criterion. Or search a different log.

SECOND diskette bad or incompatible

[Disk Compare]

The second floppy disk used in a Diskcomp command does not have the same format as the first floppy disk, is unformatted, or has an unrecognizable format.

Make sure the floppy disk is in the drive and the drive door is closed. If it is, then try removing the disk and reinserting it. After that, if this message reappears, you will not be able to use this disk with the Diskcomp command.

Second logon attempt with old password also failed with the following error: text


The service controller made a second attempt to log on to a service using an old password.

Ask your system administrator to verify the current configured account information for the service. Use Event Viewer to examine the event log and identify the service.

Section number missing or empty.


Contact the supplier for another copy of the installation media.

Security information for the name directory is different.


The security information may be different because the backup may have been made while the directory was in use. Or a problem may have occurred during the backup or restore operation.

Use the Security menu in File Manager to view the security information on both versions of the directory. If the information is not different, try backing up or restoring the directory again.

Security information for the file filename is different.


The security information may be different because the backup may have been made while the file was in use. Or a problem may have occurred during the backup or restore operations.

Use the Security menu in File Manager to view the security information on both versions of the file. If the information is not different, try backing up or restoring the file again.

Security logging has been disabled. Use the Event Viewer to reduce the retention period and then enable security logging.


Because the audit log is full, security logging has been disabled.

Use the Log Settings option in Event Viewer to determine how long audited events will be saved and how much space will be allotted to log size.

Select an AppleTalk printing device or choose Cancel.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Double-click a zone to select a printing device. If you choose Cancel, you will not configure a printer.

Select only one file to rename, or use wildcards (for example, *.TXT) to rename a group of files with similar names.

[File Manager]

You attempted to rename a number of files at once. File Manager does not allow this operation, unless you are simply changing a number of files to the same extension.

In the Error Renaming File dialog box, choose OK, then rename your files one at a time.

Select returned with an error

[WINS Service]

The WINS service shut down abruptly or is encountering problems with a resource on the computer or with the stack.

Restart the WINS service.

Send error. Session to name closed abnormally: text

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

Your connection to the indicated resource was lost due to the indicated error. Any files that you had open on the resource might have been corrupted.

Re-establish the connection. Check any files that were open for corruption, and restore them from a backup if necessary.

Sending files is no longer supported.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3777

The Net Send command no longer sends files.

Type the message you wish to send on the same line as Net Send.

Send to could not send all the bytes

[WINS Service]

Call technical support.

Send to could not send UDP message.

[WINS Service]

The computer might be running short of some resource.

Reboot the computer. If you see this message often, call technical support.

Send to returned with an error

[WINS Service]

Reboot the computer. If you see this message often, call technical support.

Serial overrun errors were detected while communicating with your modem.

[Remote Access Service]

Lower the modem's initial speed (bits per second), and redial. For instructions about lowering the initial speed, see "Setting Modem Features" in Remote Access online Help.

Serial port not initialized; please check your communication settings and try again.


Before exchanging information with a remote computer, certain communications settings (baud rate, data bits, parity, flow control) must be set.

To determine your communications settings, select the Communications option from the Settings menu. For information about the correct options to select in this dialog box, see your modem documentation and the remote service package, or call the remote system's information number and request the settings.

Server port number in use!


The Tftp server cannot start up because the port specified for it to use for a connection is already in use.

Wait, then retry the operation. If you still get this message, contact your system administrator.

Server port number in use!

[FTP Server]

The Tftp server cannot start up because the port specified for it to use for a connection is already in use.

Wait, then retry the operation. If you still get this message, contact your system administrator.

Server Unavailable

[Registry Editor]

The server might not be running, or the connections to it might be down.

Make sure the server is running, and that both it and this computer are connected to the network.

Service binding reconfiguration failed.

[Control Panel]

The application attempted to change the values associated with a service, but failed.

Reboot the computer, then choose Network from the Control Panel and choose Binding to redo the binding. If the problem continues, ask the administrator to do the following: Edit the Registry, removing the variable \Software\Microsoft\Ncpa\CurrentVersion\Bindfile. Then choose Network from the Control Panel and choose Binding to redo the binding. If the problem still occurs, remove the recently installed network components, reboot the machine, and reinstall the network components.

Service dependency update failed.

[Control Panel]

The application attempted to change the dependencies associated with a service, but failed.

Try again later. If you still get this message, contact your network administrator.

Setting broadcast option on socket failed. The Nw Sap Agent cannot continue.


The SAP Agent encountered an error while setting a broadcast option on a socket.

Reboot your computer and try again. If you still get this message, call technical support.

Setting option EXTENDED_ADDRESS failed. The Nw Sap Agent cannot continue.


The application could not start because a needed option could not be set. Resources that are accessed via the SAP Agent and services that depend on the SAP Agent will not be available.

Call technical support. Report both this message and the message that accompanies it.

Setup cannot bind the AppleTalk socket to the AppleTalk Protocol.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The AppleTalk protocol may not have been started.

To start the AppleTalk protocol, select the Devices option in Control Panel. Select AppleTalk Protocol and then choose Start.

Setup cannot find any AppleTalk routers on the network. Check your AppleTalk network configuration.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The zone list is empty. This may be due to an invalid configuration or a network error that prevents Setup from getting the AppleTalk information from the network.

Verify that a valid list of zones is in the zone list. Use the Network option in Control Panel to check the configuration of AppleTalk. Select Services for Macintosh and choose the Configure button.

Setup cannot initialize the Windows socket protocol. The Windows socket protocol may not be ready at this time or you could have an out of date Windows socket version.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The AppleTalk protocol or the AFD service may not be started or an internal error may have occurred.

Use the Network option in Control Panel to verify that Services for Macintosh have been configured. If so, try restarting your system because it may be having other problems. Then, contact technical support.

Setup cannot save AppleTalk Protocol information to the registry. The changes you have made will not take effect.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The Registry handle may be locked by someone else or an internal error has occurred.

Verify that the Registry has not been corrupted. Then restart your system and try the operation again. Otherwise, contact technical support.

Setup could not get the zone list from the AppleTalk network. The AppleTalk protocol or the AFD network service may not be started. Do you want to continue configuration?

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

If you select Yes, Setup will be unable to verify that you have specified the correct configuration information for the network.

Select Services for Macintosh in the Network option in Control Panel to verify that the AppleTalk Protocol and AFD service have been started. If so, contact your network administrator because there is a problem with the network.

Setup does not have the privilege to perform this operation.


This message is most likely to occur in maintenance Setup, rather than in the use of Setup for initial installation of Windows NT.

Select Retry in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the message again, select the Exit Setup button. If you were doing maintenance Setup, retry the Setup operation. If you were doing an initial installation, start it again from the beginning. If the message still occurs, contact your technical support group.

Setup does not have the privilege to perform this operation.

[Repair Disk]

This message is most likely to occur in maintenance Setup, rather than in the use of Setup for initial installation of Windows NT.

Select Retry in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the message again, select the Exit Setup button. If you were doing maintenance Setup, retry the Setup operation. If you were doing an initial installation, start it again from the beginning. If the message still occurs, contact your technical support group.

Setup encountered an error while updating partition information on name. This error prevents Setup from continuing. Press F3 to exit Setup.


There might be a problem with your hard disk or other hardware.

Consult the documentation that accompanied your disk or other hardware.

Setup expanded the full path of a symbolic link and it overflowed the specified buffer.


Select Retry in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the message again, select the Exit Setup button and begin the initial installation again. If the message still occurs, contact your technical support group.

Setup expanded the full path of a symbolic link and it overflowed the specified buffer.

[Repair Disk]

Select Retry in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the message again, select the Exit Setup button and begin the initial installation again. If the message still occurs, contact your technical support group.

Setup is out of memory and cannot continue. Press F3 to exit Setup.


The computer is running out of memory.

Remove any unneeded files and applications from your disk. If possible, increase disk space.

Setup is out of memory, cannot continue.


This can happen during initial installation of Windows NT, or during maintenance Setup.

Select Retry in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the message again, select the Exit Setup button and begin the initial installation again. If the message still occurs, contact your technical support group.

Setup is out of memory, cannot continue.

[Repair Disk]

This can happen during initial installation of Windows NT, or during maintenance Setup.

Select Retry in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the message again, select the Exit Setup button and begin the initial installation again. If the message still occurs, contact your technical support group.

Setup Script must end with an EXIT command


Setup is unable to finish interpreting a Setup script in an .INF file because it is not certain the script is complete.

Select OK to exit Setup. Restore all the .INF files from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the files). Then rerun Setup. If you get this message again, contact your technical support group.

Setup Script must end with an EXIT command

[Repair Disk]

Setup is unable to finish interpreting a Setup script in an .INF file because it is not certain the script is complete.

Select OK to exit Setup. Restore all the .INF files from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the files). Then rerun Setup. If you get this message again, contact your technical support group.

Setup was denied access to a remote resource on the network.


Setup attempted to redirect (connect) a local device to a remote resource on the network, but access to the remote resource was denied. This is most likely to happen during maintenance Setup, rather than at initial installation.

Select the Retry button in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the same message, contact your network administrator to find out the state of the remote resource and how you can access it. After you resolve that, retry the operation.

Setup was denied access to a remote resource on the network.

[Repair Disk]

Setup attempted to redirect (connect) a local device to a remote resource on the network, but access to the remote resource was denied. This is most likely to happen during maintenance Setup, rather than at initial installation.

Select the Retry button in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the same message, contact your network administrator to find out the state of the remote resource and how you can access it. After you resolve that, retry the operation.

Setup was unable to copy the file filename. \a To retry the copy, press ENTER. Make sure the proper Windows NT floppy disk or CD-ROM is in the drive. \a To skip this file, press ESC. WARNING: this option is intended for advanced users who understand the ramifications of the absence of the various Windows NT files. If you choose to skip this file, Setup cannot guarantee successful installation of Windows NT. To exit Setup, press F3.


If the file won't copy after repeating pressing ENTER, you might have corrupted media or there might be a problem with your hardware.

Contact the supplier of the installation media,

Setup was unable to copy the key number from the existing configuration data file name to your existing configuration. NOTE: Setup may not be able to upgrade your system properly. Retry this operation and if it continues to fail press F3to exit Setup. To retry copying the key, press ENTER. To skip this operation, press ESC. To exit Setup, press F3.


Contact technical support and report the Registry key that couldn't be copied.

Setup was unable to create an AppleTalk socket. Windows socket support for the AppleTalk Protocol may not be installed.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Check the Registry entry for Winsock to verify that the AppleTalk protocol is in the transport list.

Setup was unable to create the directory name. Setup cannot continue until the directory has been successfully created. \a To retry the operation, press ENTER. \a To exit Setup, press F3.


A file might exist with the name of the directory Setup attempted to create.

Exit Setup. Then determine if a file exists on the disk with a duplicate name. Delete the file from the disk. Otherwise, contact the supplier for replacement installation media.

Setup was unable to find or load the file.


The SETUP.LOG file on the Emergency Repair Disk might be corrupted or bad.

Make sure you have inserted the correct Emergency Repair Disk for your computer. If you don't have the correct disk, let Setup attempt to locate your Windows NT installation.

Setup was unable to initialize an internal database used to formulate device names. This indicates an internal Setup error or a serious system problem. Setup cannot continue. Press F3 to exit.


Contact technical support,

Setup was unable to load the file.


The file is corrupted or is missing.

Contact the supplier for another copy of the installation media.

Share data has been corrupted

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

The NetDDE DSDM database has been corrupted. Either it was administered incorrectly, or the Registry is corrupt.

Use DDEShare to delete all DDE shares, and then re-enter the shares. If you are unable to correct the problem that way, use Regedit32 to delete the DSDM information. Then use DDEShare to re-enter the shares.

Share name already exists

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

You attempted to add a share that already exists.

Specify a different name for this share, or delete the old share and create the new one.

Share name does not exist

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

There is no share by this name.

Check to make sure you have the correct name for the share. Then try again, making sure to type the name correctly.

Share name is invalid

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

The word you typed does not meet the requirements for a share name. Share names can have up to 256 characters. The equals sign (=) and backslash(\) cannot be used in the share name.

Enter a different share name.

Sharing violation


Xcopy failed because a file it is trying to copy, or a file to which it is trying to copy, is in use by another program.

Short Date Separator cannot be empty

[Program Manager]

In the International-Date Format dialog box in Control Panel, you left empty the Separator option in the Short Date Format box. Control Panel does not permit this action.

Make an entry in the Separator box, then select OK.

Short Date Separator cannot be empty

[Program Manager]

In the International-Date Format dialog box in Control Panel, you left empty the Separator option in the Short Date Format box. Control Panel does not permit this action.

Make an entry in the Separator box, then select OK.

Skip this file?


You attempted to back up a file that is in use.

If you want to skip this file, choose Yes. Then back up this file at a later time.

Skipping user user name...


The username you specified with the /u or -u on the command line will just be ported.

No action is needed.

SNMP service encountered a fatal error.


The SNMP component was not installed correctly.

Remove the SNMP service and then reinstall it.

Socket create call failed for main socket. The NwSapAgent cannot continue.


The application could not start because a needed resource could not be obtained. The most likely reasons are that the Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol could not be found or that the IPX WinSock information in the Registry is missing or in error.

Use the Network applet in the Control Panel to make sure the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport Driver is installed. If you still get this message, remove and re-install the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport Driver or have someone who is proficient in the user of Regedit32 edit the Registry to correct the entries affecting IPX WinSock information.

Socket create call failed for wan socket. The Nw Sap Agent cannot continue.


The application could not start because a needed resource could not be obtained. The most likely reasons are that the Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol could not be found or that the IPX WinSock information in the Registry is missing or in error.

Use the Network applet in the Control Panel to make sure the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport Driver is installed. If you still get this message, remove and re-install the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport Driver or have someone who is proficient in the user of Regedit32 edit the Registry to correct the entries affecting IPX WinSock information.

Socket operation on non-socket name

This operation cannot be performed on this connection.

Some entries in the error log were lost because of a buffer overflow.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3114

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The error log is full, and one or more error log entries have been lost.

If you want to save the current error log file, copy it to another filename. Then clear the error log. You may do this remotely with Event Viewer.

Some firmware configuration information was incomplete.

Contact Microsoft Product Support.

Some mapping between account names and security IDs was not done.


During the mapping of Unicode strings to Security IDs (or vice versa), some names could not be mapped. This is an informational message and typically means that either an account has been deleted or a domain controller could not be located to map some of the names.

Either ignore the message, or wait and retry when the domain controller will be available.

Some of the users have open files. Disconnecting these users may cause loss of their data. Are you sure you want to disconnect all users from the Macintosh-Accessible volume name ?

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use Server Manager or File Manager to send a disconnect message to users. In using either manager, select the MacFile menu. In Server Manager, select Send Message. In File Manager, select View/Modify Volumes and then select Send Message.

Some of the users have open resources, disconnecting these users may cause loss of data. Are you sure you want to disconnect all users connected to the computer name share from all connected resources?

[Server Manager]

When you choose to disconnect all users from all resources, you run a risk that these users will lose changes that they have made to shared files. Consequently, Server Manager presents you with this confirmation message.

If you are sure you want to disconnect all users from all shares, choose Yes. If not, choose No. Then, before selecting this option again, alert all users that they are about to be disconnected.

Some of the users have open resources, disconnecting these users may cause loss of data. Are you sure you want to disconnect all users from all connected resources?

[Server Manager]

When you choose to disconnect all users from all resources, you run a risk that these users will lose changes that they have made to shared files. Consequently, Server Manager presents you with this confirmation message.

If you are sure you want to disconnect all users from all shares, choose Yes. If not, choose No. Then, before selecting this option again, alert all users that they are about to be disconnected.

Some of the users have resources open for name, closing these open resources may result in loss of data. Are you sure you want to close all open resources?


To avoid data loss, resources should be closed from within the appropriate program.

Warn users that these resources need to be closed, and give them time to close the resources gracefully. Then try again.

Some of the users have resources open for name, closing these open resources may result in loss of data. Are you sure you want to close all open resources?

[Server Manager]

When you choose to disconnect a user from a shared resource, you risk causing the user to lose unsaved data. Consequently, any time that you choose to remotely disconnect a user, Server Manager presents you with a confirmation message.

If you are sure that you want to disconnect the user, choose Yes. If not, choose No, and before selecting this option again, alert the user of the imminent disconnect.

Some of the users have resources open for name, closing these open resources may result in loss of data. Are you sure you want to close all open resources?


Because of the potential for data loss, you might try waiting a while before closing the open resources.

Some of the users have resources open for text, closing these open resources may result in loss of data. Are you sure you want to close all open resources?

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use Server Manager or File Manager to send a disconnect message to the users. In using either manager, select the MacFile menu. In Server Manager, select Send Message. In File Manager, select View/Modify Volumes and then select Send Message.

Some users have open files. Disconnecting these users may result in loss of their data. Are you sure you want to disconnect all users from all connected volumes?

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use Server Manager or File Manager to send a disconnect message to users. In using either manager, select the MacFile menu. In Server Manager, select Send Message. In File Manager, select View/Modify Volumes and then select Send Message.

SORT: Parameter value not in allowed range


You typed a numeric parameter value that is not in the range of values allowed by this command. For example, in the Sort command, you may have specified a column number that is too large for the input you are sorting.

Retype the command, using a different numeric parameter value.

Source and destination are the same.

[File Manager]

You directed File Manager to copy a file to the directory in which the file is already located.

In the Error Copying File dialog box, choose the OK button. Then in the Copy dialog box, specify a different directory as the destination directory.

Source and destination disks are incompatible.

[File Manager]

You attempted to perform a disk copy between disks that are incompatible, either because they are formatted to different capacities, or because the destination disk does not support formatting to the same capacity as the source disk. Or you attempted to perform a disk copy between disks of different sizes.

Make sure that both disks are the same size and formatted to the same capacities, then try again.

Source and target drives are the same

[Repair Disk]

The source and target directories must be on different drives.

Try again, specifying both the source and destination drives. For a description of the command syntax, type restore /?

SOURCE diskette bad or incompatible.

[Disk Copy]

Your disk has an unrecognizable format.

Make sure the floppy disk is in the drive and the drive door is closed. If it is, then try removing the disk and reinserting it. After that, if this message reappears, use a different disk.

Source does not contain backup files

[Repair Disk]

This disk does not contain backup files, so none can be restored.

Insert a disk containing backup files.

Source path required


You must specify a path to one or more source files as the first parameter in the Replace command.

To check the syntax of this command, type HELP at the command prompt followed by the command name (in this case, Replace).

Space to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server.


The server that is sharing the printer does not have space available to store the file waiting to be printed.

Retry the command at a later time.

Specified drive does not exist.


Either the specified drive is not in use or the drive has been typed incorrectly.

Use File Manager or the Net Use command to verify your network connections.

Specify a value of 30 or greater for the Timeout If Not Connected In option.


The minimum amount of time that Terminal waits for a signal from the remote computer is 30 seconds, and you specified a smaller number.

Follow the action specified in the message.

Specify only one file or directory in the To box. Or, if you want to specify a group of files, use wildcards (for example, *.TXT).

[File Manager]

In the To option of the Copy dialog box, you specified more than one file.

Specify only one drive and directory name, then try again.

speed sense failed (unsupported transfer rate).From device: name


The tape device cannot be used.

Report this message to the hardware vendor and technical support.

Started with no bindings. The protocol must be bound to at least one adapter.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Try removing and reinstalling Services for Macintosh.

Startup failed to create critical resource: name.


Stop other services from running and retry the operation in few minutes. If the problem persists, your system administrator may need to add more memory to your system.

STOP: 0x00000001 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) APC_INDEX_MISMATCH

[Executive STOP]

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a mismatch of thread and APC indexes. The most common reason to see this message is if a file system has a mismatched number of KeEnterCriticalRegion compared to KeLeaveCriticalRegion.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000002 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) DEVICE_QUEUE_NOT_BUSY

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that a device queue was expected to be busy, but was not.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000003 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INVALID_AFFINITY_SET

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a null of nonproper subset affinity.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000004 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INVALID_DATA_ACCESS_TRAP

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an invalid data access trap.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000005 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INVALID_PROCESS_ATTACH_ATTEMPT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a problem with an owned mutex or a mutex with a process already attached.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000006 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INVALID_PROCESS_DETACH_ATTEMPT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a problem with an owned mutex or an unclean APC state.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000007 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INVALID_SOFTWARE_INTERRUPT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a level not within the software range.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000008 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) IRQL_NOT_DISPATCH_LEVEL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt to remove a device not at the dispatch level.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000009 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an IRQL that was expected to be greater or equal, but was not.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000000A (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt was made to touch pagable memory at a process internal request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually caused by drivers using improper addresses. The fourth parameter in the message parameter list is the memory address at which the fault happened. The second parameter shows the IRQL. If the IRQL was not equal to 2, then the interrupt most likely came from a driver. Compare the memory address in the fourth parameter with the base addresses of the drivers in the driver table on the STOP screen to find the driver that is the problem. Note that the third parameter encodes read/write access (0 = read, 1= write).

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. If a kernel debugger is available, try to get a stack backtrace.

STOP: 0x0000000B (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NO_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_SUPPORT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that exception handling was not supported.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000000C (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS_EXCEEDED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates too many wait objects in a wait multiple structure.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000000D (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MUTEX_LEVEL_NUMBER_VIOLATION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt to acquire a lower level mutex.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000000E (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NO_USER_MODE_CONTEXT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt to enter user mode with no context.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000000F (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SPIN_LOCK_ALREADY_OWNED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt to acquire an owned spin lock.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000010 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SPIN_LOCK_NOT_OWNED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt to release an unowned spin lock.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000011 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) THREAD_NOT_MUTEX_OWNER

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt to release a thread by a mutex non-owner.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000012 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a trap from an unknown cause.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000013 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) EMPTY_THREAD_REAPER_LIST

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates the thread reaper list is corrupted (the reaper list became signaled, but no threads were present on the list).

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000014 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CREATE_DELETE_LOCK_NOT_LOCKED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that the thread reaper was handed a thread to reap, but the CreateDeleteLock for the process was not locked.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000015 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) LAST_CHANCE_CALLED_FROM_KMODE

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. This indicates that the last chance exception service was called from kernel mode.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000016 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CID_HANDLE_CREATION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. This indicates a failure occurred creating a handle to represent a client ID.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000017 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CID_HANDLE_DELETION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. This indicates that a failure occurred deleting a handle to represent a client ID.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000018 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) REFERENCE_BY_POINTER

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. This indicates a failure occurred referencing an object by what should be a referenced pointer.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000019 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) BAD_POOL_HEADER

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. This indicates a block of pool with a bad header was returned to the pool.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000001A (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MEMORY_MANAGEMENT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a general memory management problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000001B (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PFN_SHARE_COUNT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a memory management page frame number (PFN) database element has a corrupt share count.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000001C (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a memory management page frame number (PFN) database element has a corrupt reference count.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000001D (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NO_SPIN_LOCK_AVAILABLE

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates no spin locks are available to allocate.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000001E (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a kernel mode exception was not handled. The second parameter in the parameter list is the memory address at which the unhandled exception occurred. Usually, the exception address pinpoints the driver/function that caused the problem. A common problem is 0x80000003 which means a hard coded breakpoint or assertion was hit but the system started \NODEBUG

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. Make sure that a debugger is attached to the computer and that the system is started /DEBUG. Always note the address where the exception occurred as well as the link date of the driver/image that contains the address.

STOP: 0x0000001F (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SHARED_RESOURCE_CONV_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a shared resource conversion problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000020 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) KERNEL_APC_PENDING_DURING_EXIT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a kernel mode asynchronous procedure call (APC) found pending during thread termination. The first parameter is the address of the APC found pending during exit. The second parameter is the thread's APC disable count. And the third parameter is the current IRQL (internal request level). If the thread's disable count is non-zero, it is the source of the problem. The current IRQL should be 0. If not, a driver's cancellation routine returned at an elevated IRQL.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. Check the file systems and drivers installed on your computer.

STOP: 0x00000021 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) QUOTA_UNDERFLOW

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that quota was returned to a process, but that process was not using the amount of quota being returned.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000022 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) FILE_SYSTEM

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. This indicates a generic file system problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000023 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) FAT_FILE_SYSTEM

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a FAT file system problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. Be sure to note any messages you see to pass on to your technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000024 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an NTFS file system problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. Be sure to note any messages you see to pass on to your technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000025 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NPFS_FILE_SYSTEM

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a named pipe file system problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. Be sure to note any messages you see to pass on to your technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000026 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CDFS_FILE_SYSTEM

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. This indicates a CD-ROM file system problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. Be sure to note any messages you see to pass on to your technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000027 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) RDR_FILE_SYSTEM

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a redirector file system problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000028 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CORRUPT_ACCESS_TOKEN

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates the security system encountered an invalid access token.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000029 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SECURITY_SYSTEM

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a problem internal to the security system.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000002A (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INCONSISTENT_IRP

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that an IRP (I/O request packet) was encountered in an inconsistent state. For example, some field or fields of the IRP were inconsistent with the remaining state of the IRP.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000002B (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PANIC_STACK_SWITCH

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a panic switch to the kernel stack because of stack overflow. This error may be caused by the kernel-mode driver using too much stack space. Or a data corruption has occurred in the kernel.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000002C (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PORT_DRIVER_INTERNAL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an internal error in a port driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000002D (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SCSI_DISK_DRIVER_INTERNAL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an internal error in a SCSI hard disk driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000002E (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) DATA_BUS_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a data bus error which can be caused by a parity error in the system memory. This error could also be caused by a driver accessing an address that does not exist.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000002F (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INSTRUCTION_BUS_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an instruction bus error.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000030 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SET_OF_INVALID_CONTEXT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt to edit values of SS or ESP when returning to kernel mode code.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000031 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PHASE0_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Initialization of the Windows NT executive failed during phase 0 (this is during phase 4 of system startup). This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized. There may be a hardware problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000032 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PHASE1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Initialization of the Windows NT executive failed during phase 1 (this is during phase 4 of system startup). This can only happen during the relatively short period of time the Windows NT executive is being initialized. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000033 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) UNEXPECTED_INITIALIZATION_CALL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Initialization of the Windows NT executive failed during phase 1 (this is during phase 4 of system startup). This can only happen during the relatively short period of time the Windows NT executive is being initialized. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000034 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CACHE_MANAGER

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Initialization of the Windows NT executive failed during phase 1 (this is during phase 4 of system startup). This can only happen during the relatively short period of time the Windows NT executive is being initialized. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. Be sure to note any messages you see to pass on to your technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000035 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NO_MORE_IRP_STACK_LOCATIONS

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that the I/O system detected a call from one driver to another with no available IRP (I/O request packet) stack locations remaining in the packet for the invoked driver to use. Other memory problems may accompany this error.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000036 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) DEVICE_REFERENCE_COUNT_NOT_ZERO

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt was made to delete a device object whose reference count was non-zero. A non-zero reference count means that there are still outstanding references to the device. There may be a problem in calling the device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000037 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) FLOPPY_INTERNAL_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a floppy disk driver internal error.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000038 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SERIAL_DRIVER_INTERNAL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a serial device driver internal error.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000039 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SYSTEM_EXIT_OWNED_MUTEX

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt was made to exit a system service while owning one or more mutexes.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000003A (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SYSTEM_UNWIND_PREVIOUS_USER

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt was made to unwind through the system service dispatcher into user mode.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000003B (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an exception was raised in a system service which was not handled by the system service.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000003C (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INTERRUPT_UNWIND_ATTEMPTED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an unwind operation was initiated in an interrupt service routine that attempted to unwind through the interrupt dispatcher.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000003D (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INTERRUPT_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an exception was raised in an interrupt service routine which was not handled by the interrupt service routine.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000003E (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MULTIPROCESSOR_CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates the multiprocessor configuration is not supported. For example, not all processors are at the same level or of the same type. There might also be mismatched coprocessor support.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000003F (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates no more system page table entries (PTEs) exist for mapping non-paged entities.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000040 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) TARGET_MDL_TOO_SMALL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an MDL that was allocated to map a buffer is not large enough to contain the page frame numbers (PFNs) required to map the desired buffer. There might be a problem with the driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000041 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MUST_SUCCEED_POOL_EMPTY

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates there is no more must-succeed pool.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000042 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) ATDISK_DRIVER_INTERNAL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a hard disk device driver internal error.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000043 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NO_SUCH_PARTITION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a disk device driver called the I/O system to change a partition type on a specified partition, but the partition does not exist.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000044 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPLETE_REQUESTS

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt was made to complete an IRP (I/O request packet) more than once, possibly by more than one driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000045 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INSUFFICIENT_SYSTEM_MAP_REGS

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt was made to allocate more map registers than are allocated to an adapter.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000046 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) DEREF_UNKNOWN_LOGON_SESSION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a token was deleted that was not part of any known logon session.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000047 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) REF_UNKNOWN_LOGON_SESSION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a token was created that was not part of any known logon session.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000048 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CANCEL_STATE_IN_COMPLETED_IRP

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Indicates that an attempt was made to cancel an IRP (I/O request packet), but the packet had already been completed so it was not in a cancelable state. There may be a problem with the driver. Or, although unlikely, more than one driver may be accessing the same packet.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000049 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PAGE_FAULT_WITH_INTERRUPTS_OFF

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a page fault occurred when interrupts were disabled.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000004A (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) IRQL_GT_ZERO_AT_SYSTEM_SERVICE

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an attempt to exit from a system service with an IRQL greater than 0.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000004B (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) STREAMS_INTERNAL_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. This indicates an internal error in the Streams environment or in a Streams driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000004C (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) FATAL_UNHANDLED_HARD_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. This indicates a fatal hard error (STATUS error) occurred before the hard error handler was available. There are several reasons why this error might occur: a Registry hive file could not be loaded because it is either corrupt or missing; Winlogon or Windows unexpectedly did not start; or a driver or system dynamic link library is corrupt.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. If you can, start an alternate operating system. If none is available, try reinstalling Windows NT after replacing the specified file with a new file.

STOP: 0x0000004D (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NO_PAGES_AVAILABLE

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates there are no physical pages available.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000004E (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PFN_LIST_CORRUPT

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates the memory management page file number (PFN) list is corrupt.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000004F (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NDIS_INTERNAL_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an internal error in the NDIS wrapper or an NDIS driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000050 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a page fault in the address space reserved for non paged data.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000051 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) REGISTRY_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a Registry or configuration manager problem. An I/O error may have occurred while the Registry was trying to read one of its files. This could be caused by hardware or file system problems. Another reason this message may appear is because of a failure in a refresh operation which occurs when resource limits are encountered.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000052 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MAILSLOT_FILE_SYSTEM

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a mailslot file system problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000053 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NO_BOOT_DEVICE

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates no boot device driver was successfully initialized.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000054 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) LM_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an internal error in the Windows NT Server.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000055 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) DATA_COHERENCY_EXCEPTION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an inconsistency between pages in the primary and secondary data caches.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000056 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INSTRUCTION_COHERENCY_EXCEPTION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an inconsistency between pages in the primary and secondary instruction caches.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000057 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) XNS_INTERNAL_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an XNS internal error. You may need to replace your network card.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000058 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) FTDISK_INTERNAL_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an inconsistency between pages in the primary and secondary data caches. It indicates a fault-tolerant disk driver internal error.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000059 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PINBALL_FILE_SYSTEM

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an inconsistency between pages in the primary and secondary data caches. It indicates an HPFS problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000005A (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that a critical service failed to initialize while booting the LastKnownGood control set.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000005B (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SET_ENV_VAR_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a critical service failed to initialize, but the LastKnownGood environment variable could not be set.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000005C (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 0 initialization of the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. This may be a hardware problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000005D (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) HEAP_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 0 initialization of the heap failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. This may be a hardware problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000005E (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) OBJECT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 0 initialization of the object manager failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. This may be a hardware problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000005F (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SECURITY_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 0 security initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. This may be a hardware problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000060 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PROCESS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 0 process initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. This may be a hardware problem.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000061 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) HAL1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 1 initialization of the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000062 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) OBJECT1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 1 initialization of the object manager failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000063 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SECURITY1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 1 security initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000064 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SYMBOLIC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Symbolic link initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000065 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MEMORY1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 1 memory initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000066 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CACHE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Cache initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000067 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CONFIG_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Configuration initialization failed because the Registry couldn't allocate the pool needed to contain the Registry files. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000068 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) FILE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. File system initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000069 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) IO1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 1 I/O initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000006A (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) LPC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Local procedure call (LPC) initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000006B (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Phase 1 process initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000006C (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) REFMON_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Reference monitor initialization failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that Windows NT executive is being initialized. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000006D (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SESSION1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Session manager virtual memory allocation parameters failed during session manager initialization. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000006E (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SESSION2_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Session manager virtual memory environment failed to initialize. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000006F (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Session manager process creation failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000070 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SESSION4_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. During session manager initialization, a resume thread operation failed. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000071 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SESSION5_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. During Phase 1 initialization of the Windows NT executive, the session manager terminated. This can only happen during the relatively short period of time that the Windows NT executive is being initialized, during phase 4 of Windows NT startup. There may be a problem with a device driver.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000072 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) ASSIGN_DRIVE_LETTERS_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a drive letter assignment failed.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000073 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CONFIG_LIST_FAILED

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates the system configuration link list failed. One of the core system hives is corrupt or unreadable. Or, some critical Registry keys and values are not present.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. Try starting the Last Known Good Configuration.

STOP: 0x00000074 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates the system configuration information is corrupted.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000075 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) CANNOT_WRITE_CONFIGURATION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates the system configuration information cannot be written. The system hive files cannot be expanded to accommodate additional data written to it between Registry initialization and phase 1 initialization. There may be no free space on the drive.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000076 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PROCESS_HAS_LOCKED_PAGES

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that a process terminated with pages locked for I/O.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000077 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an I/O error during a kernel stack paging operation. The requested page of kernel data could not be read in. This is caused by a bad block in the paging file or a disk controller error. If the error was caused by a bad block, when your system is restarted, Autocheck will run and attempt to find the bad sector.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000078 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) PHASE0_EXCEPTION

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates an exception during phase 0 of the Windows NT executive.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000079 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MISMATCHED_HAL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a mismatched kernel and Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) image.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000079 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) MISMATCHED_HAL

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates a mismatched kernel and Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) image.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000007A (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000007B (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. During I/O system initialization, the driver for the boot device may have failed to initialize the device the system is attempting to boot from. It is also possible that the file system failed to initialize because it did not recognize the data on the boot device. If this error occurs during initial system setup, the system may have been installed on an unsupported disk or SCSI controller. Also, this error may occur because of the installation of a new SCSI adapter or disk controller or if the disk was repartitioned with the system partition.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x0000007D (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. Windows NT requires at least 5 MB of memory to start.

Restart your computer. If this message reappears, do not restart. Contact your system administrator or someone capable of checking out the physical memory that is currently installed in your computer.

STOP: 0x0000007F (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that a trap occurred in kernel mode.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000080 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

STOP: 0x00000080 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group. You might also want to contact the supplier of your hardware.

STOP: 0x00000081 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) SPIN_LOCK_INIT_FAILURE

This is a Windows NT Executive character-mode STOP message.

Restart and set the Recovery options in the System Control Panel or the /CRASHDEBUG system start option. If this message reappears, contact your system administrator or technical support group.

Storage to process this request is not available.


The system has more requests to process than it can currently handle.

Try the request again later.

Stripe sets cannot include partitions on removable media.

[Disk Administrator]

Because it is impossible to maintain a stripe if one of the drives is removed, Disk Administrator does not allow removable media to be part of a stripe set.

Subnet mask name for IP address address is not valid. No link to this network was established.


The subnet mask specified during Setup is invalid.

Use the Network option in Control Panel to reconfigure the subnet mask.

Supplied buffer is too small

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

You have reached the limits of the buffer size specified by the application.

If possible, shorten any names used for shares, topics, or application names. If you still get this message, report it to the vendor of your application.

Switch parameter is not implemented


A switch is a parameter that begins with a slash, such as /s. The /b, /u, /m, /s, /q, /t, /c, and /p switches are not implemented for the Print command.

To check which switches are implemented for the Print command, type HELP at the command line followed by Print.

Synchronization of a stripe with parity set failed.

[Disk Administrator]

Retry the initialization. If you get this same message, contact your system administrator.

Syntax error on line number in section number


Contact the supplier for another copy of the installation media.

Syntax error.


This error is from the Macro Language Editor for online help, and should not appear while using the Help file. Report this error to the provider of the Help file.

System could not allocate the required space in a Registry log.


There is not enough room on the disk, in the system partition, for the Registry log.

Delete unneeded files from the system partition and then retry the operation.

System error number


An unexpected software error occurred.

Contact your technical support group. Tell the support person what error number appeared and the circumstances that caused the error to appear.

System error code

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

System error code occurred.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3216

The Replicator service stopped because the listed system error occurred.

Check the cause of the system error.

System error code occurred.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

System memory heap allocation error.


This can occur during the initial installation of Windows NT.

Select Retry in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the same message, select Exit Setup and begin the initial installation again. If the message still occurs, contact your technical support group.

System memory heap allocation error.

[Repair Disk]

This can occur during the initial installation of Windows NT.

Select Retry in the message box to retry the operation. If you get the same message, select Exit Setup and begin the initial installation again. If the message still occurs, contact your technical support group.

System not ready.

Try again later.

Sytos ECC translation error. Please check the manual for possible solutions.


An error occurred while reading a Sytos plus tape. The ECC data written to the tape was not in the expected location.

Check the Sytos manual for possible solutions. If you use REGEDIT32 to modify the Registry, the change should be made to the Sytos Plus ECC flag under \Software\Microsoft\ntbackup\Translators in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER pane, as specified in the Sytos Plus manual.

t_look returned code or number

[FTP Server] [TCP/IP]

The data connection in use by a TCP/IP utility, was not properly closed down due to an unexpected event.

Retry the TCP/IP utility operation. If you still get this message, contact your network administrator to interpret the meaning of the code displayed at the end of the message, and take appropriate action.

Tape could not be partitioned.


The application is attempting to partition a tape on a drive that does not support this.

Either use different functionality in the application, use a different application, or use a different tape drive.

Tape Eject Failed. Not possible to eject tape now.


Contact the supplier of the tape drive.

Tape is not formatted


The tape may not have been completely formatted when backup was started.

Use backup to reformat the tape. Then retry the backup operation. If you receive this error during a restore operation, use an older backup of the tape.

Tape partition information could not be found when loading a tape.


The application requires partition information to be on the tape. Either the tape that is in the drive has not been prepared, or the partition information on the tape is not recognized by the application.

Either prepare the tape, use a different tape, or contact the supplier of the application.

Tape positioning error on drive letter.


Backup is experiencing difficulty positioning correctly in the current tape.

If doing a restore operation, attempting to restore an entire set may remedy this situation. If this does not solve the problem, as a last resort, modify the Registry so that backup will not do positioning. Use REGEDT32 to change the \USR\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\NTBACKUP\BACKUP ENGINE\USE FAST FILE RESTORE key to 0.

Tape unusable (too many bad sectors).From device: name


Discard this tape and use a different one.

TARGET diskette bad or incompatible.

[Disk Copy]

The formats of the disks you want to copy must be identical. This message is displayed only if the disks you have specified have different formats.

Make sure the floppy disk is in the drive and the drive door is closed. If it is, then try removing the disk and reinserting it. After that, if this message reappears, use a different disk.

Target diskette may be unusable

[Disk Copy]

Try using another floppy disk.

Target diskette unusable

[Disk Copy]

Diskcopy cannot write to the supplied target disk.

Discard the unusable floppy disk and try another.

TCP received a SYN packet with no options. Source address, Destination address.


The MSS_LENGTH option must be specified in SYN packets sent to the TCP.

Ask your system administrator to correct the packets generated by the computer at the specified source IP address.

TCP received a TLI write message of unknown type name.


Ask your system administrator to correct the packets generated by the computer.

tcp/finger: unknown service


You cannot use the TCP/IP Finger command to get information about a user on a remote server right now because the TCP/IP Finger service is not running on that server.

Contact your network administrator or someone at the remote server to find out why the Finger service is not running.

TCP/IP is not completely configured. If you cancel now, TCP/IP will be disabled. Do you want to cancel TCP/IP configuration?


Select No to correct the TCP/IP configuration or Yes to restart your computer with the incorrect protocol configuration.

TCP/IP is not running on this system


TCP/IP must be installed and running in order to use IPCONFIG.

Install TCP/IP and try again. If TCP/IP is already installed, enable the binding and try again. To enable the binding, choose Network from the Control Panel, choose Bindings, select TCP/IP, and choose Enable.

TCP/IP not bound to any adapters


Choose the Network option from Control Panel. Select TCP/IP Protocol from the Installed Network Software text box. Then choose Configure, and select the adapter TCP/IP is to use from the Adapter list box.

Terminal could not receive the binary file filename.Verify that you are using the correct protocol and try again.


Terminal recognizes two protocols: KERMIT and XOFF. Possibly, you have attempted to use one protocol to receive a packet that was sent in the other.

Contact the person sending the packet and verify that the sending and receiving protocols are the same.

Terminal could not send the binary file filename.Verify that you are using the correct protocol and try again.


Terminal cannot send your binary file, possibly because you have not chosen the correct protocol.

From the Settings menu, choose the Binary Transfers option. In the Binary Transfers dialog box, select either the XModem/CRC or the Kermit option.

Terminal failed to set the new communication settings. Verify that the hardware supports these settings.


Check the documentation that came with your hardware to find out what settings are supported. Then try again, specifying only supported settings.

Text not found.


You searched for a string of text in a Write document and the search produced no matches.

No action is needed.

The filename file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?


You attempted to save a Notepad file under the name of a Notepad file that already exists.

If you want the currently open Notepad file to replace the older file of the same name, select Yes. If not, select No option, then assign the current file a different name. If you want to return to the currently active file, select Cancel.

The filename file is empty and will be deleted. This file cannot be saved because it is empty.


You deleted the contents of a Notepad file, then attempted to save it as an empty file. Notepad will not save an empty file.

If you do not want to keep the file, select OK. If you want to return to the Notepad file, select Cancel. Then, attempt to exit Notepad. When a dialog box appears asking you if you want to save the changes that you have made, select the No option, and the text that you deleted will appear in the Notepad file the next time you open it.

The filename file is too large for Notepad. Use another editor to edit the file.


You attempted to open in Notepad a file that is larger than one megabyte.

To open this file, you will need to use a text editor that is capable of displaying a file of this size.

The name call failed for name with the following error: text


The service controller could not set a Registry value for a function that it requires for operation.

Contact technical support.

The name call failed with the following error: text


In order for the service controller to operate properly, the specified function call must be completed.

Contact technical support.

The filename log file cannot be opened.


Either the indicated log file is locked by another process, or you do not have permission to open this file.

Make sure you have the necessary permissions on this file and on the path to the file and try again.

The filename log file cannot be opened.


The log file may be read-only.

Ask your system administrator to examine the log files to determine why the specified file will not open. Events will be logged in the default log file.

The filename log file is corrupted and will be cleared.


The contents of the corrupt file will be deleted so that new data can be written to and read from the file.

No action is needed.

The name log file is full.


The specified log file contains the maximum configured number of events.

Clear the log using Event Viewer from the Administrative Tools group. Open Event Viewer, select Log, and then select Clear All Events.

The name log has been reduced in size. The new setting will not take effect until you clear the log.

[Event Viewer]

In the Event Log Settings dialog box, you set the Maximum Log Size at less than the current Maximum Log Size, and the current log size may already be larger than the maximum size that you specified. Consequently, the new Maximum Log Size will not take effect until you clear the log(s).

No action is needed.

The name log is corrupt. Do you want to clear it now?

[Event Viewer]

For an unknown reason, the log is corrupted.

Clear the specified log.

The name logs have been reduced in size. The new settings will not take effect until you clear the logs.

[Event Viewer]

In the Event Log Settings dialog box, you set the Maximum Log Size at less than the current Maximum Log Size, and the current size of one or more of your logs may already be larger than the maximum size that you specified. Consequently, the new Maximum Log Size will not take effect until you clear the logs.

No action is needed.

The text NETWORKS entry in the LANMAN.INI file has a syntax error and will be ignored.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3403

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The listed entry in the [networks] section of the LANMAN.INI file has a syntax error.

Check the format of the listed entry.

The name Registry key denied access to SYSTEM account programs so the Service Control Manager took ownership of the Registry key.


The current permissions on the specified key in the control set do not allow full access to programs running in the Local System account (such as the Service Control Manager).

Use the Registry editor to find the key in the current control set and make sure the Local System account is given full access.

The name service continue is pending


No action is needed.

The name service could not be started.


See the accompanying error for more details.

The name service could not be stopped.


This service is currently performing a task, and cannot be stopped at this time.

Try again later. If you still cannot stop the service, you might need to reboot the computer.

The name service depends on the name group and no member of this group started.


None of the services in the specified group started. Because the service is dependent on other members of the group, the service did not start.

Ask your system administrator to check the event log with Event Viewer to locate any service related errors that may have caused this error. Your system administrator should also check your computer's configuration.

The name service depends on the name service which failed to start because of the following error: text


The specified service failed to start.

Contact your system administrator.

The name service depends on the following nonexistent service: name


The specified service could not be started because it is configured to depend on another service that does not exist.

Ask your system administrator to check your computer's configuration.

The name service failed to pause.


This service is currently performing a task, and cannot be paused at this time.

Try again later. If you still cannot stop the service, you might need to reboot the computer.

The name service failed to resume.


This service is currently performing a task, and cannot be paused at this time.

Try again later. If you still cannot stop the service, you might need to reboot the computer.

The name service failed to start due to the following error: text


The service could not be started.

Contact your system administrator.

The name service has been started by another process and is pending.


No action is needed.

The name service has reported an invalid current state code.


The service controller cannot recognize the state code reported by the service specified.

Report the code number to the service vendor's technical support group.

The name service hung on starting.


The service specified is stuck in the start pending state. The service failed to indicate that it is making progress within the time period specified in its last status message.

Wait a few minutes to see if the service starts eventually. If the service does not start, use the Services option in Control Panel to start the service manually. If the problem persists, contact the service vendor.

The name service is not started. Is it OK to start it? text: text


You tried to perform a task that requires the indicated service. The task cannot be performed until the service is started. Or, you tried to stop a service that is not started.

If you need to use a command that requires this service, start the service or ask your network administrator to do so.

The name service pause is pending


This service is in the process of being paused.

No action is needed.

The name service returned service specific error number.

[Server Manager]

The indicated error was encountered by the specified service.

Look up the indicated error and take the appropriate action.

The name service terminated with service-specific error code.


The service stopped due to an error.

Contact your system administrator.

The name service terminated with the following error: text


The service stopped due to an error.

Depending on the error, you should either restart the service using the Services option in Control Panel, contact your system administrator, or contact the service vendor.

The name Registry parameter name was set to invalid value name. Setting to the default value of number.


The device used the default value for the parameter because the value specified in the Registry is illegal.

Ask your system administrator to correct the parameter's value in the Registry.

The filename driver has been added. For the new driver to take effect, you must quit and restart Windows NT.

[Drivers (CP)]

Any time that you add or remove a driver, you must restart Windows NT before the driver takes effect.

Shut down and restart your computer.

The filename driver has been removed. To remove the driver from your system, you must quit and restart Windows NT.

[Drivers (CP)]

Any time that you add or remove a device driver, you must restart Windows NT before the new device driver actually goes into effect.

Exit and restart Windows NT.

The 'Copies' number is not in the expected range. Make sure that the entry is a positive number.


Using the Print option in the File menu, you have invoked the Print dialog box, then have specified a negative number in the Number of Copies option. Also note that Paintbrush will not permit you to make more than 999 copies of an image.

Change the number in the Number of Copies option to a positive number, then select OK.

The 'Margin' settings leave no room for the image. Please adjust the margins to increase available space.


Change the settings so that the margins are smaller and the space within the margins is larger. If necessary, print to a larger page size.

The defaultoff macro in the device.INF file section contains an undefined macro.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the Remote Access configuration files probably contains invalid information.

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to reinstall Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall RAS. If you are using a modem that is not supported by Remote Access, switch to a supported modem, or see "Modem Script File" in the Remote Access Service online Help for information about modifying the modem script file for your modem. The Remote Access script files (PAD.INF, MODEM.INF, and SWITCH.INF) are in the \SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The message macro was not found in the device .INF file section.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the Remote Access configuration files probably contains invalid information.

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to reinstall Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and then reinstall RAS. If you are using a modem that is not supported by Remote Access, switch to a supported modem, or see "Modem Script File" in the Remote Access Service online Help for information about modifying the modem script file for your modem. The Remote Access script files (PAD.INF, MODEM.INF, and SWITCH.INF) are in the \SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The access control list (ACL) structure is invalid.


For example, the length of the access control list (ACL) may be shorter than the sum of the lengths of the access control entries (ACEs) in the ACL.

Use the access control list editor to fix up the structure of the ACL.

The account account could not be found.


There is no user account by that name in this group.

Make sure you have the correct account name and try again, making sure you type the name correctly. You might need to add the user account, or ask the domain administrator to add it.

The account name could not be found.


You have attempted to search for an account, and have specified an account that cannot be found.

Select another account or another domain.

The account account is a global group account. The application will not accept global group accounts.


You supplied a global group account name, and this application accepts only local groups or user accounts.

Type the name of a user account or local group.

The account name is a global group account. The application will not accept global group accounts.


You supplied a global group account name, and this application accepts only local groups or user accounts.

Type the name of a user account or local group.

The account account is a local group account. The application will not accept local group accounts.


You attempted to add a local group account to an application that does not accept them. This message occurs, for example, if you attempt to add a local group to User Profile Editor.

Add an account of a type that the application can accept.

The account account is a user account. The application will not accept user accounts.


Check the documentation supplied with the application, or contact the application vendor, to find out what the application will accept. Then try again.

The account name is a user account. The application will not accept user accounts.


You have typed a name in the Add Names dialog box that the client did not request.

Type the name of a user group.

The account account is a well known group account. The application will not accept well known group accounts.

[Network] [Security]

You attempted to add a well-known group account (for example, System or Everyone) to an application that does not accept them.

Specify a different group name, then try again.

The account name is a local group account. The application will not accept local group accounts.


You attempted to add a local group account to an application that does not accept them. This message occurs, for example, if you attempt to add a local group to User Profile Editor.

Add an account of a type that the application can accept.

The account could not be found.


The account specified as the owner of a resource has been deleted.

Select a new owner for the resource.

The account does not have Remote Access permission.

[Remote Access Service]

You have a valid account on the domain you selected, but your account does not have permission to access the network remotely.

Ask your system administrator to give you dial-in permission. If you have an account with dial-in permission on another domain, do the following to use your account on that domain:1) Edit the Phone Book entry and clear the Authenticate using current user name and password check box; 2) dial; 3) specify the appropriate user name, password, and domain.

The account has expired.

[Remote Access Service]

Ask your system administrator to reactivate your account.

The account is disabled.

[Remote Access Service]

Ask your system administrator to enable your account.

The account is not permitted to logon at this time of day.

[Remote Access Service]

Your account has been configured for limited access to the network.

If you need to access the network at a different time of day than what's presently configured, ask your system administrator to change the configuration.

The account name is invalid or does not exist.


An application attempted to create a service or change the configuration of a service in the service database. However, it used the wrong account name or a badly formatted account name.

Use User Manager to verify that a service account exists for this service, and that the password has not expired. Then try the request again.

The account used is a Computer Account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.


You used the wrong account to logon to the server.

Try again, but this time use your normal user account or your remote user account.

The account used is an interdomain trust account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.


You used the wrong account to logon to the server.

Try again, but this time use your normal user account or your remote user account.

The account used is an server trust account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.


You used the wrong account to logon to the server.

Try again, but this time use your normal user account or your remote user account.

The account you typed is invalid.

[Server Manager]

In the Service Config dialog box, you have entered an account name that contains invalid characters.

Type the name of a valid account.

The action cannot be completed because the application needed by the object is busy. Switch to the unavailable application and complete or cancel the action that is causing it to be unavailable.


You attempted an OLE (object linking and embedding) operation, and the server application (Paintbrush or Sound Recorder, for example) is busy.

Close the server application, and then try again.

The active files restored will not become usable until the computer is restarted.


Some of the files that were just restored either contain configuration information, or they were in use or otherwise not openable when they were restored.

Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

The address database already has 25 ACTIVE address owners which is the maximum. This error was noticed while attempting to add the address given below.

[WINS Service]

A maximum of 25 WINS servers can have addresses in the database. During replication, a 26th WINS servers address was seen.

It is possible that one or more WINS servers that have records in the database are no longer active. Ask the network administrator to delete obsolete WINS servers from the database.

The address for the thread ID is not correct.


The thread ID address passed to the DosCreateThread function was not correct.

Correct the thread ID address. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The Address Mapping Table for adapter "name " was not updated because the incoming packet contained an invalid source address

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

This message is for your information only. It notifies the network administrator that bad packets are on the network.

No action is needed. However, if you see this message frequently, contact your network administrator.

The alert recipient is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2433

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The alert table is full.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2431

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The number of alert notifications requested exceeded the number specified by the NUMALERTS entry in your configuration file.

Increase the value of the NUMALERTS entry. Then stop and restart the Workstation service.

The Alerter service had a problem creating the list of alert recipients. The error code is code.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3170

A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The amount of resource name requested was more than the maximum. The maximum amount was allocated.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3198

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The amount of the listed resource requested was more than the maximum allocated amount.

Ask your network administrator to check the workstation's configuration.

The announcement of the server name failed.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The API return buffer is too small.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2123

The program you are running created a buffer that is too small for the data being used.

The program should correct this problem. If it does not, see your network administrator or the vendor who supplied the program. Tell your network administrator that the API return buffer is too small.

The AppleTalk Protocol Registry parameters cannot be read. One or more parameters might be missing or contain invalid values.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The Setup program may have failed to store default adapter values in the Registry.

Check the appendix of the Services for Macintosh book to determine the Registry parameters for the AppleTalk key values and their ranges. You may need to remove and reinstall Services for Macintosh.

The AppleTalk Protocol was configured successfully. Changes will take effect when you restart AppleTalk.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use the Devices option in Control Panel to stop the AppleTalk protocol. Select AppleTalk Protocol and then choose Stop. Other services related to the AppleTalk protocol may also be stopped. With AppleTalk Protocol selected, choose Start. You might want to use the Services option to restart services that were stopped when the protocol was stopped.

The AppleTalk zone list could not be obtained from the network.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The AppleTalk network is not available.

Ask your network administrator to verify that all AppleTalk routers are working properly.

The application cannot start.


A system error has prevented Chat from starting.

Try to start the application again. If this message reappears, restart Windows NT.

The application has chosen not to close. It may be completing a lengthy task.

[Program Manager]

Try again later.

The application has chosen not to close. It may be completing a lengthy task.

[Task Manager]

Try again later.

The Application log file could not be opened. filename will be used as the default log file.


The Application log file is corrupted. The default log file will continue to be used as the log file until the Application log file is repaired and the system is restarted.

Ask your system administrator to determine the cause of the corruption.

No action is needed.

The application program is not compatible with the version of the operating system being used.

[Command Prompt]

You have attempted to run in Windows NT an executable file that is corrupted or that Windows NT does not support.

No user action can remedy this situation.

The argument string passed to DosExecPgm is not correct.


The argument (command parameters) string passed to DosExecPgm was not in the proper format.

Correct the argument string. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The array bounds are invalid.


There is a problem with a remote procedure call (RPC) in a distributed application.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The AT command has timed-out. Please try again later.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3815

The command could not be completed because another scheduled command is currently running.

Try the command later.

The AT command processor could not run application.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3178

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You used the AT utility to specify a program that could not run.

Check the filename of the program you tried to schedule. If it is in a directory that is not on the computer's search path, be sure to specify its full path. Be sure that all programs you schedule are executable.

The AT job ID does not exist.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3806

You specified a job identification number that does not exist.

To see the list of jobs and identification numbers in the schedule file, type AT.

The AT schedule file could not be updated because the disk is full.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3810

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You cannot update the schedule file because the disk is full.

Make room on the disk by deleting unnecessary files.

The AT schedule file is corrupted.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3807

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The schedule file is damaged.

Restore the schedule file, SCHED.LOG, from a backup copy, or delete the file and create a new one with the AT utility. SCHED.LOG is in the LANMAN\\ LOGS directory.

The AT schedule file is invalid. Please delete the file and create a new one.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3812

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The schedule file has been damaged, possibly by system errors.

Restore the schedule file, SCHED.LOG, from a backup copy, or delete the file and create a new one with the AT utility. SCHED.LOG is in the LANMAN\\LOGS directory.

The AT schedule file was deleted.


The schedule file was cleared.

No action is needed.

The attempt to restart the system failed. You should restart the system manually.

[Control Panel]

The system failed to restart itself when you selected the specified button.

To restart the system, choose the Shutdown option on the File menu in Program Manager.

The Auditing Dialog failed: text

[Print Manager]

The indicated system error prevented Print Manager from opening the Auditing dialog.

Look up the error message that is included at the end of this message, and take appropriate action. Then try again.

The authentication level is unknown.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The authentication service is unknown.


In a distributed (RPC) application, either the client or server attempted to set authentication and authorization information for the binding between the client and server. However, the authentication service named by the application client or server is unknown to Windows NT.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The authentication type is unknown.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The authorization service is unknown.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The batch file cannot be found.

[Command Prompt]

Make sure the batch program exists and that you've typed the name correctly. Also confirm that it is in the search path or in the current directory. If this message occurs while running the batch program, there may be a command in the batch program that deletes or renames the batch program, or makes it inaccessible. Check the syntax of the command to determine the cause.

The batch file cannot be found.


Make sure the batch program exists and that you've typed the name correctly. Also confirm that it is in the search path or in the current directory. If this message occurs while running the batch program, there may be a command in the batch program that deletes or renames the batch program, or makes it inaccessible. Check the syntax of the command to determine the cause.

The baud clock rate configuration is not supported on device name.

Contact the vendor of the device and report this message.

The binary data entered does not represent a whole number of bytes. Registry Editor will pad the binary data with 0s.

[Registry Editor]

No action is needed.

The binding does not contain an entry name.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a client attempted to reference information in an entry in the name-service database, but the information referenced was from a different source. Only binding handles obtained from a name-service database can have their entry name referenced.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The binding does not contain any authentication information.


While a distributed (RPC) application was running, either the client or server inquired about the security information associated with the relationship (binding) between the client and server. There was none.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The binding handle is invalid.


Windows NT is unable to use the information supplied by a distributed (RPC) application to establish a client-server relationship which will enable a remote procedure call.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The binding handle is not the correct type.


During an operation on the information that binds a client and server during a remote procedure call, the wrong type of binding was specified. There are two types of bindings: client and server.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The binding handles passed to a remote procedure call do not match.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The broadcast message was truncated.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2289

The broadcast message was too long. Only the first 128 characters of the message were sent.

Keep broadcast messages to 128 characters or less.

The browser driver has forced an election on network number because it was unable to find a master browser for that network.


No action is needed.

The browser driver has forced an election on network number because it was unable to find a master browser to retrieve a backup list on that network.


No action is needed.

The browser driver has received an election packet from computer computer name on network name. The data is the packet received.


If the user or system administrator sets log election in the computer's configuration information, each time an election occurs, the computer will register this information.

No action is needed.

The browser driver has received too many illegal datagrams from the remote computer computer name to name computer name on transport name. The data is the datagram. No more events will be generated until the reset frequency has expired.


The limit for the number of illegal datagrams that can be logged per minute has been exceeded.

No action is needed.

The browser driver was unable to convert a character string to a unicode string.


The conversion of a name failed.

No action is needed.

The browser driver was unable to initialize variables from the Registry.


The Registry contains invalid parameters.

Check the configuration parameters in the Registry. See the operating system documentation for information about valid configuration parameters.

The browser has failed to start because the dependent service name had invalid service status code.


You may have attempted to start the browser while the Server or Workstation services were paused. Start or continue the Server or Workstation services.

The browser has forced an election on network number because a master browser was stopped.


The network must have a master browser.

No action is needed.

The browser has forced an election on network number because a Windows NT Advanced Server (or domain master) browser is started.


No action is needed.

The browser has forced an election on network number because the Domain Controller (or Server) has changed its role


A network administrator promoted or demoted a domain controller, so another master browser must be elected in order to keep the network functioning.

No action is needed.

The browser has received a server announcement indicating that the computer computer name is a master browser, but this computer is not a master browser.


An inconsistency exists between the Browser service and the Server service.

Contact your network administrator if this message is in the event log in Event Viewer more than 6 times. Otherwise, stopping and restarting the server will eliminate the error.

The browser has received an illegal datagram from the remote computer computer name to name computer name on transport name. The data is the datagram.


Another computer sent a packet that could not be recognized by your local computer.

No action is needed.

The browser service has failed to retrieve the backup list too many times on transport name.The backup browser is stopping.


The backup browser will stop being a backup when it tries and fails to retrieve the list more than 5 times. It will start again after one hour.

No action is needed unless you see this message on several different computers. Then, there may be problems with the master browser.

The browser service was configured with MaintainServerList=No.


This computer is not a browse server. It does not maintain a current browse list, nor does it contact the Master Browse server for a browse list.

Set MaintainServerList=Yes or = Auto in the Registry. If you do not want to run the browser, disable it in Services in the Control Panel.

The browser was unable to add the configuration parameter text.


Contact your network administrator.

The browser was unable to promote itself to master browser. The browser will continue to attempt to promote itself to the master browser, but will no longer log any events in the event log in Event Viewer.


The browser has attempted to promote itself to the master browser more than 25 times.

Contact your network administrator.

The browser was unable to promote itself to master browser. The computer that currently believes it is the master browser is computer name.


In any workgroup or domain, only one computer is allowed to be the master browser. Another computer in the workgroup or domain is functioning incorrectly as the master browser.

Contact your network administrator to stop the specified computer by exiting Windows.

The browser was unable to promote itself to master browser. The computer that currently believes it is the master browser is unknown.


In any workgroup or domain, only one computer is allowed to be the master browser. Another computer in the workgroup or domain is functioning incorrectly as the master browser, but the computer is not recognized.

Contact your network administrator to find the other computer.

The browser was unable to retrieve a list of domains from the browser master computer name on the network name.The data is the error code.


The browser requested a list of domains from the master browser but did not receive the list.

Contact your network administrator.

The browser was unable to retrieve a list of servers from the browser master computer name on the network name.The data is the error code.


The browser requested a list of servers from the master browser but did not receive the list.

Contact your network administrator.

The browser was unable to update its role. The data is the error.


Usually the browser cannot update its role if another computer in the domain has the same computer name.

No action is needed.

The browser was unable to update the service status bits. The data is the error.


An error occurred in the Server service.

Check the event log with Event Viewer for more details about the error.

The buffer for types is not big enough.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2362

A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The buffer is invalid.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The byte count is too small.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The change log cache maintained by the Netlogon service for database changes is corrupted. The Netlogon service is resetting the change log.

[Network] Net Message ID: 5705

The NETLOGON.CHG file is corrupted or your computer does not have enough disk space.

Ask your system administrator to check the amount of disk space on your computer. If you have sufficient space, your administrator should delete the NETLOGON.CHG file from your system directory and then restart the service.

The client does not have the permissions required to execute the function.

[WINS Service]

You need Administrator, Account Operator, or System Operator privileges to execute this function.

Ask the administrator to assign the necessary permissions to you. Then try again. Or, ask someone with the necessary privileges to execute the function for you.

The client name is invalid.


Make sure you have the correct computer name for the client computer, and that you have typed the name in correctly.

The Clipboard line is too long to paste. Copy and paste smaller portions of the line.


Because your computer is low on memory, Notepad cannot paste the line that you have copied to the Clipboard.

Close one or more of the applications that you have running, then try again.

The ClipBook Viewer cannot display the information you have copied. To view the information, try pasting it into a document.


ClipBook Viewer is either low on memory, or the information that you have copied is in a format that ClipBook Viewer does not support (a binary format, for example).

Follow the user action specified in the message.

The CMOS file cmos.ram could not be created.

[Virtual DOS Machine (VDM)]

The file that holds the internal CMOS state could not be created.

Check that you have permission to create the CMOS.RAM file, which is in the SYSTEM32 subdirectory. You may need to ask your system administrator to give you permission to do so. Then restart the virtual DOS machine.

The CMOS file cmos.ram could not be updated.

[Virtual DOS Machine (VDM)]

The file that holds the internal CMOS state could not be updated.

Check that you have permission to update the CMOS.RAM file, which is in the SYSTEM32 subdirectory. You may need to ask your system administrator to give you write permission on this file. Then restart the virtual DOS machine.

The code page specified is not valid.


Find out the code page values supported by your keyboard and then retry the Mode command, using a valid code page value in the Select= parameter. Or you may want to use the International icon in Control Panel to examine and modify the code page.

The command completed with one or more errors.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3504

The command tried to perform multiple tasks and some of them could not be completed.

No action is needed.

The command contains an invalid number of arguments.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3503

The command has an invalid number of options or variables.

To see the syntax of this command, type NET HELP <command>.

The command finished; the name has active sessions and is no longer registered.

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

The application tried to delete a NetBIOS name, but the computer using that name is using connections to remote resources at this time. When it has finished using those resources it will be disconnected from them, and the NetBIOS name will then be deleted from the list of active NetBIOS names on this network.

No action is needed.

The command line cannot exceed 259 characters.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3809

Commands used with the AT utility cannot exceed 259 characters.

Type a command with 259 or fewer characters.

The Common Program Groups cannot be accessed. Do you want to create a Personal Program Group?

[Program Manager]

Only users with Admin privileges can create or change common groups. However, you can create a personal group.

Choose Yes to create a personal group at this time, or choose No.

The communication device attached to port address is not functioning.

[Remote Access Service]

Verify that the modem is properly connected and is on. Check the cabling. Do not use one of the 9-25 pin converters that come with most mouse hardware because some of these converters do not carry modem signals. To be safe, use a converter made especially for this purpose. Also try turning the modem off and then back on.

The component cannot be run in Windows NT mode.

[File Manager]

You have attempted to run an executable file that has a bad format. Or you have attempted to load a .DLL file that lacks an ordinal.

The computer computer name already exists.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3782

The computer account specified already exists.

Choose a different computer name.

The computer computer name is not configured for remote administration.

[Server Manager]

You have attempted to remotely administer a computer that does not support remote administration (such as a Windows for Workgroups workstation).

No action is needed.

The computer computer name tried to connect to the server computer name using the trust relationship established by the name domain. However, the computer lost the correct security identifier (SID)when the domain was reconfigured. Reestablish the trust relationship.


When a Windows NT computer joins a domain, it obtains the domain SID from the domain controller. The computer retains the SID in its local security database.

Remove and then add the computer to the domain again.

The computer has rebooted from a bug check. The bug check was: text . text A dump was saved in: filename.


Contact technical support.

The computer has rebooted from a bug check. The bug check was: text. text A full dump was not saved.


Contact technical support.

The computer is not active in this domain.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2320

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Your computer is not active in the domain you specified.

To perform tasks in the specified domain, you must add the domain to the list of domains in which the workstation is a member.

The computer name already exists on the network. Change it and restart the computer.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2144

The computer name already exists on the network. Each workstation must have a unique computer name.

Change the computer name and restart the computer before restarting the Workstation service.

The computer name could not be added as a message alias. The name may already exist on the network.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2270

A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The computer name could not be deleted.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2278

You cannot delete a message alias that is also a computer name.

No action is needed.

The computer name entered is already in use by another computer. Are you sure you want to change your computer name to this name?

[Control Panel]

Each computer name on the network should be unique. Some services cannot start if another computer with the same name is on the network.

If you are sure you want to give this computer this computer name (for example if it is to replace the computer with this computer name), choose Yes. Usually, you should choose No and then specify a different computer name.

The computer name entered is not properly formatted.

[Control Panel]

The computer name option in the Network dialog box can consist of no more than 15 characters, and cannot contain any of the following characters: ; : " < > * + = \\ | ? ,. The computer name that you have specified contains one of these characters.

Remove the character that you have entered, then try again.

The Computer Name has been successfully changed to computer name. This change will not take effect until the computer is restarted.

[Control Panel]

No action is needed. You can continue to use the computer under the old computer name until you restart your computer. To use the new computer name, press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, and log in.

The computer name is being used as a message alias on another computer.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The computer name you typed is invalid.

[Server Manager]

In the Add Computer dialog box, you entered a computer name that contains invalid characters.

Enter a valid computer name, then try again.

The computer or username you typed is invalid.

[Server Manager]

Make sure you have the correct computer name or username. Then try again, making sure to type the name correctly.

The configuration file contains an invalid service program name.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Your configuration file has associated a service with a nonexistent program file.

Be sure that each entry shown in the [services] section of your configuration file lists a valid pathname for the service's executable file. If you need assistance, contact your network administrator.

The configuration file or the command line has a duplicate parameter.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. An option was used more than once in your command or in the configuration file. An option can be used only once in a command and once in the configuration file. If an option is typed from the command line, it overrides the value in the configuration file.

Do not type the same option twice in a command. Be sure not to use different abbreviations that can specify the same option, such as wrkserv and wrkservices. If the error was not caused by a command, check the configuration file for duplicate options.

The configuration file or the command line has an ambiguous option.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3058

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Some options can be confused with other options that start with the same letter.

Spell out enough of the option so that it cannot be confused with other command options.

The configuration registry database is corrupt.


The structure of one of the files that contains Registry data is corrupted, or the image of the file in memory is corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because an alternate copy or log was absent or corrupted.

Use the Emergency Repair Disk to restore the configuration information.

The configuration registry key is invalid.


The system is unable to open or create a Registry key that does not have a name.

Provide a key name.

The connection dropped.

[Remote Access Service]

Redial the entry. If you continue to get this message, reduce the modem's initial speed, and turn off the advanced modem features. For more information, see "Setting Modem Features" in the Remote Access Service online Help. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. If you're dialing manually, make sure you're connected before you click Done.

The connection identification does not specify a valid connection.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2462

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

If this error persists or causes other errors, contact technical support.

The contents of Clipboard cannot be deleted.


Currently, a malfunctioning application is holding the Clipboard open.

Exit or minimize Clipboard, close the other application, then try again.

The contents of the name is not valid. You must type a value between number and number.


In the specified text box, enter a value in the specified range.

The contents of the name is not valid. You must type a value between number and number.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The contents of the target file were lost.

[Command Prompt]

You tried to combine several sources into one file. The destination file was also one of the source files. Therefore, instead of adding the other source files to the destination files, the destination file was overwritten before it could be copied. The original content of this file is lost.

If you want to combine files with the destination file, list the destination file as the first source file.

The contents of the target file were lost.


You tried to combine several sources into one file. The destination file was also one of the source files. Therefore, instead of adding the other source files to the destination files, the destination file was overwritten before it could be copied. The original content of this file is lost.

If you want to combine files with the destination file, list the destination file as the first source file.

The contents of this drive have changed. Do you want to update the Search Results window?

[File Manager]

You searched for a file, then having found the file, you renamed it or copied it to a different directory. When you do this, File Manager presents you with this message.

If you want to update the Search Results window, select Yes. If not, choose No.

The context handle changed during a remote procedure call.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The control registers for name overlaps the name status register.

The multiport card is incorrectly configured.

If the configuration was done by a setup program, contact the vendor of the device that included the setup program. If the configuration was performed using Regedit, delete that configuration information from the Registry and try again.

The control registers for name overlaps with the name control registers.

You used Ports in the Control Panel to add a port, but the address you specified overlaps an existing address.

The conversion failed. file system was not converted to file system


The file conversion from a FAT partition or HPFS volume to an NTFS volume is not complete.

The FAT partition or HPFS volume is still in its original (unconverted state). Free up some system resources and try the conversion again.

The Copy API cannot be used.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The Creator/Type item is invalid.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The Creator/Type item must contain between 1 to 4 characters.

The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials.


Credentials are a username/password combination. In this case, you already have a logon session started with a set of credentials and have tried to start another session between the same computers, using the same set of credentials.

Either end the existing session, or log on with a different set of credentials. Note that this message may not be caused by anything you did at the user interface, but can be caused by a running application (applications can log on as users). In that case, contact the supplier of the running application.

The current image will be replaced by the contents of the Clipboard. Do you want to continue?


If you want to continue, select Yes. If not, select No. If unsure, select No, open the Clipboard to see the contents of the clipboard, then return to Paintbrush.

The current local clock is time Do you want to set the local computer's time to match the time at computer name ? time : text


Choose Yes to synchronize your computer with the indicated server, or choose No to leave your clock at the current setting.

The current MIDI setup references a MIDI device which is not installed on your system. Do you want to continue?

[MIDI Mapper (Control Panel)]

In the MIDI Mapper dialog box, you attempted to edit a Setup that is not installed on your system.

In the Name list in the MIDI Mapper dialog box, select the name of a Setup that is installed on your system. Or select one of the other two options in the Show box. Or select the Close button on the MIDI Mapper dialog box.

The data returned from a remote administration command has been truncated to 64K.


When remotely administering a LAN Manager 2.x server, only the first 64K of the information can be received successfully.

No action is needed.

The data type is not supported by the print processor.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2167

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The data type of the print job is not supported by the queue's print processor.

Use a different print processor for jobs that have this data type, or rewrite the application so that it uses a data type the print processor can recognize.

The Database has been found to be inconsistent. More specifically, the number of owners found in the Name Address Mapping table are different from the number found in the Owner Address Mapping table

[WINS Service]

The database is corrupt.

Restore the database from a backup copy.

The Database of Name to Address Mappings is empty. It could mean that a previous invocation of WINS created the database and then went down before any registration could be done.

[WINS Service]

No action is needed. WINS will recover automatically.

The database specified does not exist.


Verify that the database specified is the Services Active database. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The datafiles key could not be opened

[WINS Service]

A key in the Registry (under WINS\Parameters) that is created when WINS is installed has been deleted.

No action is needed. If you want, you can replace the keys using Regedit or by reinstalling WINS.

The day field is too big.


The value in the day field must be no larger than the number of days in a month.

Try again, using a smaller value.

The day field is too big.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The decimal value entered is greater than the maximum value of a DWORD. Registry Editor will truncate the value entered.

[Registry Editor]

The maximum decimal value of a DWORD is 2 to the 32nd power minus 1. You have entered for a DWORD value entry a decimal number that exceeds this.

Enter a decimal value entry less than this number, then choose OK.

The default/desired zone name specified is not in the zone list for adapter "name ".

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The value for the default/desired zone name were incorrectly modified by directly accessing the Registry instead of using the Network option in Control Panel.

Use the Network option in Control Panel to reset the default/desired zones from the zone list. Then, restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

The delete failed due to a problem with the AT schedule file.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3808

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. LAN Manager cannot find the job you are trying to delete.

Check the job identification number by typing AT. Try again to delete the job, using the correct job identification number. If the error persists, the schedule file, SCHED.LOG, may be damaged. Restore SCHED.LOG from a backup copy, or delete it and create a new one with the AT utility. SCHED.LOG is in the LANMAN\\LOGS directory.

The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.


An application has attempted to start a service. However, a service that this service depends on is not installed or is in the process of being deleted.

Either remove the dependency between the services or install the service upon which the other service depends.

The dependency service or group failed to start.


An application has attempted to start a service. However, the service did not start because one or more services that it depends on failed to start.

Use Event Viewer to look in the event log for details about the dependent service or group that failed to start.

The description for Event ID ( number ) in Source ( number ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s):

[Network] [Security]

No description can be found for the event ID. Very likely, the Registry is not configured properly, or a necessary .DLL file is missing.

Contact technical support and report the content of the message, as well as of the insertion strings that follow the colon.

The description for Event ID ( number ) in Source ( number ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s):

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The destination directory is a subdirectory of the source.

[File Manager]

Using either the Move or the Copy command, you did not designate a drive name in the To section of the dialog box.

Return to the dialog box, and then specify a drive name.

The destination disk is full.


Select the Exit Setup option. Then, either install Windows NT on another drive, or delete some unneeded files from this destination disk and rerun the Setup installation process from the beginning.

The destination disk is full.

[Repair Disk]

Select the Exit Setup option. Then, either install Windows NT on another drive, or delete some unneeded files from this destination disk and rerun the Setup installation process from the beginning.

The destination disk is full. Please insert another disk to continue.

[File Manager]

You copied the contents of one drive to a disk, and the disk in your disk drive cannot contain any more information.

Insert a new disk, and choose the OK button on the dialog. Or insert a new disk and press the ENTER key.

The destination list provided does not match the destination list of the printer queue.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3758

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. When you share an existing printer queue, you cannot specify a list of printers different from those already assigned for the queue.

To share the printer queue, type NET SHARE <queue name> /PRINT. Then, to change the list of printers the queue uses, type NET PRINT <share name> /ROUTE:<device names>.

The destination path is illegal.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2382

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The destination path does not exist.

Check the spelling of the destination path. If you need more information, see your network administrator.

The destination path specified in the Setup command is invalid. Check the /d switch.


Correct the path specified in the /d switch of the Setup command and retry the command.

The destination path specified in the Setup command is invalid. Check the /d switch.

[Repair Disk]

Correct the path specified in the /d switch of the Setup command and retry the command.

The device name that is part of a fault tolerance set has failed and will no longer be used.

[Disk Administrator]

The drive that contains the fault tolerance member named in the message has failed. A copy of the data contained on the drive still exists.

Contact your system administrator to replace the failed drive and to reestablish your fault tolerance set.

The device .INF file contains no responses for the command.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the Remote Access configuration files probably contains invalid information.

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to reinstall Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall RAS. If you are using a modem that is not supported by Remote Access, switch to a supported modem, or see "Modem Script File" in the Remote Access Service online Help for information about modifying the modem script file for your modem. The Remote Access script files (PAD.INF, MODEM.INF, and SWITCH.INF) are in the \SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The device .INF file could not be opened.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the Remote Access configuration files probably contains invalid information.

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to reinstall Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall RAS. If you are using a modem that is not supported by Remote Access, switch to a supported modem, or see "Modem Script File" in the Remote Access Service online Help for information about modifying the modem script file for your modem. The Remote Access script files (PAD.INF, MODEM.INF, and SWITCH.INF) are in the \SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The device .INF file is missing a command.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the Remote Access configuration files probably contains invalid information.

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to reinstall Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall RAS. If you are using a modem that is not supported by Remote Access, switch to a supported modem, or see "Modem Script File" in the Remote Access Service online Help for information about modifying the modem script file for your modem. The Remote Access script files (PAD.INF, MODEM.INF, and SWITCH.INF) are in the \SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The device cannot be set to the specified number of lines and/or columns.


You specified invalid values for the rows and columns parameters while using the Mode command to change the LPTn: (printer) device resolution.

Retry the command, using valid values.

The device could not allocate one or more required resources due to conflicts with other devices. The device interrupt setting of ' number ' could not be satisfied due to a conflict with Driver ' name '.

Two drivers are requesting exclusive use of the same interrupt setting (IRQ). The second driver cannot be loaded, and functionality dependent on this driver will not be available.

Change the IRQ setting for the driver that was being loaded when the message appeared, or for the driver specified in this message. Then try again.

The device could not allocate one or more required resources due to conflicts with other devices. The device port setting of 'name' could not be satisfied due to a conflict with Driver 'name'.

Two drivers are requesting exclusive use of the same port. The second driver cannot be loaded, and functionality dependent on this driver will not be available.

Change the port for the driver that was being loaded when the message appeared, or for the driver specified in this message. Then try again.

The device does not exist.

[Remote Access Service]

The Remote Access Phone Book file and the current Remote Access configuration are probably inconsistent.

If you have changed your communications equipment (such as your serial port or modem), be sure to reconfigure Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to reconfigure Remote Access. If the error persists, remove and recreate the affected Phone Book entry or, reinstall the Remote Access Service. The Remote Access Phone Book (RASPHONE.PBK) is in the SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The device driver does not exist.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2166

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The device driver you specified has not been installed for the printer queue.

Check the spelling of the name of the device driver. To use a new device driver with this printer queue, you must first use Control Panel to install the device driver. For more information about Control Panel, see your operating system manual(s).

The device is being accessed by an active process.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2404

The drive letter you specified is the current drive of a session. You tried to delete a drive redirection (x:) while it is in use, possibly as your current drive.

Be sure the drive you are trying to delete is not the current drive in any of your sessions.

The device is busy.


The device is initializing or regenerating a fault-tolerance construct (mirror or stripe with parity).

Wait until the device is not busy and try again.

The device is in use by an active process and cannot be disconnected.


An application tried to cancel a network connection that was in use by one or more active processes.

Either wait for the process to quit using the connection and retry your operation or, if the user interface enables you to, force the disconnection and retry.

The device is not connected.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2107

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. This device name is not assigned to a shared resource.

Check the spelling of the device name first. To see which local device names are assigned to shared resources, type NET USE.

The device is not currently connected but it is a remembered connection.


An application requested the name of the network resource associated with a particular local device. That device is not currently connected, but it is a remembered connection.

This message is for your information; direct user action is not necessary.

The device is not ready.


One of the following errors occurred: (1) the drive is empty; (2) the drive door is open; or (3) the drive is in use.

Do one of the following: (1) insert a floppy disk in the drive and retry the command; (2) close the drive door and retry the command; or (3) wait until the device is available and retry the command.

The device moved to a BPS rate not supported by the COM driver.

[Remote Access Service]

Your modem tried to connect at a speed that the serial port cannot interpret.

Reset your initial speed to the next lowest standard bps rate: 38400, 19200, 9600, 2400.

The device name in the device .INF or media .INI file is too long.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the Remote Access configuration files probably contains invalid information.

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to reinstall Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall RAS. If you are using a modem that is not supported by Remote Access, switch to a supported modem, or see "Modem Script File" in the Remote Access Service online Help for information about modifying the modem script file for your modem. The Remote Access script files (PAD.INF, MODEM.INF, and SWITCH.INF) are in the \SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The device or directory does not exist.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2116

You specified an unknown device or directory.

Check the spelling of the device or directory name.

The device response caused buffer overflow.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The device type does not exist.

[Remote Access Service]

The Remote Access Phone Book file and the current Remote Access configuration are probably inconsistent.

If you have changed your communications equipment (such as your serial port or modem), be sure to reconfigure Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to reconfigure Remote Access. If the error persists, remove and recreate the affected Phone Book entry or, reinstall the Remote Access Service. The Remote Access Phone Book (RASPHONE.PBK) is in the SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The device type is unknown.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3716

You typed an invalid device name.

Check the spelling of the device name. Valid device names are LPT1: to LPT9: and COM1: to COM9: for printers and communication devices, and A: to Z: for disk devices.

The device, name , did not respond within the timeout period.

Check the cabling on the device named in the message. After that, if you still get this message, run hardware diagnostics on the disk drive named in the message, and on its controller. You may have to contact the vendor of the device.

The device, name , had a seek error.

Retry the operation. If you still get this message, run hardware diagnostics on the disk drive named in the message, and on its controller. You may have to contact the vendor of the device, and you may have to replace the controller, the disk drive, or both.

The device, name , has a bad block.

Run the Chkdsk utility, with the /r option, on the named partition. After that, if you still get this message, run hardware diagnostics on the disk drive named in the message, and on its controller. You may have to contact the vendor of the device, and you may have to replace the controller, the disk drive, or both.

The device, name , has been reset.

You can ignore this message. It is for informational purposes only.

The device, name , is not ready for access yet.

Retry the operation. If you still get this message, run hardware diagnostics on the disk drive named in the message, and on its controller. You may have to contact the vendor of the device, and you may have to replace the controller, the disk drive, or both.

The DHCP client could not obtain an IP address. If you want to see DHCP messages in the future, choose YES. If you do not want to see DHCP messages choose NO.


Make sure the computer is physically connected to the network and the network card is correctly configured. Check with the network administrator to make sure that there is a DHCP server and that it is currently running the DHCP service.

The DHCP client could not renew the IP address lease. If you want to see DHCP messages in the future, choose YES. If you do not want to see DHCP messages choose NO.


Make sure the computer is physically connected to the network and the network card is correctly configured. Check with the network administrator to make sure that there is a DHCP server and that it is currently running the DHCP service.

The DHCP client couldn't obtain an IP address.

Ask your network administrator to make sure that there are addresses in the free address pool of this scope. The administrator might need to add more addresses, stop excluding addresses that are no longer manually allocated.

The DHCP client lost the lease. The network is brought down. If you want to see DHCP messages in the future, choose YES. If you do not want to see DHCP messages choose NO.


Make sure the computer is physically connected to the network and the network card is correctly configured. Check with the network administrator to make sure that there is a DHCP server and that it is currently running the DHCP service.

The DHCP protocol will attempt to automatically configure your workstation during system initialization. Any parameters specified in these configuration dialogs will override any values obtained by DHCP. Do you want to enable DHCP?


If you enable DHCP, the IP Address and Subnet Mask will assume the values assigned by the DHCP server, regardless of whether you have specified values for them. Any other parameters that are specified manually will override the values supplied by the DHCP server.

Choose Yes if you want to let DHCP assign your IP Address and Subnet Mask. In this case you might also want to delete any values you have entered for the other parameters, and let DHCP assign them too. Choose No if you to not want to use DHCP to assign values for you.

The DHCP server encountered the following error when cleaning up the pending user records: text text


An internal error occurred in the DHCP server.

Look up the indicated error and take appropriate action. If this message appears often, you might want to restore an earlier version of your DHCP database.

The DHCP server encountered the following error when backing up the registry configuration: text text


An internal error occurred in the DHCP server.

Look up the indicated error and take appropriate action. If this message appears often, you might want to restore an earlier version of your DHCP database.

The DHCP server encountered the following error when backing up the user database: text text


An internal error occurred in the DHCP server.

Look up the indicated error and take appropriate action. If this message appears often, you might want to restore an earlier version of your DHCP database.

The DHCP server encountered the following error when cleaning up the user database: text text


An internal error occurred in the DHCP server.

Look up the indicated error and take appropriate action. If this message appears often, you might want to restore an earlier version of your DHCP database.

The DHCP server failed to initialize its global data. The following error occurred: text text


The DHCP Server service could not start. The system is probably out of memory.

Reboot the system and try again.

The DHCP server failed to initialize its registry data. The following error occurred: text text


The DHCP Server service could not start. The system is probably out of memory, or the Registry might be corrupt.

Reboot the system and try again.

The DHCP server failed to initialize the database. The following error occurred: text text


The DHCP Server service could not start. The system is probably out of memory, or the Registry might be corrupt.

Reboot the system and try again.

The DHCP server failed to initialize winsock data. The following error occurred: text text


The DHCP Server service could not start. The system is probably out of memory, or the Registry might be corrupt.

Reboot the system and try again.

The DHCP server failed to initialize Winsock startup. The following error occurred: text text


The DHCP Server service could not start. The system is probably out of memory, or the Registry might be corrupt.

Reboot the system and try again.

The DHCP Server failed to register with Service Controller. The following error occurred: text text.


The DHCP Server service could not start. The system is probably out of memory, or the Registry might be corrupt.

Reboot the system and try again.

The DHCP server failed to restore the database. The following error occurred: text text


The DHCP Server service could not start.

Look up the indicated error and take appropriate action. Then try again. You might need to revert to a backup copy of the DHCP database.

The DHCP server failed to restore the dhcp registry configuration. The following error occurred: text text


The DHCP Server service could not start.

Reboot and try again.

The DHCP Server Failed to start the RPC server. The following error occurred : text text


The DHCP Server service could not start.

Reboot and try again.

The DHCP server initialization parameters are invalid.


The DHCP Server service could not start.

Use Regedit to correct the parameter values.

The DHCP server is shutting down due to the following error: text text


Look up the indicated error and take appropriate action. Then try again.

The DHCP server received a message from an invalid client.


Make sure you are using the current version of this application.

The DHCP server received an invalid message.


Make sure you are using the current version of this application.

The DHCP Server received an unknown option name of length number. The raw option data is given below.


The option has not been defined.

No action is needed. All other options have been configured.

The DHCP server was unable establish a sockets connection.


Your computer is probably out of memory.

Reboot your computer and try again.

The DHCP server was unable to start as an RPC server.


The DHCP Server service could not start.

Reboot the computer and try again.

The directory cannot be removed.


The directory cannot be removed for one of the following reasons: (1) it does not exist, or the directory name is misspelled; (2) it contains files or other subdirectories; (3) it is the current directory in this session or another session that is in process, or is a directory on a drive that is not current in any session; or (4) it has the same name as a reserved device name.

Do one of the following, then retry the command: (1) correct the directory name; (2) remove all files and subdirectories from the directory; (3) use the Chdir command to change the current directory in all sessions that might be using it; or (4) if the directory name is the same as an installed device, remove the device.

The directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory.


The directory specified in the Join command must be a subdirectory of the root directory.

Retry the command, specifying a different directory.

The directory is not empty.


The Join command requires that the directory be empty.

Retry the command, specifying an empty directory.

The directory name is invalid.


If you can do it through a user interface, correct the directory name. Otherwise, contact the supplier of the running application.

The directory or file cannot be created.


One of the following errors occurred: (1) the file or directory name already exists; (2) the directory path cannot be found; (3) the root directory is full or there is not enough space on the disk for the new file or directory; (4) the directory name contains unacceptable characters or is a reserved file name; or (5) the disk is not properly formatted.

Correct the problem, then retry the command.

The disk containing one of the free spaces you have chosen is not able to accept any more partitions.

[Disk Administrator]

You can only create four primary partitions on a hard disk, and the disk containing free space already contains four partitions.

Choose another disk. Or create a volume set within the free space on the currently selected disk.

The disk contains no support files for the component you are attempting to change.


Contact the supplier for another copy of the installation media.

The disk file was not found or was inaccessible.


The copy of the file that should be on the disk could not be found.

Make sure you specified the file name correctly. Also, make sure the file has not been locked by another application.

The disk in drive drive letter is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?

[File Manager]

Before you can write to the disk, you must format it.

To format the disk, choose Yes.

The disk is full.


Delete some unneeded files from the disk, then try again.

The disk is in use or locked by another process.


A process has exclusive use of this disk, prohibiting another process from accessing it at this time.

Retry the operation later, or try it on another disk.

The disk is too large to format for the specified file system.


Use another file system, or repartition the disk with Disk Administrator.

The disk is write-protected.

[File Manager]

You have attempted an operation on a disk that is write-protected.

Remove the disk, remove the write protection (by flipping a tab on the disk), then try again.

The disk media is not recognized. It may not be formatted.


Reformat the media, or use a different media, and then retry the operation.

The display driver on this computer cannot display this information in bitmap format.


The display driver on a computer determines whether you can view the contents from another computer's ClipBook in bitmap format. You have attempted to view ClipBook information in a bitmap format, but do not have the necessary driver.

Install the necessary video driver.

The domain controller for this domain cannot be located.

[Control Panel]

You must specify a domain name other than the computer name.

Enter a different name.

The domain entered is already permitted to trust this domain.

[User Manager]

If you are not able to grant permissions on resources in the domain whose name you entered to users in this domain, make sure that this domain trusts the domain whose name you entered and that the trust passwords match.

The domain entered is already trusted.

[User Manager]

If you are not able to grant permissions on resources in the domain whose name you entered to users in this domain, make sure that this domain trusts the domain whose name you entered and that the trust passwords match.

The domain entered is not a Windows NT domain.

[Control Panel]

The domain name you entered is not the name of any Windows NT domain on this network. You can only join Windows NT domains from a Windows NT computer, although you may be able to access information on computers in other domains.

Enter the name of a Windows NT domain.

The domain name entered does not exist or is not properly formatted.

[Control Panel]

The domain name option in the Network dialog box can consist of no more than 15 characters, and cannot contain any of the following characters: ; : " < > * + = \\ | ? ,. The domain name that you have selected contains one of these characters.

Remove the character, then try again.

The domain name entered is already in use by other computers.

[Control Panel]

You tried to create a domain with a domain name that is already in use.

Specify a different domain name, or use the domain that already exists.

The domain name entered is the same as this domain name.

[User Manager]

You can only establish trust relationships with another domain.

No action is needed.

The domain name you entered cannot be accepted for this server. If this domain has been renamed at the domain controller,

[Control Panel]

Because servers are also backup domain controllers, they cannot change domains after initial setup. However, if the domain has been renamed at the controller, you need to enter the new domain name.

If the domain has not been renamed, choose Cancel. If the domain has been renamed, enter the new name. If you want to remove this server from this domain and add it to another domain, you must reinstall Windows NT on the computer, and use Server Manager on the old domain to remove this Backup Domain Controller.

The domain name you typed is invalid.

[User Manager]

The name you typed does not meet the naming requirements for domains. Domain names cannot contain spaces (blank characters).

Try again, specifying a valid domain name.

The domain specified could not be used.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The domain was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.


For instance, the password associated with a user cannot be changed by the Windows NT security subsystem if the security database is stored on a domain server that is in a disabled state.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The DosMuxSemWait list is not correct.


The list passed to the function that waits for one of several semaphores to clear is not in the proper format.

Correct the format of the semaphore wait list. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The down-level logoff request for the user user name from name failed.

[Network] Net Message ID: 5708

You may have specified an invalid user name.

Ask your system administrator to verify that the security database includes the user's name.

The down-level logon request for the user user name from computer name failed.

[Network] Net Message ID: 5707

You have specified an invalid user name.

Ask your system administrator to verify that the security database includes the user name. Then make sure that the user's password matches the password for the user in the database.

The drive cannot find the sector requested.


The disk or floppy disk may be damaged, unformatted, or not compatible with the operating system.

Retry the command after you do one of the following: (1) make sure the disk is properly inserted; (2) use the Chkdsk utility to check that the disk is not damaged; (3) format the disk or floppy disk for the appropriate file system (realize that when you format a disk, any information that was previously on the disk will be erased); or (4) check to make sure you do not have a high density floppy disk in a low density floppy drive.

The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk.


The disk may be damaged, unformatted, or not compatible with the operating system.

Do one of the following: (1) make sure the floppy disk is properly inserted; (2) check that the disk is not damaged; or format the disk for the appropriate file system.

The drive letter is in use locally.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2405

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You tried to assign a local drive letter to a shared resource.

Use a drive letter that does not correspond to a local drive.

The driver beneath this one has failed in some way for text.

Contact your system administrator to check the configuration of the driver software on your computer, especially the drivers for the device named in the message. You may have to contact the driver suppliers.

The driver could not allocate something necessary for the request for name.

The request for the named device could not be carried out because there were not enough resources, typically memory.

Increase the paging file size. If you still get this message, add more physical memory to your computer.

The driver detected a controller error on name.

Check the cabling on the device named in the message. After that, if you still get this message, run hardware diagnostics. You may have to contact the vendor of the device or you may have to replace the controller.

The driver detected an internal driver error on name.

Contact the supplier of the driver for the device named in the message.

The driver detected an unexpected sequence by the device, name.

Check the cabling on the device named in the message. After that, if you still get this message, run hardware diagnostics. You may have to contact the vendor of the device.

The driver has detected a device with old or out-of-date firmware. The device will not be used.

Contact the hardware manufacturer for an upgrade the firmware for this device.

The driver has detected that device name has old or out-of-date firmware. Reduced performance may result.

The device and driver could be running at a faster rate.

No action is needed. However, you might want to contact the hardware manufacturer for an upgrade to the firmware for this device.

The driver was configured with an incorrect interrupt for name.

Contact your system administrator to reconfigure the device named in the message.

The driver was configured with an invalid I/O base address for name.

Contact your system administrator to reconfigure the device named in the message.

The dynamic-link library name could not be loaded, or an error occurred while trying to use it.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3776

A system dynamic-link library could not be loaded.

Make sure the file specified is in your system directory. If it is not, contact your network administrator.

The elementary file-system structures are corrupt. CHKDSK cannot check this drive.


This volume is unrecoverably corrupted. Reformat it and restore backed up data.

The Emergency Repair Disk is not startable. Repairing a damaged Windows NT installation is an option available at the beginning of Windows NT Setup. To start Setup, insert the Windows NT Setup Disk into drive A:. Press control+alt+delete to restart your computer.

[Repair Disk]

In order to use the Emergency Repair Disk, you must start your computer from the Windows NT Setup disk as directed in the message.

The endpoint cannot be created.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a server was unable to create a specific destination in one of the interfaces it offers to clients.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The endpoint format is invalid.


An endpoint identifies a particular server instance (or address space) on a host computer in a distributed computing environment. A distributed (RPC) application has generated badly-formatted endpoint identification information.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The endpoint is a duplicate.


An application tried to use the same endpoint.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The endpoint mapper database could not be created.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The entry already exists.


In a distributed (RPC) application, an attempt was made to create an entry in the name-service database with an entry name that already exists in the database.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The entry is not found.


In a distributed (RPC) application, an attempt was made to operate on a named entry in the name-service database. An entry with that name could not be found.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The entry name is incomplete.


In a distributed (RPC) application, the name of a name-service database entry is incompletely specified, compared to its assigned format.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The entry selected is not an AppleTalk printing device. Are you sure you want to despool to an AppleTalk spooler?

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Despooling to an AppleTalk spooler is a very indirect way to print.

If you want to despool directly to a printer, try another device in the list.

The enumeration value is out of range.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The error code is code.There was an error retrieving the message. Make sure the fileNET.MSG is available.


This alert appears if the error message text could not be retrieved from NETMSG.DLL.

Make sure the file NETMSG.DLL is available and can be written to and read from.

The error log is full. No errors will be logged until the file is cleared or the limit is raised.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The event is invalid.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The event log file is corrupt.


Run Chkdsk with the /f option on the disk that contains the event log file.

The event log record is misformed.

[Network] [Security]

The log file is probably corrupt.

Reboot your computer and try again. If you still get this message, run chkdsk to see if the log files are corrupted on the disk, and restore the files from backup copies if they are. If the error continues, clear the log file so new entries are not corrupted.

The event name is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2143

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The Eventlog service is not started.

[Event Viewer]

You have attempted to access information in Event Viewer, and the service is not started.

Use the Services option in Control Panel to start the event log service.

The Eventlog service is paused.

[Event Viewer]

You attempted to access information in the Event Viewer when the Eventlog service has been paused.

Use the Services option in Control Panel to continue this service.

The Eventlog service on the local machine is not started.

[Event Viewer]

You have attempted to access the Eventlog service, and the service is not started.

Wait until the service has been started on the remote computer, then try again. Or, if you are administering a Windows NT Advanced Server, and the computer is not a LAN Manager 2.x computer, use Server Manager to start the service remotely.

The Eventlog service on the local machine is paused.

[Event Viewer]

You have attempted to access information on a remote computer when the Eventlog service on that computer is paused.

Wait until the service is continued, then try again. Or, if you are administering a Windows NT Advanced Server, and the computer is not a LAN Manager 2.x computer, use Server Manager to continue the service remotely.

The exception 0xcode occurred in the application application at location 0xcode.


Restart the computer that issued the alert message.

The exception was encountered during the processing of a grp member.

[WINS Service]

WINS will try to recover automatically. If this message appears often, restore the WINS database from a backup copy.

The exclusive semaphore is owned by another process.


This is an exclusive system semaphore, and only the owner can modify it.

End your requested operation. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The expanded command in the device .INF file is too long.

[Remote Access Service]

The limit for commands in the script file is 256 characters.

Break the command into multiple commands. For more information, see "Commands" in the Remote Access Service online Help.

The export path you typed is invalid.

[Server Manager]

The path you typed is not a valid pathname. It may have been mistyped.

Retype the path name. The pathname must use the following format, with no spaces:\\computername\sharename\subdirectory. You can specify many subdirectories or none, but each subdirectory name must be preceded with a backslash.

The extended attribute file on the mounted file system is corrupt.


The extended attributes for the specified disk are not usable.

Run the Chkdsk utility with the /f switch on the disk.

The extended attribute table file is full.


The number of files containing extended attributes has reached the system limit.

Delete any files containing attributes that you no longer need.

The extended attributes are inconsistent.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The extended attributes did not fit in the buffer.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The extension ' application ' is currently associated with ' name.' Continue and overwrite this association?

[File Manager]

If you want to change the association for files with this extension, choose Yes. Otherwise choose No.

The external process was canceled by a Ctrl+Break or another process.


You attempted to establish a network connection at the command prompt, then pressed CTRL+BREAK to cancel the process.

No action is needed.

The external process was canceled by a Ctrl+Break or another process.

[Command Prompt]

You attempted to establish a network connection at the command prompt, then pressed CTRL+BREAK to cancel the process.

No action is needed.

The fault tolerance driver configuration information is corrupt.

[Disk Administrator]

Ask your system administrator to check the disk configuration information on your computer. The disk configuration information may have to be restored from a backup, using Windows NT Disk Administrator.

The fault tolerance driver was able to map a faulty sector from use by the system on name.

[Disk Administrator]

This is not a fatal error. However, a bad spot has developed on the disk. The information that was on this block has been mapped to one of the disk's spare blocks, using the redundant data.

This disk is beginning to fail. At the next scheduled maintenance, low-level format the drive. If the problem persists, replace the drive.

The fault tolerance driver was able to recover data from the duplicate copy for an I/O failure on name.

[Disk Administrator]

The failure on the specified disk would have resulted in loss of data if the fault tolerance system had not recovered the data.

This disk is beginning to fail. At the next scheduled maintenance, low-level format the drive. If the problem persists, replace the drive.

The fault tolerance driver was unable to map a faulty sector from use by the system on name.

[Disk Administrator]

The specified name is a fault tolerance set member name; it refers to a fault tolerance partition. There is a bad sector on one of the disks on one side of the mirror set. Your data security is at some risk. There is still a good sector on the other side of the mirror set, and the probability that the same sector number will go bad on both sides of the mirror is quite low.

To regain complete data security, do the following: (1) examine the event logs to identify which drive has the bad sector; (2) back up all data on that drive; (3) reformat the drive, using the verify switch to map out the bad sector; and (4) restore the backed up data.

The fault tolerance member name data was recovered from redundant copy.

[Disk Administrator]

Data was lost from the specified member due to some problem such as failure of a sector, but the data has been copied from the mirror copy.

No action is needed. However you might want to be sure that the faulty sector is mapped from use by the system.

The fault tolerance set containing device name has been disabled.

[Disk Administrator]

Either a single device has failed in a stripe or volume set, or two devices have failed in a stripe set with parity or in a mirror set.

Contact your system administrator to repair or replace the drive and restore data from backup.

The fault tolerant driver detected the system was shutdown dirty.

[Disk Administrator]

The system was shut down or crashed before newly written data could be written to the redundant copy. The data will be resynchronized automatically.

No action is needed.

The fault-tolerance error log file, LANROOT\\LOGS\\FT.LOG,is more than 64K.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3258

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The fault-tolerance system error log is larger than 64K.

Run FTADMIN to fix any existing errors and clear them from the error log.

The fault-tolerance error-log file, LANROOT\\LOGS\\FT.LOG, had the update in progress bit set upon opening, which means that the system crashed while working on the error log.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3259

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server crashed while accessing the fault-tolerance error log, possibly damaging that log. The damaged fault-tolerance error log was cleared after its contents were backed up to LANMAN\\LOGS\\FT.ERR.

No action is needed.

The file filename has been changed after initialization. The boot-block loading was temporarily terminated.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The listed file was changed after the Remoteboot service was started. Loading the boot-block stopped temporarily.

Stop and restart the Remoteboot service.

The file filename has a bad executable format

[OS/2 Subsystem]

The OS/2 subsystem task manager attempted to load a program that has an incorrect format.

No direct user action is necessary. If you continue to get this message, contact your technical support group.

The file filename has a bad format

[OS/2 Subsystem]

The Windows NT OS/2 subsystem is unable to run the program file named in the message. The specified file or program is either an MS-DOS application program or not compatible with OS/2.

If the specified application is an MS-DOS program, switch to an MS-DOS session and retry the command. Otherwise, reinstall the application and retry the command. If the error occurs again, contact the supplier of the application.

The file filename has an invalid stack address

[OS/2 Subsystem]

The OS/2 subsystem cannot run the file that is named in the message. It does not contain a correct stack segment.

There were probably errors when the application was created. If you can, run these same application files under the OS/2 operating system. If you get a comparable message under OS/2, then contact the supplier of the application. If the application runs under OS/2, contact your technical support group about a problem with the Windows NT OS/2 subsystem.

The file filename has an invalid starting address

[OS/2 Subsystem]

The Windows NT OS/2 subsystem task manager cannot run this application.

There were probably errors when the application was created. If you can, run these same application files under the OS/2 operating system. If you get a comparable message under OS/2, then contact the supplier of the application. If the application runs under OS/2, contact your technical support group about a problem with the Windows NT OS/2 subsystem.

The file filename in use - skipped.


The named file was in use on the disk, and therefore was not backed up.

No action is needed. When the file is no longer in use, you can repeat the operation, specifying only the named file.

The file filename is different.


The named file was different in the target directory than on the backup tape.

No action is needed.

The file filename is in use - waiting.


This is a status message, and it appears when you attempt to back up a file that is in use.

If you want to discontinue waiting, you can choose the Skip option.

The file filename was not found on disk.


The named file was not found on the target disk. If the file by that name on the backup tape was restored, it did not overwrite an existing file.

No action is needed.

The file cannot be copied onto itself.


You have used the Copy command at the command prompt to copy a file onto itself, and this action is not permitted.

At the command prompt, specify a different source and destination directory.

The file cannot be copied onto itself.

[Command Prompt]

You have used the Copy command at the command prompt to copy a file onto itself, and this action is not permitted.

At the command prompt, specify a different source and destination directory.

The file extension is invalid.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The file extension contains more than 3 characters.

The file is read-only. Use a different filename.


You have attempted to save changes made to a file that is read-only protected.

Follow the user action specified in the message.

The file name is too long.


Rename the file using a shorter filename.

The file pointer cannot be set on the specified device or file.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The File Server for Macintosh service failed to start because it was unable to load the AppleTalk Filing Protocol file system driver.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The File Server for Macintosh service failed to start because a fatal error occurred while trying to initialize Macintosh-Accessible volumes.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The File Server for Macintosh service failed to start because a fatal error occurred while trying to initialize the AppleTalk Filing Protocol driver(SfmSrv.sys) with the extension/type/creator associations.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use the Registry Editor to try to remove all Type/Creator pairs from the Registry. Remove the pair using the \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MacFile\Parameters\Type_Creators Registry key.

The File Server for Macintosh service failed to start because a fatal error occurred while trying to initialize the AppleTalk Filing Protocol driver(SfmSrv.sys) with the server icons.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The server may be running out of memory or the Registry is corrupted.

First, try stopping other running applications and services. If you continue to see this message, use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall Services for Macintosh.

The File Server for Macintosh service failed to start because it was unable to open the AppleTalk Filing Protocol file system driver (SfmSrv.sys).

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The file may be missing from the <systemroot>\system32 directory.

Use File Manager to verify the existence and location of the file. If the file is missing, remove and reinstall Services for Macintosh.

The File Server for Macintosh service failed to start. Security access checking of administrators could not be setup correctly.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The File Server for Macintosh service failed to start. The registry configuration database could not be opened.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Sometimes using the Network option in Control Panel locks the Registry.

Close the Network option. If the File Server for Macintosh still fails to start, contact technical support.

The File Server for Macintosh service failed to start. Unable to setup the server to accept Remote Procedure Calls.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The File Server for Macintosh service is not installed on the server computer name.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use the Network option in Control Panel to install the service. Choose Add Software and then select Services for Macintosh.

The File Server for Macintosh service was unable to load a resource string(s).

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Services for Macintosh will not start.

Contact technical support.

The file system does not support atomic changes to the lock type.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The file system structures on the specified volume are corrupt; the volume cannot be converted. Run CHKDSK /f to correct this problem.


Run the Chkdsk command with the /f switch on the HPFS volume to correct the problem. Then retry the HPFS to NTFS conversion.

The file transfer failed because the transmission was stopped by the receiver.


In the course of a file transfer, either the sender or the receiver has the option to stop the transfer of the file, and the person to whom you were sending a file has elected to do this. In Terminal, if you are the receiver, you may do this by selecting the Stop option on the Transfers menu.

Contact the receiver.

The file transfer failed because the transmission was stopped by the sender.


In the course of a file transfer, either the sender or the receiver has the option to stop the transfer of the file, and the person who was sending you a file has elected to do this. In Terminal, if you are the sender, you may do this by selecting the Stop option on the Transfers menu.

Contact the sender.

The File Transfer Protocol relies on the ability to pass user passwords over the network without data encryption. A user with physical access to the network may be able to examine users' passwords during FTP validation.

[Control Panel]

Choose Yes to continue installing the FTP Server service, or No to cancel installation.

The File Transfer Protocol relies on the ability to pass user passwords over the network without data encryption. A user with physical access to the network may be able to examine users' passwords during FTP validation. Are you sure you want to continue?


Choose Yes to continue installing the FTP Server service, or No to cancel installation.

The File Type description cannot be empty. Please type in a new File Type.

[File Manager]

You tried to create a new file type without entering anything in the File Type box at the top of the dialog.

Type a descriptive name in the File Type box. This name will appear in the Associate With box of the Associate dialog box.

The File Type must have a command for at least one of its Actions. Please type in an application in the command field.

[File Manager]

You tried to create a new file type without specify the command to be run when files assigned to this file type are opened.

Type in a command, or an executable file including the relative path, or choose Browse to view and select from the available executables.

The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 characters, followed by a period and an extension.

The filename can include any combination of letters and numbers, and any of the following characters:. " / \ [ ] ; : | = , ? * + < >

Try again, specifying a valid filename.

The filename or extension is too long.


The length of the filename or the extension is greater than the maximum length allowed.

Correct the filename or extension and then retry the command.

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.


The system does not accept the keyboard combination Alt+0 through Alt+32 or the following characters: \\ \\ / [ ] : | < > + ; = . ? "

Correct the file name or volume label and try the command again.

The files do not fit to the boot-block configuration file filename. Change the BASE and ORG definitions or the order of the files.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3254

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The files in the listed boot-block definition file do not fit in the boot block.

Change the order of the files or the value of BASE or ORG.

The first NTFS boot sector is unwriteable.


Backup all files and reformat or replace the volume.

The flag passed is not correct.


The flag passed to the JOIN command or to the DosFlagProcess function is not correct.

Correct the flags. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The floppy cannot be written to because it is write-protected.

[Repair Disk]

Take the disk out of the drive, remove the write-protection from the disk, replace the disk, and try again.

The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver.


Retry the operation, using a different floppy disk or a floppy disk with a different density. If this message reappears, contact the hardware supplier or the floppy disk driver software supplier.

The floppy disk controller returned inconsistent results in its registers.


This is either a hardware problem or a device driver problem. Check the hardware first. If you still get this message, contact the supplier of the floppy disk driver software and report your computer configuration.

The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: name


The drivers in the list failed to start.

Ask your system administrator to verify that the drivers in the list are not critical to your system's operation.

The following error occurred when trying to delete group group:text.

[User Manager]

You have attempted to delete one of User Manager's built-in groups. This action is not permitted.

The following error occurred when trying to delete user user name:text.

[User Manager]

You have attempted to delete one of User Manager's built-in user accounts. This action is not permitted.

The following error occurred when trying to delete user user name : text Do you wish to continue with the next user?

[User Manager]

The indicated error prevented User Manager from deleting this account.

Choose Yes to continue deleting user accounts or No to stop deleting them. Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to delete this account again.

The following error occurred accessing the properties of the group group:text. The group properties cannot be edited or viewed at this time.

[User Manager]

You are logged on to an account that does not have permission to view the properties of the selected group, and you have attempted to view these properties.

Contact your system administrator. If you are the system administrator, log off of the workstation, then log on again under your administrative account.

The following error occurred accessing the properties of the local group group:text. The local group properties cannot be edited or viewed at this time.

[User Manager]

You are logged on to an account that does not have permission to view the properties of the selected group, and you have attempted to view these properties.

Contact your system administrator. If you are the system administrator, log off of the workstation, then log on again under your administrative account.

The following error occurred accessing the properties of the user user name:text. The user properties cannot be edited or viewed at this time.

[User Manager]

You are logged on to an account that does not have permission to view the properties of the selected user account, and you have attempted to view these properties.

Contact your system administrator. If you are the system administrator, log off of the workstation, log on again under your administrative account, then try again.

The following error occurred adding the user user name to the requested local groups: text

[User Manager]

This user account has not been added to the local groups.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to add this account to the local groups again.

The following error occurred applying security information to name : text Do you wish to continue?


The security information was not set on the specified file or directory.

An error message should have been displayed which gives more information about the error. You might also check the Event Log in Event Viewer for related information.

The following error occurred attempting to read the Directory name : text Do you wish to continue?


An error occurred while writing security information to files and/or subdirectories. You may not have permission to read the named directory or there might be a problem on the disk.

If the error indicated you cannot read the directory, grant yourself read permission and retry the operation. To ignore the error and continue without applying the security information to some of the directories, press 'Yes'.

The following error occurred changing the properties of the group group : text

[User Manager]

The properties have not been changed.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to change the properties of this global group again

The following error occurred changing the properties of the local group group : text

[User Manager]

The properties have not been changed.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to delete this local group again,

The following error occurred changing the properties of the user user name : text

[User Manager]

The properties have not been changed.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to change the properties for this user again.

The following error occurred changing the properties of the user user name : text Do you wish to continue with the next user?

[User Manager]

The properties have not been changed.

Choose Yes to continue or No to stop changing properties for these user accounts. Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to change the properties of this user account again.

The following error occurred creating the group name : text

[User Manager]

The global group has not been created.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to create this global group again.

The following error occurred creating the local group group : text

[User Manager]

The local group has not been created, or some users were not added to the group.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to perform this operation again.

The following error occurred creating the user user name : text

[User Manager]

The user account has not been created.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to create this account again.

The following error occurred while preparing to create a new group: text

[User Manager]

The group has not been created.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to create this group again.

The following error occurred while preparing to create a new local group: text

[User Manager]

The local group has not been created.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to create this local group again.

The following error occurred while preparing to create a new user: text

[User Manager]

The user account has not been created.

Look up the indicated error message to find out what you need to do before trying to create this user account again.

The following error was returned by the Windows NT System: code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The following value in the Setup Information File is corrupt or missing: Value number !u! on line name !u! in section [ name ]Setup cannot continue. Press F3 to exit.


Contact the supplier for another copy of the installation media.

The following value in the Setup Information File is corrupt or missing: Value number on the line in section [ name ]with key "name."Setup cannot continue. Press F3 to exit.


Contact the supplier for another copy of the installation media.

The format of the specified computer name is invalid.


An application requested a network operation, but the format of the computer name included in the request was unrecognizable to Windows NT.

If you have a user interface in the application, reenter the computer name. A computer name can have up to 15 characters and must not include any spaces. Precede computer names with two backslashes, as in \\\\<computer name>.

The format of the specified domain name is invalid.


An application requested a network operation, but the format of the domain name included in the request was unrecognizable to Windows NT.

If you have a user interface in the application, reenter the domain name. A domain name can have up to 15 characters and cannot include spaces.

The format of the specified event name is invalid.


Check the format of the event name.

The format of the specified group name is invalid.


An application requested a network operation, but the format of the group name included in the request was unrecognizable to Windows NT.

Check the syntax of the group name. If you have a user interface in the application, reenter the group name. A group name can have up to 20 characters. You may also use the Windows NT User Manager application to edit group names.

The format of the specified message destination is invalid.


Find out the valid format of the destination name and retry.

The format of the specified message name is invalid.


Check the format of the message name.

The format of the specified network name is invalid.


An application requested a network operation, but the format of the network name included in the request was unrecognizable to Windows NT.

If you have a user interface in the application, reenter the network name. A network name can have up to 15 characters and cannot include spaces.

The format of the specified password is invalid.


An application attempted to connect a local device to a network resource, but the format of the password included in the request was unrecognizable to Windows NT.

If you have a user interface, retry the request with a different password. Otherwise, contact the supplier of the running application.

The format of the specified service name is invalid.


Check the format of the service name.

The format of the specified share name is invalid.


Check the format of the share name.

The format of this file is not supported.


In some instances, Windows 3.1 or Windows NT does not support applications developed for earlier versions of Windows. For example, Windows NT does not support the .CPL format. When earlier applications are supported, text or format conversion is sometimes necessary.

If a format is unsupported, there is no user action.

The format of time should be hh:mm:ss. Check value of "SpTime" in the registry.

[WINS Service]

You entered the time in a format the application does not recognize.

Re-enter the time setting, and check carefully for a mistyped value. The administrator might want to check the registry to make sure the value of SpTime specifies this format. However, it is unlikely that this value has changed.

The forwarded message alias could not be found on the network.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2286

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. This alias no longer exists on the workstation that was receiving the alias's forwarded messages. The alias may have been deleted at that workstation, or the workstation may have been restarted.

Restart the workstation or add the alias to the workstation again.

The free space you have chosen is not large enough to contain a mirror of the partition you have chosen.

[Disk Administrator]

When you choose the mirroring option, the free space that you choose to mirror a partition must be equal to or larger than the partition that it is mirroring. You have chosen a free space that is smaller than the partition that it is intended to mirror.

Choose OK, then choose a free space that is equal to or larger than the partition that you want it to mirror, then try again.

The free space you have chosen is not large enough to contain an element in the stripe set you have chosen for regeneration.

[Disk Administrator]

When you choose to regenerate a stripe set, you must have enough free space available to contain all of the elements of the stripe set.

Choose a section of free space large enough to contain the elements in the stripe set.

The FT set containing name cannot be used.

[Disk Administrator]

One or more disks in this set have been lost.

Make sure the drives are on-line and are functioning properly. Check for Eventlog entries close to this one that indicate a hardware problem with one or both drives.

The FTP Server service has not been started. Would you like to start the FTP Server service?

[FTP Server]

You cannot administer the FTP Server service unless the service is started.

Choose Yes to start the service. Or choose No.

The FTP service is unavailable on computer name.

[FTP Server]

The indicated computer is not running the FTP Server service, or the FTP Server service is not installed..

Try again later. If you still get this message, ask the network administrator to make sure the FTP Server service is running on that computer.

The FTP service is unavailable.

[FTP Server]

The local computer is not running the FTP Server service, or the service is not responding. It might be stopped or paused. In rare instances it might be in a confused state.

Try again later. If you still get this message, ask the network administrator to make sure the FTP Server service is running.

The full domain list can not be generated at this time. Some domains may be missing from the list.


Currently, you can only see the list of domains that trusts your own.

Choose OK to view the available list. Or wait and try again.

The full synchronization replication of the name database from the primary domain controller computer name failed with the following error: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5718

The specified server is down or was restarted.

Ask your network administrator to check the specified server.

The full synchronization request from the server computer name failed with the following error: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5714

The specified server is down or was restarted.

Verify that the specified server is running.

The given IP address already exists in the list box.

[WINS Service]

The IP address you entered as a new address already exists, and is listed in the list box.

No action is needed. If you want, specify a different address as the new address.

The given IP address is invalid


The IP address must be in dotted decimal notation, such as or

Try again, using a valid IP address.

The global filename characters, * or ?, are entered incorrectly or too many global filename characters are specified.


If you can do it at the user interface, reenter the global filename characters. Otherwise, contact the supplier of the running application.

The group already exists.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2223

You tried to create a group with a group name that already exists.

Use a different group name for the new group. To display a list of group names established on the server, type NET GROUP if you are running the Windows NT Advanced Server. If you are running Windows NT, type NET GROUP /domain. Your Windows NT workstation must be a member of a domain that is running Windows NT Advanced Server. Otherwise, you will see a message that tells you that NET GROUP is a Windows NT Advanced Server command only.

The group may not be disabled.


Built-in system groups cannot be deleted. The group you have selected to be deleted is a system group.

The group name could not be found.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2220

You specified an unknown group name.

Check the spelling of the group name. To display a list of the groups in the security database, type NET GROUP if you are running the Windows NT Advanced Server. If you are running Windows NT, type NET GROUP /domain. Your Windows NT workstation must be a member of a domain that is running Windows NT Advanced Server. Otherwise, you will see a message that tells you that NET GROUP is a Windows NT Advanced Server command only.

The group SERVERS is not present in the local security database.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The hardware resources for name are already in use by another device.

An interrupt or port address that the indicated hardware needs to use is already in use by another device (probably by the network).

Use Port from the Control Panel to assign a different interrupt or port address to this device. Use Event Viewer to look for other messages that might provide more information about the problem.

The Help file is corrupted.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3712

Help file, NET.HLP, is damaged. The file is usually in your system directory.

Contact your network administrator. Your administrator should copy the Help file from the Windows NT distribution disks to your computer. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

The Help file is empty.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3711

Help file, NET.HLP, is damaged. The file is usually in your system directory.

Contact your network administrator. Your administrator should copy the Help file from the Windows NT distribution disks to your computer. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

The helper thread was unable to obtain a list of trusted domains.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

This message should be followed by another message that indicates that Services for Macintosh could not be started.

Check the Event Log in Event Viewer for errors related to the File Server for Macintosh not starting. Be sure to make a note of this information to relay it to technical support.

The helper thread was unable to open Local Security Authority.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Check the Event Log in Event Viewer for related errors Be sure to make a note of this information to relay it to technical support.

The helper thread was unable to open the AppleTalk Filing Protocol file system driver.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use File Manager to verify that the Srvsys.drv file is located in the <systemroot>\system32 directory. If the file is not there, remove and reinstall Services for Macintosh. Otherwise, contact technical support.

The helper thread was unable to send the list of trusted domains to the AppleTalk Filing Protocol file system driver.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The Home Directory specified is invalid.

[Control Panel]

The Home Directory must exist on this computer.

Make sure you have typed the directory path correctly, and that the directory exists.

The Home Directory specified is invalid.


The Home Directory must exist on this computer.

Make sure you have typed the directory path correctly, and that the directory exists.

The Home Directory, name , for user name could not be created. The User Account has been updated. You must create the Home Directory manually.

[User Manager]

You have designated in the User Environment Profile option a Home Directory that exists on a remote computer which is either not running or to which you don't have access.

If you are sure that you have access to the computer, wait and try again. If you do not have access to this computer, log on under a user account that has access to the remote computer. Or consult your system administrator.

The hook procedure is not installed.


An application, as part of its user interface, tried to use a procedure to monitor system events which it had not installed.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The HPFS file system does not support removable media.


You specified the HPFS for a floppy disk. You cannot format a floppy disk as an HPFS disk.

The I/O bus was reset.


Check the cabling to your peripheral devices and retry the operation. If this message reappears, run hardware diagnostics. If the diagnostics do not detect a problem, contact the supplier of the running application.

The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The I/O ports for adapter name could not be translated to something the memory management system could understand.


The ports could not be mapped to the input/output registers.

Check the configuration of the adapter. You might want to consult the documentation that accompanied the adapter. If the problem persists, contact Digi technical support.

The identifier name already exists. Type a unique name in the Identifier box.

[Registry Editor]

You can have only one instance of each device type in the Registry.

Enter a name for a device type that is not already in use on this computer.

The import path you typed is invalid.

[Server Manager]

The path you typed is not a valid pathname. It may have been mistyped.

Retype the path name. The pathname must use the following format, with no spaces:\\computername\sharename\subdirectory. You can specify many subdirectories or none, but each subdirectory name must be preceded with a backslash.

The INF filename has a invalid file description line in section [name].


While interpreting a .INF file, Setup encountered a file description line it could not interpret.

Select Retry to retry the operation. If you still get this message, select Exit Setup. Restore all the .INF files from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the files). Then rerun the Setup operation from the beginning. If you get this message again, contact your technical support group.

The INF filename has a invalid file description line in section [name].

[Repair Disk]

While interpreting a .INF file, Setup encountered a file description line it could not interpret.

Select Retry to retry the operation. If you still get this message, select Exit Setup. Restore all the .INF files from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the files). Then rerun the Setup operation from the beginning. If you get this message again, contact your technical support group.

The INF filename is missing a referenced file description line in section [name].Check for missing lines.

[Repair Disk]

While interpreting a .INF file, Setup could not find a file that is referred to earlier in the .INF file.

Select Retry to retry the operation. If you still get this message, select Exit Setup. Restore all the .INF files from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the files). Then rerun the Setup operation from the beginning. If you get this message again, contact your technical support group.

The INF filename is missing the referenced file description section [name].Check for missing lines.


Select the Retry button. If you get the same message, you will have to exit Setup. Try to replace the .INF file with the .INF file from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the file). Then retry the Setup operation from the beginning. If you still get this message, contact your technical support group.

The INF filename is missing the referenced file description section [name].Check for missing lines.

[Repair Disk]

Select the Retry button. If you get the same message, you will have to exit Setup. Try to replace the .INF file with the .INF file from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the file). Then retry the Setup operation from the beginning. If you still get this message, contact your technical support group.

The INF file contains an invalid read-syms script command.


Setup was unable to interpret a line in the .INF file.

Select Retry to retry the operation. If you still get this message, select Exit Setup. Restore all the .INF files from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the files). Then rerun the Setup operation from the beginning. If you get this message again, contact your technical support group.

The INF file contains an invalid read-syms script command.

[Repair Disk]

Setup was unable to interpret a line in the .INF file.

Select Retry to retry the operation. If you still get this message, select Exit Setup. Restore all the .INF files from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the files). Then rerun the Setup operation from the beginning. If you get this message again, contact your technical support group.

The information in the list of servers may be incorrect.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2319

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The inherited access control list (ACL) or access control entry (ACE)could not be built.


The inheritance information on a directory is invalid.

You, or an administrator, should replace the directory protection with new permissions and then try to create the file again.

The Initial Password and Confirm Password fields do not match

[Control Panel]

When you select a password, you must always type the password twice to confirm it. You did this, and the two passwords you typed to not match.

Type both passwords again.

The interface is unknown.


In a distributed (RPC) application, servers present objects known as interfaces to clients. These interfaces have unique identifiers. The distributed application tried to use an interface that does not exist.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The interface was not found.


In a distributed (RPC) application, an attempt was made to remove an RPC interface from an entry in the name-service database, but the specified interface did not meet the conditions for removal.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The IPX protocol cannot be used for dial-out on more than one port at a time.

[Remote Access Service]

Only one port can be used to dial out using the IPX protocol.

The IPX protocol cannot dial-in on the port because the IPX router is not installed.

[Remote Access Service]

This indicates an inconsistency in the Remote Access IPX configuration.

Restart your computer to ensure all configuration changes have taken effect.

The IPX protocol cannot dial-out on the port because the machine is an IPX router.

[Remote Access Service]

This is a beta limitation that will be removed for final release.

The JET Database call returned the following Error : text.


The cause of the problem is indicated by the error at the end of the message. The DHCP database might be corrupt.

Look up the indicated error and take appropriate action. If the database is corrupt, restore a previous version of the DHCP database, as described in your Windows NT Server documentation.

The JET Database call returned the following Warning : text.


This message is informational only.

If you encounter other problems, look up the indicated error and take appropriate action.

The journal hook procedure is already installed.


An application, as part of its user interface, has tried to install a procedure to record and play back system events, but it had already installed that type of procedure.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The key cannot be restored; either you have insufficient privilege, or the key or one of its subkeys is in use by another process.

[Registry Editor]

Ask your network administrator to give you the appropriate permissions and try again.

The key currently selected cannot be accessed.

[Registry Editor]

This key cannot be accessed. It has probably been deleted by another process since the Registry Editor window was last updated.

Choose Refresh All or Refresh Active from the View menu to refresh the screen. Or enable Auto Refresh (in the Options menu).If the problem persists, the registry might be corrupt.

The key currently selected is volatile. Registry Editor cannot create a non-volatile subkey on a volatile key.

[Registry Editor]

This key is created during system startup, and is deleted when the computer is turned off. (Other, non-volatile, keys are kept in a file between startups). Since this entire key is volatile, it cannot keep non-volatile information.

You might want to add the subkey to a non-volatile key.

The key name specified is not valid. A key name cannot contain \\.

[Registry Editor]

A key name cannot contain any backslashes.

Enter a key name that does not have the backslash character (\).

The label given is inappropriate for this volume.

[Disk Administrator]

FAT limits the length of the label and the characters used in the label.

Verify that the volume label you specified is compatible with FAT volumes.

The LAN adapter number is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2400

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The LAN adapter number in the configuration file is incorrect.

A NET<n> entry in the [networks] section of the computer's configuration file needs to be corrected. See your network administrator if you need assistance.

The LANA number of each protocol must be unique.

[Control Panel]

Select NetBIOS interface in the Network option of Control Panel to specify unique LANA numbers for each protocol.

The LANMAN root directory is unavailable.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3803

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The root directory for LAN Manager is unavailable.

Be sure the workstation is running and the directory containing the LAN Manager software is accessible.

The last file was not restored

[Repair Disk]

There was not enough room on the destination disk for the file, or the file was corrupted.

Use the Restore command to restore the file separately on another disk.

The last remaining administration account cannot be disabled or deleted.


You cannot delete or disable this account because it is the last locally-defined account that has administrative capabilities.

The length of a secret exceeds the maximum length allowed.


A secret is an encrypted piece of information, such as a password or user name.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The limit of 64 entries per resource was exceeded.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2230

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Each resource can have no more than 64 access records defined.

Put the users into groups and specify permissions for the groups rather than for each user.

The line is busy.

[Remote Access Service]

Redial the number. To automate redialing, set the Redial Settings feature on the Phone Book's Options menu. For more information, see "Redialing" in the Remote Access Service online Help.

The linked information cannot be updated. Either delete the link and recreate it or use the Change Link button in the Link dialog box to redefine the source document for the link.


The link between the object and the source file is broken, possibly because the name of the source document has been changed. Consequently, the link cannot be updated. You need either to delete then recreate the link or to redefine the source document for the link.

(1) If you have changed the name of the source document that contains the linked objects, you must go to the destination document, then change the name of the document that the object is linked to so that the link will work properly again. (2) If you need to delete the link (in order to recreate it), select the Picture option from the Edit menu, then select the object. From the Edit menu choose Cut. Now return to the actual linked object (the Paintbrush file, for example) and create the links again.

The list of RPC servers available for the binding of auto handle has been exhausted.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The list box identifier was not found.


An application, as part of its user interface, has requested an operation on a list box control that does not exist in the user interface.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The LM386 server cannot be started because CACHE.EXE is not running.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3091

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The CACHE.EXE program must be running before the LAN Manager 386 server can be started.

Run CACHE.EXE by typing CACHE. You can also add a RUN line to the configuration file to have CACHE.EXE start automatically whenever the computer starts.

The local device name is already in use.


You specified a resource with a local device name that is already being used.

Try the request again, using a different device name. Your choices are A: through Z: for directory device names, LPT1: through LPT9: for printer device names, and COM1: through COM9: for communications device names.

The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively.


You do not have the right to log on to this system locally, but you may have remote logon rights.

Try to log on to this system from a remote computer.

The local security authority database contains an internal inconsistency.


An error occurred from an operation on the local security policy database.

Restart the system. If that does not correct the problem, restore your last backup of the local security policy database.

The local WINS server received a request from a remote WINS server that is not of the same version. Because the WINS servers are not compatible, the connection was terminated. The version number of the remote WINS server is given below.

[WINS Service]

WINS servers share address database information. However, the servers sharing information must run the same version of WINS (the number to the left of the decimal must be the same, but the number to the right can vary). A server running a different version of WINS tried to communicate with the local WINS server.

Make sure that all of the servers that will be sharing address database information are using the same

The log file does not contain the requested record number.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2440

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The log file has been corrupted.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3717

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The log file you are using is damaged.

If you will need to refer to this log file in the future, copy it to another filename, and then clear it so that you can start another one.

The log size specified for the name log(s) is not a 64K increment. The size of the log(s) will be rounded upward to the next 64K increment.

[Event Viewer]

In the Event Log Settings dialog box, you manually changed the Maximum Log Size to a number that is not a 64K increment. Event Viewer rounds such numbers up to the nearest 64K increment.

Choose OK.

The logical drive created will not be accessible from other operating systems such as MS-DOS because the extended partition start or end cylinder value is too large. Do you want to create the logical drive anyway?

[Disk Administrator]

Some MS-DOS versions do not support disk drives with more than 1023 cylinders.

The logon processor did not add the message alias.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2204

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Your user name was not added as a new message alias for one of the following reasons: the Messenger service is not started on your workstation; your user name and your workstation's computer name are the same, and your workstation's computer name is already a message alias; or your user name is in use as a message alias on another computer on the network. In this case, you cannot receive messages at the local workstation using this name.

Start the Messenger service on your workstation if it is not already started. Then use the Net Name command to add your user name as a message alias. If your user name is being used as a message alias on another computer, delete the alias on that computer. Then use the Net Name command to add your user name as a message alias on this computer.

The logon script path you typed is invalid.

[Server Manager]

The path you typed is not a valid pathname. It may have been mistyped.

Retype the path name. The pathname must use the following format, with no spaces:\\computername\sharename\subdirectory. You can specify many subdirectories or none, but each subdirectory name must be preceded with a backslash.

The logon server could not be found.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2215

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. No domain controller is responding to your command.

See your network administrator.

The logon server could not validate the logon.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2217

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Your logon server is running an earlier version of LAN Manager.

No action is needed.

The logon server was not specified. Your computer will be logged on as STANDALONE.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2214

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The logon was not validated by a logon server.

No action is needed.

The logon session ID is already in use.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The logon session is not in a state that is consistent with the requested operation.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The machine account for this computer either does not exist or is inaccessible.

[Control Panel]

There is no account for your computer on this domain, or the account information is not available.

Ask your network administrator to create an account for you.

The machine configuration has changed and should be restarted before this operation is attempted. Continue anyway?

[Control Panel]

Changes have been made to the configuration of this computer, but the changes will not take effect until the computer is restarted. This could cause problems with the operation you are trying to perform, because of differences between the configuration settings and the actual current configuration.

The safest course is to choose No, close open files and running applications, restart the computer, and then try the operation again. However, you can choose yes and continue the current operation if you want to.

The Macintosh-Accessible volume was created successfully, but an account name of an Owner or Group (or both) is invalid.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The owner or group name you specified may have been deleted.

Select Permissions from the MacFile menu in File Manager to change the owner or group of the Macintosh-accessible volume.

The MacPrint Service was unable to access its registry key. (The data is the Win32 error code.)

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The Registry key might have been deleted or access to it has been limited.

Verify that the key is in the Registry. The path is \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MacPrint. Also, contact your system administrator.

The manager type is unknown.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a manager type can be associated with a server interface. This message can occur when the server tries to delete or query an interface and specifies the wrong manager type.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The Margin values are not correct. Either they are not numeric characters or they don't fit the dimensions of the page. Try either entering a number or decreasing the margins.


Using the Page Setup option in the File menu, you designated a margin range that exceeds the height or width of the page, that is not a positive number, or that is not a numeric character.

Specify valid margins.

The master browser has received a server announcement from the computer computer name that believes that it is the master browser for the domain on transport name.The master browser is stopping or an election is being forced.


Only one computer in a domain can be running as the master browser.

Contact your network administrator.

The maximum directory IDs have been reached on volume "name "./n Copy contents to a newly created Macintosh-Accessible volume.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Copy the contents to a newly created Macintosh-accessible volume.

The maximum number of added message aliases has been exceeded.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2277

The maximum number of message aliases on each computer is limited by the system hardware. You have reached this limit. This limit also affects the number of other domains you can specify with the Othdomains option of the Net Config Workstation command.

To find the limit for your system, see your hardware documentation or ask your administrator. To display a list of current message aliases, type NET NAME. To delete a message alias to make room for a new message alias or another domain specified by the Othdomains option, type NET NAME <alias>/DELETE.

The maximum number of calls is too small.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a server specified the maximum number of concurrent calls from clients that it will listen for, and that number is too small. For example, the server might have specified the number 0.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The maximum number of connections is invalid

[Control Panel]

Maximum Connections can be set to any value up to 50.

Specify a valid number of connections.

The maximum number of connections is invalid


Maximum Connections can be set to any value up to 50.

Specify a valid number of connections.

The maximum number of secrets that may be stored in a single system has been exceeded.


A secret is an encrypted piece of information, such as a password or user name.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The maximum timeout setting is invalid

[Control Panel]

Idle Timeout can be set to any value up to 60. If you set the Idle Timeout to 0 (zero), users are never automatically disconnected.

Specify a number from 0 to 60.

The maximum timeout setting is invalid


Idle Timeout can be set to any value up to 60. If you set the Idle Timeout to 0 (zero), users are never automatically disconnected.

Specify a number from 0 to 60.

The media .INI file refers to an unknown device name.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the Remote Access configuration files probably contains invalid information.

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to reinstall Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall RAS. If you are using a modem that is not supported by Remote Access, switch to a supported modem, or see "Modem Script File" in the Remote Access Service online Help for information about modifying the modem script file for your modem. The Remote Access script files (PAD.INF, MODEM.INF, and SWITCH.INF) are in the \SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The media .INI file refers to an unknown device type.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the Remote Access configuration files probably contains invalid information.

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to reinstall Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall RAS. If you are using a modem that is not supported by Remote Access, switch to a supported modem, or see "Modem Script File" in the Remote Access Service online Help for information about modifying the modem script file for your modem. The Remote Access script files (PAD.INF, MODEM.INF, and SWITCH.INF) are in the \SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The media is write protected.


No information can be changed or added to a write-protected drive.

If this is a removable media drive, make sure that the proper disk is being used, or remove the write-protection. Then retry the command.

The media selected cannot support the file system selected.

[Disk Administrator]

HPFS does not support removable drives.

Choose a different file system for this media.

The memory range for adapter name could not be translated to something the memory management system could understand.


The adapter's memory range could not be mapped.

Verify that the specified memory address range is correct. If the problem persists, contact Digi technical support.

The memory resources needed by NTVDM could not be allocated.

[Virtual DOS Machine (VDM)]

The virtual DOS machine could not allocate the required amount of memory.

Close down some running applications and then continue.

The message alias could not be found on the network.


The message could not be delivered because the addressee is not logged on, or is not using the name you sent the message to as a computer name or message alias.

No action is needed.

The message alias is currently in use. Try again later.


The computer to which you tried to send a message was receiving another message. A computer can receive only one message at a time.

Send the message again later.

The message alias table on the remote station is full.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2287

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The workstation to which you are trying to forward the message alias has no room for new aliases.

Ask the user on that workstation if an existing alias can be deleted so yours can be added, or forward your alias to a different workstation.

The message alias was not successfully deleted from all networks.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2299

The message alias could not be deleted from all networks of which this computer is a member. This should cause no problems.

If this error occurs frequently, contact technical support.

The message contains too many characters. Please type a shorter message.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Messages are limited to 199 characters.

The message has been sent, but the connected workstation has not received it. The workstation is running an unsupported version of System software.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

In order for Services for Macintosh to be able to communicate with the System software, the software needs to be upgraded.

The Message server has stopped due to a lock on the Message server shared data segment.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3141

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The message text is empty. Send anyway?

[Remote Access Service]

You pressed send before actually entering any text.

Enter text before pressing Enter or choose Cancel to exit the dialog.

The message was sent but not received.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2282

The remote workstation was unable to receive your message. The Workstation or Messenger service may not be running on that workstation, it may have been receiving another message as yours arrived, or its message buffer may be too small.

Send your message again later. If the error persists, see your network administrator.

The message was sent, but the recipient has paused the Messenger service.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2281

The person receiving your message has paused the Messenger service, so your message could not be received.

Send your message again later. If the error persists, see your network administrator.

The Messenger service failed to start.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2272

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The initialization sequence of the Messenger service failed, so the service could not start.

Check the error log for error messages related to the Messenger service failing to start. This problem may be caused by the way your workstation or server is configured, or by hardware or software errors.

The Messenger service has not been started.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2284

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The Messenger service must be running for you to use this command.

To start the Messenger service, type NET START MESSENGER.

The Messenger service is already started.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You tried to start the Messenger service, but it is already running.

No action is needed. If this error occurs often, contact technical support.

The Method has been changed to COPY.


This is an informational message which appears if a read-only (CD-ROM) drive is being backed up. Backup usually resets the read-only attribute. However, because the attribute cannot be reset, the method has been changed to copy.

The minimum password age for user accounts cannot be greater than the maximum password age.


The minimum password age specified must not be greater than the maximum.

Specify a minimum password age that is less than the maximum password age.

The minimum password age must be less than the maximum password age.

[User Manager]

Change the number in the Expires In box, or the number in the Allow Changes In box, or both, so that the number in the first box is larger than the number in the second.

The modem on number moved to an unsupported BPS rate.

[Remote Access Service]

The communications port does not support the speed that the modem tried to use.

Put in a different communications port or choose a lower initial baud rate by selecting initial speed Modem Settings. If this does not work, you might need to change your modem.

The module name has an invalid module type

[OS/2 Subsystem]

The Windows NT OS/2 subsystem cannot run the application that contains the module named in the message. A dynamic link library file cannot be used as an executable module of an application. And an executable file cannot be used as a dynamic link library.

Reinstall the application and try running it again in the Windows NT environment. If you get this same message, there were probably errors when the application was created. If you can, run these same application files under the OS/2 operating system. If you get a comparable message under OS/2, then contact the supplier of the application. If the application runs under OS/2, contact your technical support group about a problem with the Windows NT OS/2 subsystem.

The mounted file system does not support extended attributes.


An attempt was made to save extended attributes using a file system that does not have the ability to save extended attributes.

Save the file or directory using a file system that can save extended attributes.

The Name Challenge Request thread could not be created

[WINS Service]

There is a shortage of some resource, such as memory, on the computer.

Reboot the computer.

The name entered is not properly formatted.

[Control Panel]

The name option in the Network dialog box can consist of no more than 15 characters, and cannot contain any of the following characters: ; : " < > * + = \\ | ? ,. The name that you have selected contains one of these characters.

Remove the character, then try again.

The name has already been shared.


The share name is already in use on this server.

Choose a share name that is not currently used on this server. To see a list of resources currently shared on this server, type NET SHARE. Any name that is not on this list can be used as a share name.

The name is already being used. Use another name.


You have attempted to assign to a page a name that you have already assigned to another page.

Follow the action specified in the message.

The name is not on the local computer.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2285

You tried to delete a message alias that is not on your computer.

To display a list of aliases on your computer and to check the spelling of the aliases, type NET NAME.

The name limit for the local computer network adapter card was exceeded.


The number of names allowed on the network adapter card for the local computer was exceeded.

Perform one of the following actions, then retry the operation: (1) disconnect from any resources that you are not currently using; or (2) reconfigure the network adapter card. If neither of these actions correct the problem, contact your network administrator.

The name of the file after expansion is bigger than WINS can handle. The unexpanded string is text.

[WINS Service]

The file was specified with an expansion string. When the expansion string was translated to the value set for it in this computer's environment, the resulting filename was too large for WINS to use.

Move the file to a different directory, such that the full path name is less than 255 characters. Change the name specification to match the new location, and try again.

The name or security ID (SID) of the domain specified is inconsistent with the trust information for that domain.


Contact your system administrator or domain administrator to resolve the inconsistency.

The name provided is not a properly formed account name.


A client has used a badly formatted account name as part of a security service request. An account name cannot be NULL, and can have no more than 512 characters.

Change the account name, then retry the operation.

The name registration packet that was just received has too many addresses. The maximum number of addresses for a multi-homed client is 25. The number of addresses found in the packet is given below.

[WINS Service]

A client has sent a name registration packet for a multi-homed client. A multi-homed client is one with more than address to register. Each network adapter card can register up to five addresses. After you have set the addresses in the computer's configuration, the request packets are sent automatically. This packet had more addresses than are allowed, and has been discarded. Depending on the software on the client computer, the first 25 addresses may or may not be registered for the client computer.

Check the Event log to find out which client sent the name registration packet. Then reconfigure that client so that it has 25 or fewer addresses.

The name service is unavailable.


In a distributed (RPC) application, an operation on the name-service database was attempted, but the database was unavailable.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The name specified for the user's home directory ( path ) is not a universal naming convention (UNC) name.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3917

Your home directory is not a network path that can be connected to. The directory must specify a full path, including the server and share names.

Ask your network administrator to verify that the home directory path specified in the user account is correct.

The name specified is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

[Command Prompt]

At the command prompt, you have entered characters that do not correspond with any command that Command Prompt recognizes. For example, this message would appear if you misspelled a legitimate Command Prompt command.

Ensure that the command that you have typed is spelled correctly and corresponds to a recognized Command Prompt command.

The name specified is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


At the command prompt, you have entered characters that do not correspond with any command that Command Prompt recognizes. For example, this message would appear if you misspelled a legitimate Command Prompt command.

Ensure that the command that you have typed is spelled correctly and corresponds to a recognized Command Prompt command.

The name syntax is invalid.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a client may have specified a name-service database entry name that did not conform to the syntax of such a name.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The name syntax is not supported.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a client may have specified a syntax for a name-service database entry name that is not supported by Windows NT.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The NBT LMHOSTS file could not be loaded.


The NBT LMHOSTS file could not be opened.

Ask your system administrator to make sure the LMHOSTS file is present in the Database Path Registry parameter.

The NCBCANCEL command was not valid; the command was not canceled.

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

Contact your application vendor.

The NEAR value must be an integer between 1 and 50,000

[Disk Administrator]

Enter a number between 1 and 50,000.

The NetBIOS name is invalid. It may be too long, or contain one or more invalid characters.

[WINS Service]

The name you specified when adding a WINS server is not a valid NetBIOS computer name.

Make sure that you have the correct computer name. Then try again, making sure to type the name correctly.

The NETBT key could not be opened

[WINS Service]

The NETBT configuration is stored in the Registry, under Current Control Set\Services\NETBT key. The LINKAGE key could not be opened. WINS uses NETBT to send and receive client responses and request.

Ask the administrator to check the Registry and reinstall TCP/IP.

The NETBT key could not be queried

[WINS Service]

This could indicate a problem with the general health of the system.

Do a general checkup of this computer. Call technical support.

The netcard detection DLL is incomplete (export missing)

[Control Panel]

The application could not detect the network adapter card because a portion of the required .DLL file was missing.

Reinstall the new network component. If the problem continues, contact the vendor for a new .DLL file.

The Netlogon service could not add the RPC interface. The service was terminated. The following error occurred: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5702

Other network services that are required to run the RPC interface have failed.

Check the event log with Event Viewer for more details about other service errors.

The Netlogon service could not create server share name. The following error occurred: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5706

The Server service did not start.

Check the event log with Event Viewer for more details about related errors.

The Netlogon service could not initialize the replication data structures successfully. The service was terminated. The following error occurred: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5700

Your system does not have enough disk space to start the service.

Ask your system administrator to check the amount of disk space on your computer.

The Netlogon service could not read a mailslot message from name due to the following error: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5703

The Mailslot service did not start because the driver is missing.

Ask your system administrator to verify that the Windows NT installation completed successfully.

The Netlogon service failed to register the service with the service controller. The service was terminated. The following error occurred: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5704

The service controller is not running.

Check the event log with Event Viewer for more details about related errors.

The Netlogon service failed to update the domain trust list. The following error occurred: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5701

Your computer does not have sufficient disk space or the local security database is corrupted.

Contact your system administrator.

The Netlogon service has not been started.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2455

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The Netlogon service is not running.

Start the Netlogon service at the server, and then type the command again.

The network name ran out of network control blocks (NCBs). You may need to increase NCBs for this network. The following information includes the number of NCBs submitted by the server when this error occurred:

[Network] Net Message ID: 3126

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server found a resource shortage in a network driver when it tried to issue an NCB.

Be sure that the NET<n> entries in the configuration file specify valid NetBIOS device drivers and that these device drivers are in the LANMAN\\DRIVERS directory. Also be sure that the CONFIG.SYS file contains a DEVICE line specifying the absolute paths of the device drivers. You may be able to increase the NCBs for the listed network by changing an option in the network's NET<n> entry in the configuration file. See the installation guide that came with your network adapter for information about those options. If you need assistance, contact your network administrator.

The network address is invalid.


The network address contained in a remote procedure call (RPC) is invalid.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The network BIOS command limit has been reached.


The network currently has too many NetBIOS requests waiting to be processed.

Retry the command at a later time. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator.

The network BIOS session limit was exceeded.


Your computer network adapter card has too many NetBIOS sessions currently active.

Disconnect from any resources that you are not currently using and then retry the command. Contact your network administrator if you continue to have problems.

The network connection could not be found.


This network connection does not exist.

To display a list of shared resources to which your computer is connected, type NET USE.

The network disk drive has stopped responding. Backup set aborted.


Use File Manager to verify your network connection.

The network end number for this network is invalid.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The network end number is outside the range of 1 to 65,279.

Specify a number between 1 and 65,279.

The network is busy.


The network is currently busy processing other requests, or is out of resources.

Retry the command at a later time or verify your network configuration to be sure enough network resources are specified.

The network is down

[FTP Server] [TCP/IP]

The TCP/IP utility cannot run because the networking software is not running on the local computer.

Ask your network administrator to get the network software running on your computer.

The network is not installed or enabled. You will not be able to make a remote connection. Do you wish to continue dialing?


You attempted to dial another computer from Chat, and network software is not properly installed on your computer.

Use the Network option in Control Panel to install network software, and then try again.

The network is not present or not started.


An application has initiated a network operation, such as redirecting a local device to a network resource or listing all current redirections, but there is no network.

Make sure the network adapter card is in the computer, that the cable connection into the network card is not loose, that the network software is properly installed, and that the network resource is started. You may need to contact your network administrator or technical support group to check these things.

The network is not started.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3107

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A program or command could not run because LAN Manager is not started or installed.

Check that LAN Manager is installed and that the Workstation service is started. Then type the command again.

The network logon failed.


This may be due to a validation authority that cannot be reached.

Contact your system administrator or domain administrator to check why the trust relationship between the two computers has failed.

The network name cannot be found.

[File Manager]

You specified a network drive that does not exist as the source or destination. If the connection has been broken, or could not be made at startup, the icon for that drive is dimmed.

Connect or reconnect to the drive and try again.

The network name cannot be found.


The specified network name is not correct. You attempted to access a resource that is not shared by the server you specified.

Make sure the network name you specified is correct, then retry the command. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator.

The network options are invalid.


A distributed (RPC) application has tried to use the network, but cannot because the options included in its request are invalid.

Contact the supplier of the distributed application. The network options in the string binding may not have been programmed correctly.

The network path was not found.


The server that you specified does not exist or has not been started.

Do one of the following: (1) verify that you specified the path name correctly, then retry the command; (2) verify that the server specified is started, then retry the command; or (3) contact your network administrator if you continue to have problems.

The network range specified is in conflict with the network range of another network adapter. You must specify a network range that does not overlap other networks. The following ranges are being used by other adapters in the system. number

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

To determine which ranges overlap, you might want to make a note of each of the ranges. Select the Network option in Control Panel. Select Services for Macintosh in the Installed Network Software box. Then choose Configure. In the AppleTalk Protocol Configuration dialog box, choose the Advanced button. Specify a range not used by other adapters.

The network ranges specified for one or more adapters overlap with those of the adapter "name ".

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use the Network option in Control Panel to determine which ranges overlap among the installed adapters. Select Service for Macintosh from the Installed Network Software box and then choose Configure. In the Advanced Configuration dialog box, specify different network adapter ranges to remove the overlap.

The network request is not supported.


You attempted an operation that cannot be performed from your computer or that is not supported on the specified remote server.

Verify that you are using the correct server for the command or task that you want to perform, then retry the command. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator to ensure that the correct software is installed on your system.

The network request was not accepted.


One of the following occurred: (1) the specified server cannot support the network request; (2) the maximum number of users for the alias may have been reached; or (3) the server might have run out of network resources, such as memory, network buffers, or NetBIOS commands necessary to process your request.

Retry the command at a later time. If the same error occurs, contact your network administrator. Network administrators should consult documentation for the server.

The network resource type is not correct.


The network directory or device name that you specified is not correct.

Retry the command using the correct network directory or device name. For example, valid directory device names are A: through Z:, valid printer names are LPT1: through LPT9:, and valid communications device names are COM1: through COM9:.

The network software is not installed.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3076

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. An operation was attempted that requires LAN Manager. The workstation will not start because either LAN Manager is not installed, or the MINSES.EXE file required for LAN Manager is not loaded.

Install LAN Manager. If LAN Manager is installed and you are using LAN Manager Enhanced, verify that the following entries are in the configuration file: [network] - netservices=minses; [services] - minses=\\NETPROG\\MINSES.EXE. If LAN Manager is installed and you are using LAN Manager Basic, verify that MINSES.EXE is listed in the [start workstation] section of the configuration file.

The network start number for this network is invalid.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The network start number is outside the range of 1 to 65,279.

Specify a number between 1 and 65,279.

The new password was not correctly confirmed. Be sure that the confirmation password exactly matches the new password.

[User Manager]

In the User Properties dialog box, you have assigned a password to a user account, but have not confirmed that password.

Select the OK button, return to the User Properties dialog box, and make sure that you have entries in both the Password and Confirm Password options.

The new password was not correctly confirmed. Be sure that the confirmation password matches exactly the new password.

[Server Manager]

In the Service Config dialog box, your new password and your confirmation passwords do not match.

Type the same password in both the New Password and the Confirm Password option boxes.

The NT password is too complex to be converted to a LAN Manager password. The LAN Manager password returned is a NULL string.


Contact the supplier of the running application. A general workaround is to change your password or run with no security between applications.

The NTFS file system does not function on floppies.


Format floppy disks with the FAT file system only. When you are using the Format command to format a floppy disk, do not use the /fs: switch.

The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.

[Virtual DOS Machine (VDM)]

Retry the operation. If you still get this message, try to continue. If you are able to continue, you might want to check the results of the running application. Otherwise, terminate the application, then restart it. If you still get this message, contact your technical support group or the supplier of the running application.

The number of lines and columns cannot be changed in a full screen.


Retry the Mode command with a valid parameter.

The number of specified semaphore events for DosMuxSemWait is not correct.


Either no event or too many events were specified in a call to the function that waits for one of several semaphores to clear.

Correct the event count. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The NWSap Registry Key name was not present. The NwSapAgent could not start.


The application could not start because a key is missing from the Registry or is incorrect.

Use the Network applet from the Control Panel to remove and re-install the SAP Agent.

The object can not be deleted because the application needed by the object is busy. You may switch to the object's application and try to correct the problem.

Attempt to free the busy application, then try again to delete the object.

The object could not be deleted because the server application is busy. Wait until the server becomes available. Or try to determine which application is busy, switch to it, and then complete or cancel the action which is causing it to be busy.


The server application refers to the application (such as Paintbrush or Sound Recorder) in which the object was created.

Follow the user action specified in the message.

The object universal unique identifier (UUID) has already been registered.


A distributed (RPC) application tried to create a unique object identifier, but that identifier already exists.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The object universal unique identifier (UUID) was not found.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a unique object identifier was used that cannot be matched with an existing object. The object has not been registered with the Windows NT RPC run-time.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The old driver is still being used by Windows NT. You must quit and restart Windows NT before you can add the updated driver.

[Drivers (CP)]

Any time that you add or remove a device driver, you must restart Windows NT before the new device driver actually begins to function.

Exit and restart Windows NT.

The operating system cannot run application.


The application program cannot run on this version of the operating system.

Reinstall the application program, then retry the command. If the message occurs again, contact the supplier of the application.

The operating system cannot run this component.

[File Manager]

You attempted to run an executable file that has a bad format. Or you have attempted to load a .DLL file that lacks an ordinal.

No action is needed.

The operating system cannot run this application program.


Contact the supplier of the application.

The operating system is not presently configured to run this application.


Contact your system administrator to check the configuration of Windows NT on your computer.

The operation failed because a network software error occurred.


A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The operation is invalid for this device.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2331

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The command cannot be used on a communication-device queue.

If you need further help, contact your network administrator.

The operation is invalid on a redirected resource.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2117

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The device name you specified is assigned to a shared resource.

To perform this operation on this device name, you first must end its connection to the shared resource.

The operation is invalid on a redirected resource.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Creating a volume on a redirected resource is not currently supported.

In order to tell which drives on your computer are redirected, type Net Use at the command prompt. Any drives that are listed after you type the command are redirected drives.

The option name is unknown.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3506

The specified option is invalid.

Check the spelling of the option you typed. To see a list of options for this command, type NET HELP <command>.

The options of this command are:


When using this command, include only those options listed here.

The other computer did not respond


You dialed a computer in Chat, and the computer did not respond. Most likely, the name that you specified designates a computer name that does not exist on the network or that is not started.

Wait, and then try again. Or specify a valid computer name.

The output file already exists. Click OK to overwrite.

[Print Manager]

You have attempted to print to a file and the filename already exists.

Before overwriting the existing output file, you might want to check the contents of the file.

The parent directory could not be located.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2232

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. No permissions have been assigned for the parent directory.

Your network administrator must assign permissions for this resource.

The partial synchronization replication of the name database from the primary domain controller computer name failed with the following error: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5716

The specified server is down or was restarted.

Verify that the specified server is running.

The partial synchronization request from the server computer name failed with the following error: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5712

The specified server is down or was restarted.

Verify that the specified server is running.

The partition number of the partition which contains your Windows NT system files has changed. The old partition number was number ; the new partition number is number. Edit BOOT.INI to reflect this change before shutting the system down.

[Disk Administrator]

Usually this message occurs only if you have repartitioned the boot partition on an x86 computer. In this case, you must manually edit your BOOT.INI, or you may be unable to start your system after Disk Administrator shuts it down.

At the command prompt, type EDIT BOOT.INI. When the file appears, find the word "partition" followed by parentheses and a number. Changed this number to the new partition number specified in the message.

The password entered is not properly formatted.

[Control Panel]

A password in the Network dialog box can consist of no more than 15 characters, and cannot contain any of the following characters: ; : " < > * + = \\ | ? ,. The password that you have entered contains one of these characters.

Remove the character, then try again.

The password for this computer is not found in the local security database.

[Network] Net Message ID: 5601

Either Windows NT did not install properly or the local security database is corrupted on your computer.

If you receive this message after your initial installation of the operating system, reinstall Windows NT. Otherwise, contact your system administrator.

The password has expired.

[Remote Access Service]

If you are connecting through the Remote Access Phone Book, you will automatically be prompted to change your password. If you are connecting through the RASDIAL command, you can change your password by 1) Pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and 2) Selecting Change Password, and following the instructions on the screen.

The password is incorrect.

[User Manager]

Make sure you have the correct password and try again, taking care to type the password correctly including capitalization. Make sure the Caps Lock has not been accidentally turned on.

The password is invalid for name.


You used an incorrect password.

Check that you have the correct password, and then retype it. If you cannot remember your password, see your network administrator to have your password changed.

The password is invalid.


You typed an invalid password.

Retype the command, using a valid password.

The password is shorter than required.


The password you specified is not long enough.

Use a longer password. See your network administrator to find the required length for passwords on your system.

The password of this user cannot change.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2243

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You cannot change your password.

See your network administrator if you want your password changed.

The password of this user has expired.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2242

Your password has expired. You will not be able to perform any network tasks until you change your password.

To change your password, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and then select Change Password.

The password of this user is too recent to change.


You cannot change your password again for a certain length of time.

No action is needed. See your network administrator to find the length of time that you must use your current password.

The password or user name is invalid for name.


Either your password or your user name is incorrect.

Retry the operation with the correct password or user name. If you cannot remember your password, see your network administrator to have your password changed.

The password parameter is invalid.


You specified an invalid password.

Use a valid password.

The password you typed is invalid.

[Server Manager]

The new password that you have typed in the Service Config dialog either (1) was typed incorrectly; or (2) violates the minimum and maximum password length defined in the system Account Policy.

Make sure that you have typed the correct password. Or see your system administrator to determine the password parameters defined in the system Account Policy.

The password you typed is invalid.

[User Manager]

In the Password option, you can specify a password of up to 14 characters. You have specified a password that is longer than 14 characters, or that is shorter than the minimum password length defined in your workstation's account policy.

Specify a password of no more than 14 characters and no less than the minimum length defined in your account policy, confirm the password, then choose OK.

The passwords do not match.


The two passwords you typed did not match.

Be sure to type identical passwords.

The passwords you typed do not match. Type the new password in both text boxes.


When you change your password, you must type it twice. You have typed two passwords that differ. The mismatch might be due to a mistyped word, or due to a difference in capitalization.

Type the new password in both text boxes again, making sure that they are exactly the same.

The path path is invalid.

Make sure the path and file you specified are valid and retry the operation.

The path path is invalid.

[Program Manager]

Attempting to create a new program item, you have specified an invalid path in the Command Line option.

Choose OK, then type in this option box a path that points to the program item's executable file.

The path is invalid.

[Task Manager]

The path you entered does not follow the rules for a valid path.

Make sure you have the correct path, and then try again, making sure to type the path correctly. Remember to use backslashes (\) rather than forward slashes (/) between directory names.

The path specified cannot be used at this time.


The path specified is being used by the current process or another process.

Try again later.

The path specified is being used in a substitute.


An attempt was made to join to a path which is being used in a substitute.

Retry the command, specifying another path.

The path you specified is not valid. Specify a path that is local to the selected server on which you want to create the Macintosh-Accessible volume.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

You may have included a drive letter when you specified the path. Or, you tried to create a volume on a server that is not running Services for Macintosh.

The Peer service supports only two simultaneous users.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2122

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. On a workstation running the Peer service, only you and one other user can have connections to a shared resource at the same time.

Retype the command, specifying two as the maximum number of users for the resource.

The Permissions Editor failed: text

[Print Manager]

The indicated system error prevented Print Manager from opening the Printer Permissions dialog.

Look up the error message that is included at the end of this message, and take appropriate action. Then try again.

The permissions for the selected group or user cannot be displayed because they do not correspond to standard NTFS permissions. You can remove the permissions or replace them with standard NTFS permissions.


The permissions editor cannot display all possible permission combinations on NTFS. The non-standard permissions may have been applied to the selected user or group through an application.

If you can, determine how the file was given the non-standard permissions.

The phone book file you specified does not exist.

[Remote Access Service]

Verify that you typed the name correctly. Also verify the path to the phone book file.

The phone number including prefix and suffix is too long.

[Remote Access Service]

The maximum length of the phone number, including prefix and suffix, is 128 characters.

The physical end of the tape has been reached.


For instance, some tapes have an end-of-tape mark (a hole for sensor light to shine through) when there is no more room to write data on the tape.

Insert another tape or rewind this one.

The pipe has been ended.


The using process has closed the pipe or, if you are trying to write to the pipe, there are no available readers.

End your requested operation. If this occurs often while running an application, contact the supplier of that application.

The pipe is being closed.


An attempt was made to read from a pipe, but no data was available.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The pipe state is invalid.


A pipe operation cannot be performed on a file that does not refer to a pipe.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The pixel format is invalid.


A valid pixel format identifies a pixel configuration supported on a drawing surface. DescribePixelFormat describes all the pixel formats supported on a given drawing surface. SetPixelFormat changes the pixel format of a window or drawing surface. The pixel format of a window or drawing surface can be modified only once. Once it is set, it cannot be changed to a different pixel format.

If you can, verify that the pixel format is supported by the drawing surface. If the pixel format was changed on another occasion, it cannot be changed again. Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The port handle is invalid.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dial out.

[Remote Access Service]

If the port is already in use by another connection, hang up the connection on this port, or edit the entry to use another communication port. If the port is not already in use, reconfigure your Remote Access port for dial out. Use the Network option in Control Panel to reconfigure RAS. For more information see "Reconfiguring Remote Access" in the Remote Access Service online Help.

The port is already open.

[Remote Access Service]

Another application is using the port.

Close the application and redial.

The port is disconnected.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The port is not configured for Remote Access.

[Remote Access Service]

If the port is already being used for another connection, hang up that connection, or edit this entry to use another communications port. If the port is not already in use, reconfigure your Remote Access port for dialing out. Use the Network option in Control Panel to reconfigure RAS. For instructions, see "Reconfiguring Remote Access" in the Remote Access Service online Help.

The port is not connected.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The port is not open.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The port is probably being used for dialing out or is not a Remote Access port.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the ports you are trying to enumerate is being used to dial out using the Remote Access Service.

Either ignore this message, wait until the port is not being used, or stop attempting to use the port for dialing out.

The port or device is already disconnecting.

[Remote Access Service]

Wait for Remote Access to finish disconnecting the entry or close the Remote Access Service.

The port was disconnected by the remote machine.

[Remote Access Service]

The link has been disconnected for one of the following reasons: an unrecoverable phone line error; a noisy line; or disconnection by the system administrator.

To re-establish the link, redial. If you have enabled the Redial on link failure option, the entry is redialed automatically. You can enable automatic redialing through Redial Settings on the Options menu. For more information see "Setting Options" in the Remote Access Service online Help. If this error persists, lower the modem's initial speed (bps) setting, and dial again. Also see "Setting Modem Features" in the Remote Access Service online Help.

The port was disconnected by the user.

[Remote Access Service]

You have disconnected the line through an action on your computer.


The port was disconnected due to hardware failure.

[Remote Access Service]

The link has been disconnected for one of the following reasons: an unrecoverable error occurred in your modem (or other communication device); an unrecoverable error occurred on your communications port; or your modem cable has come unplugged.

To diagnose and correct the problem make sure your modem is on and your cable is securely attached or make sure your modem is functioning properly. For instructions on testing your modem through Windows NT Terminal, see "Testing Your Modem" in the Remote Access Service online Help.

The port was disconnected.

[Remote Access Service]

Redial the entry. If you continue to get this message, reduce the modem's initial speed, and turn off the advanced modem features. For more information see "Setting Modem Features" in the Remote Access Service online Help. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

The port was not found.

[Remote Access Service]

The Remote Access Phone Book file and the current Remote Access configuration are probably inconsistent.

If you have changed your communications equipment (such as your serial port or modem), be sure to reconfigure Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to reconfigure RAS. For more information see "Reconfiguring Remote Access" in the Remote Access Service online Help. If the error persists, remove and recreate the affected Phone Book entry or, reinstall the Remote Access Service. The Remote Access Phone Book (RASPHONE.PBK) is in the SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The primary domain controller for domain name failed.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3034

The domain controller for this domain has stopped.

Wait a few minutes, and then restart the domain controller. If this is not possible, you have the option of promoting another server with user-level security to be the domain controller.

The primary domain controller for domain name has apparently failed.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3223

The domain controller for this domain has stopped.

Wait a few minutes, and then restart the domain controller. If this is not possible, you have the option of promoting another server to be the domain controller.

The Primary Group account name is invalid. Please specify a valid account name for the Primary Group of this directory.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The account name does not exist in the security database.

Use User Manager to view existing groups in the security database.

The print job does not exist.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2151

There is no print job matching the print job identification number you typed.

Be sure you typed the correct print job identification number. To see a list of current print jobs, type NET PRINT \\\\<computer name>\\<share name>.

The print processor is not installed.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2168

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The print processor you specified has not been installed on the server.

Use Control Panel to install a print processor. For more information about the Control Panel, see your operating system manual(s).

The print processor is not responding.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2160

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The spooler is failing to communicate with the print processor.

See your network administrator. There may be software problems with the print processor or hardware problems with the associated printer.

The print processor is unknown.


The print processor is a dynamic-link library (DLL) which calls the printer driver. An application has tried to use a print processor which has not been installed on your computer.

Contact your system administrator to check the software that has been installed on your computer. If the required DLL cannot be installed on your system, you may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The printer already exists.


You cannot create a printer with a name that already exists.

Try a different name.

The printer command is invalid.


An application has tried to use an invalid printer command. Examples of generic printer commands are things like: Initialize Printer, Pause Printer, or Purge Printer.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The printer destination already exists.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. This printer has already been installed.

Be sure you typed the correct device name.

The printer destination cannot be found.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2152

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. This printer is not used by a printer queue.

Check the spelling of the printer name and then retype the command.

The printer does not exist.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2150

The printer you have specified is invalid.

Check the spelling of the printer name. To see the list of printers shared on this server, type NET PRINT \\\\<computer name>\\<share name>.

The printer driver is unknown.


An application has tried to use a printer driver which has not been installed.

Contact your system administrator to find out which printer drivers are installed on your system. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The printer is offline.


The physical printer is not connected to the network or is turned off or has gone offline.

Go to the printer and make sure that it is running and that all cables are secure. There might be a button to push to bring the printer online.

The printer is out of paper.

[Kernel32] [Network]

One of the following has occurred: (1) there is no paper in the printer; or (2) there is not enough disk space to create a spool file.

Do one of the following: (1) make sure the paper is loaded properly with paper; (2) make sure the printer is switched on; (3) make sure the printer is installed and connected; or (4) delete any unnecessary files from the disk that contains the spool directory. Then retry the command.

The printer name is invalid.


Either you specified no printer name where one is required, or you included a comma in the printer name.

Specify a valid printer name. Do not use any commas in the name.

The printer queue already exists.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2154

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You tried to create a printer queue with a name that is already in use on this server.

Give the new queue a different name. To see a list of printer queues already existing on the server, type NET PRINT.

The printer that was selected for printing in Paintbrush has been changed or deleted. The current default printer will be selected.


If you want, you can use Print Manager to set up this printer, if it is still available.

The procedure number is out of range.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application. There is a version control problem in the application that can only be fixed by the application supplier (procedures were added to an .IDL file without changing the version number).

The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.


One process has locked a portion of a file, and a second process has attempted to use the same portion of the file.

Retry the operation later.

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.


The file is already being used by another process.

Retry the operation later.

The process terminated unexpectedly.


The process in which the service runs terminated unexpectedly.

Start the service again. If the problem persists, contact your technical support group.

The profile for user user name is already loaded due to a previous unload failure. The profile will appear in the state in was during the last logon session.


No action is needed.

The program cannot be used with this operating system.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3408

Your computer has an incorrect version of the operating system.

Upgrade your computer to the latest version of Windows NT.

The program group has been modified by another program or user and will be reloaded; try the operation again.

[Program Manager]

The program group will be reloaded automatically; however, you need to try the operation again.

The queue is empty.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2115

If you do not see your document listed, it has either completed printing, or the printer did not receive your document.

No action is needed.

The queue priority is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2335

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The queue you specified does not exist.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2338

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The queue name you typed does not exist.

Check the spelling of the queue name.

The recipient process has refused the signal.


Make sure the recipient process can handle the signal sent, or try a different signal. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The redirector accessed a share-level server that indicates it encrypts passwords. This combination is not supported.


The redirector does not support the security imposed by the server. The redirector will contact the server, but the connection will not be secure.

Contact your network administrator.

The redirector could not create a system thread.


Your computer may not have enough memory. Some operations might not work.

If you see this message often, contact technical support.

The redirector could not create its device. The redirector could not be started.


Another device may exist with the device name you are trying to create.

Contact technical support to locate the other device on your computer.

The redirector could not set the priority for a system thread.


When the redirector creates system threads, the redirector sets the priority of these threads. The redirector was unable to set the priorities.

Contact technical support.

The redirector dereferenced a connection through zero.


Contact technical support.

The redirector dereferenced the allocated SMB count through zero.


Contact technical support.

The redirector failed to allocate a buffer for an oplock break.


Your computer is running very low on memory. Other users may not be able to access any files that are shared.

Contact technical support.

The redirector failed to allocate a multiplex table entry. This indicates that the MAXCMDS parameter to the redirector is insufficient for the users needs.


The MAXCMDS parameter of the redirector is insufficient for the users needs.

Ask your network administrator to change the MAXCMDS entry in the [LANMANWORKSTATION] section of the Registry.

The redirector failed to determine the connection type.


The workstation passed an invalid connection type to the redirector.

Contact technical support.

The redirector failed to map the requested file disposition (for NtCreateFile).


The kernel on your computer does not match the version of your redirector.

Ask your network administrator to check your computer's configuration.

The redirector failed to unlock part of a file on server name.


Either the network went down or an application failure occurred. Data may have been lost.

Retry the command.

The redirector failed to write data to server name after the file was closed.


Another error on the network may have caused this error. Data has been lost.

Retry the command. Check the event log with Event Viewer for information about other network errors that are related to this error.

The redirector has failed to connect to the server computer name on the primary transport. The data contains the error.


Your workstation could not be connected to this server.

Look up the error that caused this operation to fail, and take appropriate action. Then try again.

The redirector has timed out a request to name.


The server did not respond to a request from the redirector within the time specified by the SESSTIMEOUT entry in the configuration information. The default value for this entry is 45 seconds.

Retry the command. If this error occurs frequently, ask your network administrator to increase the value.

The redirector is allocating additional resources for input/output request packet contexts. This is probably caused by a resource leak in the redirector.


A resource leak in the redirector may cause this error.

No action is needed.

The redirector is already installed.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

No action is needed.

The redirector is in use and cannot be unloaded.


You have tried to stop the Workstation service, but it is being used by another application.

End the other application, or wait for it to end. Then retry the operation.

The redirector is out of a resource: name.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3191

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The workstation is out of the specified resource.

Adjust the workstation's configuration file to increase the amount of this resource. If you need assistance, contact your network administrator.

The redirector received an incorrect response from name to a lock request.


The specified server did not respond correctly.

Contact your network administrator.

The redirector received an incorrectly formatted response from name.


The redirector received a bad packet from a server.

Your command could not be processed. Wait a few minutes, then retry the command. If you receive this message after retrying the command, contact your network administrator.

The redirector received an invalid oplock level from computer name.


No action is needed.

The redirector received an SMB that was too short.


The redirector received a bad packet from a server.

Retry the command.

The redirector was unable to allocate memory.


Ask your system administrator to add more memory to your computer and then retry the command.

The redirector was unable to create a worker thread because it has already created the maximum number of configured work threads.


An operation required more threads than the MAXTHREADS entry in your configuration information allows.

Increase the number of MAXTHREADS in your configuration information.

The redirector was unable to delete the file specified on server computer name when it was closed by the application. The data contains the name of the file.


Use File Manager to delete this file.

The redirector was unable to initialize variables from the Registry.


At Startup, the redirector could not get the information it needed from the Registry because it is corrupted.

Contact your network administrator.

The registry contains an invalid value for the logon message parameter. The logon message parameter is located in the SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Service\\MacFile\\Parameters registry key.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The logon message parameter should have from 1 to 19 characters.

Use the Registry Editor to change the value of this parameter in the Registry.

The registry contains an invalid value for the maximum non-paged memoryparameter. The maximum non-paged memory parameter is located in the SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Service\\MacFile\\Parameters registry key.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The maximum non-paged memory parameter should not be more than 16,000. Non-paged memory should not be less than 256. If the invalid value is left in place, the default value will be used.

The registry contains an invalid value for the maximum paged memory The maximum paged memory is located in the SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Service\\MacFile\\Parameters registry key.parameter.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The maximum paged memory parameter should not be more than 256,000. Paged memory should not be less than 1000. If the invalid value is left in place, the default value will be used.

The registry contains an invalid value for the maximum sessions parameter. The maximum sessions parameter is located in the SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Service\\MacFile\\Parameters registry key.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The value in the Registry may have been changed to limit the number of sessions. Generally the number of maximum sessions is as much as a DWORD value can be.

The registry contains an invalid value for the path to the Macintosh code-page file.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use the Registry Editor to change the invalid value for the path. The invalid path is located in the \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage\MACCP Registry key. The path is listed next to the value specified in this key.

The registry contains an invalid value for the server name parameter. The server name is located in the SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Service\\MacFile\\Parameters registry key.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The server name parameter should have from one to three characters.

Use Registry Editor to change the invalid value for the server name parameter in the Registry.

The registry contains an invalid value for the server options parameter. The server options is located in the SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Service\\MacFile\\Parameters registry key.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The range for the server options parameter is from 0 to 7.

Use Registry Editor to change the value of the parameter in the Registry.

The registry contains invalid information for the volume "name ". The value was ignored and processing was continued.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use Server Manager or File Manager to view volumes and then delete the invalid volume.

The Registry event variable could not be created

[WINS Service]

Check the general health of the system. Reboot if necessary.

The Registry is corrupt. The structure of one of the files that contains Registry data is corrupt, or the system's image of the file in memory is corrupt, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or corrupt.


The structure of one of the files that contains Registry data is corrupted, or the image of the file in memory is corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because an alternate copy or log was absent or corrupted.

Use the Emergency Repair Disk to restore the configuration information.

The Registry Notify Function returned an error

[WINS Service]

Check the general health of the system. Reboot if necessary.

The Registry or the information you just typed includes an illegal value for "text ".

[Network] Net Message ID: 3051

You specified invalid values for one or more of the service's options.

Retype the command with correct values, or change the values for the listed options in the configuration file.

The registry structure is not set properly.

[Event Viewer]

Data related to Event Viewer is not configured correctly in the Registry.

Set the structure. Or contact technical support.

The Remote Access server cannot allocate a route for the user connected on port number. The user has been disconnected. Check the configuration of your Remote Access Service.

[Remote Access Service]

Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall the Remote Access Service. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

The Remote Access Server encountered an internal error.

[Remote Access Service]

The Remote Access Server cannot recover from the internal error.

Restart the system.

The Remote Access server is not responding.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the following may have caused this error: the Remote Access server is not running; the line may be too noisy; or your modem may have failed to negotiate correctly with the Remote Access server's modem at the selected speed.

Contact your system administrator to make sure the server is running. Lower the modem's initial speed (bps), and dial again. For more information see "Setting Modem Features" in the Remote Access Service online Help. If the problem persists, lower the modem's initial speed (bps), and dial again.

The Remote Access Service is not configured to receive calls.

[Remote Access Service]

The Remote Access server is configured for dialing out only or some other program is using the port. The Remote Access Service will not start unless this error is corrected.

Use the Network option in Control Panel to reconfigure the Remote Access Service. Choose Configure Port and then select Dial out and Receive calls.

The remote adapter is not compatible.


Your computer cannot communicate with the specified remote computer because the two hardware network adapters are not compatible.

Retry the command, communicating with a different computer. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator.

The remote computer canceled the file transfer with this message: text


The user action depends upon the message you receive.

Most likely, however, you will need to contact the sender to determine the problem.

The remote computer is not available.


You might have specified the wrong computer name, or the remote computer might be busy or turned off.

Perform one of the following actions, and then retry the operation: (1) specify the correct remote computer name; or (2) ensure that the specified remote computer is available. If neither of these actions corrects the problem, contact your network administrator.

The remote procedure call failed and did not execute.


A server connection was lost while the server was attempting to perform a remote procedure call. The remote procedure call did not execute. The connection may have broken because of a problem with the network hardware or because a process terminated.

Either restart the server or try to connect to another server. Also, ask your network administrator to check the integrity of the network. If the problem persists, contact the supplier of the running application.

The remote procedure call failed.


A server connection was lost while the server was attempting to perform a remote procedure call. It is unknown whether the remote procedure call executed, or how much of it executed. The connection may have broken because of a problem with the network hardware or because a process terminated.

Wait a few minutes and then try the operation again. If this message reappears, check the server or try to connect to another server. You may also have to check the integrity of the network. If the problem persists, contact the supplier of the running application.

The remote server has been paused or is in the process of being started.


The server you attempted to access is either in the paused state or is still being started.

Retry the command at a later time. If the same error occurs, contact your network administrator.

The replication server could not update directory name from the source on computer name due to error code.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3208

An error prevented this server from updating the listed directory from the export server. The directory cannot be updated until the problem is corrected.

Copy the files manually, if necessary, and investigate the cause of the listed error.

The replicator attempted to log on at computer name as name and failed.


Check that the user account under which the replicator is running is valid on the specified server or domain.

The replicator attempted to log on at computer name as user name and failed.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3211

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The Replicator service was denied access to the listed export server. Until this problem is corrected, the replicator cannot update the local copies of files exported by that server.

Be sure that the local computer has an account on the export server. The user name and password for this account are specified by the LOGON and PASSWORD entries in the local computer's configuration file. If there is no LOGON entry, the local computer name is the user name and no password is necessary.

The replicator cannot update directory name. It has tree integrity and is the current directory for some process.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3206

A directory cannot be replicated when it is the current directory of a process and its value for INTEGRITY is TREE.

For the directory to be replicated, be sure it is not the current directory of any process.

The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.


Check the cabling to your peripheral devices and retry the operation. If you still get this message, run hardware diagnostics. If the diagnostics do not detect a problem, contact the supplier of the running application.

The request for data from the ATK Device IO Control failed. Returning the IO Status Block.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The buffer might not be large enough. This is not something you can change.

Contact technical support.

The request has timed out.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The request is incorrectly formatted for text.

Contact the supplier of the driver for the device named in the message.

The requested action is restricted for use by logon processes only. The calling process has not registered as a logon process.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The requested API is not supported on the remote server.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2142

The server does not support the request that was sent to it. This can happen if two or more versions of networking software are on the network. However, no program included with Windows NT should cause this error.

Contact the vendor of the program that was running when the error occurred. Tell the vendor that the program requested an API that is not supported on the remote server.

The requested control is not valid for this service


The control request was ignored. Stop, pause, continue, and interrogate are examples of standard control requests. There are also user-defined controls. This message could be returned, for instance, if an application sends a pause request to a service that does not support pause.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The requested device is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2341

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The device name is invalid because it does not represent a physical device or because the device hardware is faulty.

Check the spelling of the device name, and then retype the command. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator. Your administrator should use diagnostics to check that the device hardware is properly installed and working. For more assistance, contact your hardware dealer.

The requested information is not available.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2139

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Your command could not be completed because the MAILSLOTS entry of your workstation's configuration file is incorrect.

Change the MAILSLOTS entry of the configuration file to YES. Then stop and restart the Workstation service.

The requested operation cannot be performed in full-screen mode.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The requested operation is not supported.


This version of Windows NT does not support this remote procedure call (RPC) operation.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The requested pause or stop is not valid for this service.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2191

This command is invalid for this service, or the service cannot accept the command right now because it is still in the process of starting.

If the service normally accepts this command, try typing it again later. To display a list of valid commands, type NET HELP.

The requested service has already been started.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2182

You tried to start a service that is already running.

To display a list of active services, type NET START.

The required filename driver is already on the system. Do you want to use the current driver or install a new driver?

[Drivers (CP)]

You have attempted to install a driver that already exists in your Windows NT SYSTEM32\\Drivers directory.

If you want to use the Current driver, choose the Current option. If not, choose the New driver option.

The required parameter was not provided on the command line or in the configuration file.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3052

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You must specify a value for the listed option.

Define a value for the option, either from the command line or in the configuration file.

The resource name could not be found.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2222

You tried to access the permissions for a resource that has no permissions assigned to it.

Check the spelling of the resource's name. Before you can assign user permissions for a particular resource, you must create a record of that resource in the database of resource permissions.

The resource named cannot be shared.


You cannot share this resource.

No action is needed.

The resource permission list already exists.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2225

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You tried to create an access record for a resource that already has one.

To view or change permissions for this resource, use the Permissions editor from File Manager.

The revision level is unknown.


The service has encountered a revision level in a security object that it does not recognize. For instance, this may be a more recent revision than the service knows about.

Rebuild the security object in the current Windows NT environment. Then the service will recognize its revision level.

The route is not allocated.

[Remote Access Service]

Most likely, your network configuration is wrong.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The route is not available.

[Remote Access Service]

Most likely, your network configuration is wrong.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The RPC protocol sequence is invalid.


A protocol sequence identifies the network protocols used to establish a connection between the client and server parts of a distributed (RPC) application. Windows NT recognizes this protocol sequence, but cannot interpret it.

Contact the supplier of the running application, or contact your technical support group to try to change the syntax of the protocol sequence. Servers can call the Windows NT API function RpcNetworkInqProtseqs( ) to obtain a list of the supported protocol sequences and their proper syntax.

The RPC protocol sequence is not supported.


A protocol sequence identifies the network protocols used to establish a connection between the client and server parts of a distributed (RPC) application. Windows NT does not support a protocol sequence used in this application.

Contact the supplier of the running application, or contact your technical support group to try to change the protocol sequence. Servers can call the Windows NT API function RpcNetworkInqProtseqs( ) to obtain a list of the supported protocol sequences.

The RPC protocol sequence was not found.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The RPC server attempted an integer division by zero.


In a distributed (RPC) application, the server attempted an integer divide by zero.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The RPC server is already listening.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a server can call Windows NT when it is ready to accept remote procedure calls from clients. In this case, Windows NT received such a call from a server that was already ready to receive remote procedure calls.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The RPC server is not listening.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a server is not listening for remote procedure calls, or could not be reached.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The RPC server is too busy to complete this operation.


A distributed (RPC) application has tried to reach a server that is temporarily too busy. The server may need more resources.

Wait a few minutes, then retry the operation. If this message keeps reappearing, you may want to ask your system administrator to give the server more base resources. You may also want to contact the supplier of the running application if this message appears often when a particular distributed application is running.

The RPC server is unavailable.


A distributed (RPC) application has tried to reach a server that is not available. For instance, the server may be shut down, there may be a network hardware problem, there may be no common transports, or the server may not exist.

Explore each of the possible problems and make the necessary changes. Then retry the operation.

The Run server you requested is paused.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2385

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You tried to run a program or command on a server that is paused.

See your network administrator. Your administrator must continue the server for your command to run.

The SAM database on the Windows NT Advanced Server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.


Contact your system administrator to establish the computer account on the remote computer which is necessary for this trust relationship.

The Scale can only be a number between number and number percent.


You can direct your printer to print a Paintbrush image on a 10% to 400% scale. The percentage that you have designated does not fall between these two numbers.

In the File menu, choose Print Setup. In the Print Setup dialog box, select the Options option. In the Scaling option in the Options dialog box, designate a scaling percentage between 10% and 400%.

The Scavenger thread encountered an exception while cleaning up the owner-add table. It will try again after the Verify Interval has elapsed.

[WINS Service]

The owner-add table lists the WINS servers that own records (addresses) in the database. Servers are deleted from this table if they no longer own any records in the database. The Verify Interval specifies how often this cleanup is done. Something interrupted the scavenger thread while it was performing this cleanup.

No action is needed. The cleanup will be tried again automatically when the number of seconds specified in the Verify Interval setting have passed. You can also initiate a cleanup directly, if you want.

The Scavenger thread was unable to change its priority level.

[WINS Service]

Call technical support.

The SCHED.LOG file could not be opened.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3804

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Either the SCHED.LOG file has been opened by another process or the disk is full.

Be sure the disk is not full. If another process has opened the file, you will have to wait for it to close the file before you can open it.

The screen cannot be set to the number of lines and columns specified.


You specified invalid values for the rows and columns parameters while using the Mode command to change the console display size.

Retry the command, using valid values.

The second NTFS boot sector is unwriteable.


The backup copy of the NTFS boot sector which was saved in the middle of the volume, cannot be written.

Back up all files and reformat the volume. If possible, repartition or replace the disk.

The security account database contains an internal inconsistency.


First, restart the system. If this message reappears, restore the most recent backup of the system.

The security account manager (SAM) or local security authority (LSA) server was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The security context is invalid.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The security database could not be found.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2219

Windows NT could not find the security database file.

Copy the backup version of the file.

The security database full synchronization has been initiated by the server computer name.


This is an informational Alert. The system will operate as usual.

No action is needed.

The security database has not been started.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2227

The security database is not active. This database must be active for the command to run.

The security database should have started when the Workstation service started. Check the error log with Event Viewer to determine why the database did not start.

The security database is corrupted.


The security database is damaged.

Restore the security database from a backup.

The security descriptor stored in the Registry for the share name was invalid. The share was not automatically recreated.


The Registry is corrupted.

Contact your system administrator.

The security descriptor structure is invalid.


Contact the supplier of the running application. As a workaround, your system administrator or technical support group may know how to edit the structure of the security descriptor.

The security ID structure is invalid.


Contact the supplier of the running application. As a workaround, your system administrator or technical support group may know how to edit the security ID (SID) structure or values.

The security information cannot be displayed because it is different between name and name. Do you wish to reset the security information on all the selected items?


You are trying to display the security information on multiple files and directories.

If you choose OK, both of the specified files or directories will be set to the permissions you have indicated.

The security information for name are not standard and cannot be displayed. Do you want to overwrite the current security information?


You may overwrite this information.

To overwrite the current security information on the selected resource, choose Yes.

The security information for name are not standard and cannot be displayed. You do not have permission to change the security information for this resource.


You have attempted to access the security information of a resource which cannot be displayed.

Contact your system administrator. The administrator will probably not be able to view the information but will be able to overwrite the security information.

The security log file is full, logging must be disabled to continue using the system. However, a problem prevented the disabling of logging.


The Security log file is full.

In Event Viewer, clear the log. Or use Event Viewer to increase the size of space allotted to the event log.

The selected COM port is either not supported or is being used by another device. Select another port.


Using the Communications option on the Settings menu, you have selected a COM (also called a Serial I/O) port that is being used by another device (a mouse, for example), or that Windows NT does not support.

Select another of the Ports listed in the Connector option on the Communications dialog box. Or select None, and Terminal will file through the list of ports until it finds an available one. NOTE: You cannot use the Ports option in Control Panel to set Terminal settings.

The selected Creator/Type item already exists.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Duplicate creator/type items are not allowed.

Verify that the information you have typed is not already in the list.

The selected directory does not belong to a Macintosh-Accessible volume. The Macintosh view of directory permissions is only available for directories that are part of a Macintosh-Accessible volume.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

If you'd like to make the directory part of a Macintosh-accessible volume, select Create Volume from the MacFile menu in File Manager. In order to tell which volumes are Macintosh-accessible, use the MacFile menu in either Server Manager or File Manager. From the MacFile menu in Server Manager, select Volumes. From the MacFile menu in File Manager, select View/Modify Volumes.

The selected file fork has already been closed. It may have been forced to close by another administrator or a Macintosh user.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The lists of open files may not have been refreshed.

No action is needed. After this message appears, the screen refreshes automatically.

The selected file is not in the correct format for use with Cardfile. Create a new file or open a file with the .CRD extension.


You have saved a Cardfile file with an extension other than .CRD. Therefore, you cannot access the Cardfile file either using the Browse function in Cardfile or from File Manager.

Close or minimize Cardfile, go to the file in File Manager, and using the Rename option on the File menu, select the Cardfile file, and assign a .CRD extension to it.

The selected floppy drive is unable to support the required media type.

[Repair Disk]

In order to create an Emergency Repair Disk, the Rdisk utility requires that your a: drive support high capacity media. The Emergency Repair Disk cannot be created. However, all the repair information will be saved on your hard disk.

No action is needed.

The selected Macintosh user is no longer connected. The user may have logged off or been forced off by another administrator.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The window probably hasn't been refreshed recently.

Press F5 to refresh the window.

The selected Macintosh-Accessible volume is currently in use by Macintoshes. The selected volume may be removed only when no Macintosh workstations are connected to it.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use Server Manager or File Manager to disconnect all connected users and then you can delete the volume. You might also want to use Server Manager or File Manager to send a disconnect message to the users to prevent data loss. In using either manager, select the MacFile menu. In Server Manager, select Send Message. In File Manager, select View/Modify Volumes and then select Send Message.

The selected user has open files. Disconnecting this user may result in the loss of data. Are you sure you want to disconnect user name from all connected volumes?

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use Server Manager or File Manager to send a disconnect message to the specified user. In using either manager, select the MacFile menu. In Server Manager, select Send Message. In File Manager, select View/Modify Volumes and then select Send Message.

The selected user has open resources. Disconnecting this user may cause loss of data. Are you sure you want to disconnect user name from all connected resources?

[Server Manager]

When you choose to disconnect a user from a shared resource, you risk causing the user to lose unsaved data. Consequently, any time that you choose to remotely disconnect a user, Server Manager presents you with a confirmation message.

If you are sure that you want to disconnect the user, choose Yes. If not, choose No, and before selecting this option again, alert the user of the imminent disconnect.

The selected users have different Logon Hours settings. You may edit these settings, but they will be initially reset. Do you wish to reset and edit the Logon Hours settings for these users?

[User Manager]

You have selected multiple users who don't have identical logon hours. Before these hours can be edited properly, they must be reset to the same initial state. If you do not want these hours reset, you must edit the logon hours of each user individually.

The semaphore cannot be set again.


Semaphores can be set and released in a nested fashion only a limited number of times. That limit has been reached.

Check semaphore request nesting and make sure that the semaphore is released before requesting it again. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The semaphore is set and cannot be closed.


A semaphore cannot be closed while it is set.

Release the semaphore, or wait for it to be released. Then close it. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The serial driver could not allocate adequate I/O queues. This may result in an unreliable connection.

[Remote Access Service]

If you are using a multiport adapter card, it may be configured to use too many ports. Otherwise your computer or the Remote Access server may be out of memory.

Reduce the number of ports being used on your multiport adapter card. Or check the memory on your computer and the Remote Access server. If neither is low on memory, contact technical support.

The server name and name both claim to be the primary domain controller for the name domain. One of the servers should be demoted or removed from the domain.


Each domain should have only one primary domain controller (PDC). Two PDCs exist in the domain because one of the PDCs stopped working for an extended period. A backup domain controller (BDC) was then promoted to PDC. Now the original PDC is working again.

Demote one of the PDCs.

The server computer name cannot be located. You cannot administer the server at this time.

[Server Manager]

The server that you have selected is either down for repair or is not started.

Wait until the server is started, then try again.

The server cannot access the user accounts database (NET.ACC).


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The server cannot allocate NetBIOS resources needed to support the client.

[Remote Access Service]

All of the NetBIOS names requested by Windows NT could not be added by a RAS server.

Ask your system administrator to increase the resource capacity of the Remote Access server, or through Services in Control Panel, stop nonessential services on your computer, such as Messenger, Alerter, Browser, and Network DDE. You may also have to disable Server.

The server cannot create the name mailslot needed to send the ReleaseMemory alert message. The error received is:

[Network] Net Message ID: 3127

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server cannot respond to a ReleaseMemory alert. Otherwise, the server is functioning normally.

No action is needed.

The server cannot export directory name to client name. It is exported from another server.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3207

This server found that another server is exporting the listed directory to the listed import server.

Be sure that only one computer is configured as the export server of this directory for the listed import computer. Check the EXPORTLIST and EXPORTPATH entries in the configuration files of the export server and the IMPORTLIST and IMPORTPATH entries in the configuration file of the import server.

The server cannot increase the size of a memory segment.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3121

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server cannot increase the size of a memory segment.

Be sure that the MEMMAN entry in the server's CONFIG.SYS file allows swapping and that there is at least 1 megabyte of free space on the swap disk. The swap disk is specified by the SWAPPATH entry in the CONFIG.SYS file. You could also decrease the value of the NUMBIGBUF entry in the server's configuration file.

The server cannot open more files because it has reached its maximum number.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2466

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. No more files on the server can be opened.

To open another file, you will first have to close a file or stop a network application that has open files. Also, see your network administrator. Your administrator may want to increase the value of the MAXOPENS entry in the server's configuration file.

The server cannot update the AT schedule file. The file is corrupted.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3129

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The schedule file, SCHED.LOG, in the LANMAN\\LOGS directory, is damaged.

Restore the schedule file from a backup copy, or delete the file and create a new one using the AT utility.

The server could not access the name network with NetBiosOpen.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3177

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server could not start one of its networks.

Be sure that each network listed in the SRVNETS entry in the server's configuration file has a corresponding entry in the [networks] section of the configuration file.

The server could not be located.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2103

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server you specified does not exist.

You may have misspelled the server's computer name. To see a list of servers in your domain, type NET VIEW. Remember to precede computer names with two backslashes, as in \\\\<computer name>.

The server could not bind to the transport name because another computer on the network has the same name. The server could not start.


Ask your network administrator to change the server's name or to change the name of the other network computer.

The server could not bind to the transport name.


There may be a problem with the underlying transport because it did not load.

Check the event log with Event Viewer for information about related errors. Contact your network administrator.

The server could not close filename.The file is probably corrupted.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3205

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server found an error while closing the listed file.

The file may be damaged. If it is, restore it from a backup copy.

The server could not create a process. The server could not be started.


The server was started on a computer that does not have any memory free.

Contact technical support.

The server could not create a startup thread. The server could not be started.


The server was started on a computer that does not have any memory free.

Contact technical support.

The server could not create a thread. The THREADS parameter in the CONFIG.SYS file should be increased.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3204

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server was unable to create a thread.

Increase the value of the THREADS entry in the server's CONFIG.SYS file. The range for this value is 64 to 512.

The server could not create its device. The server could not be started.


The server was started on a computer that does not have any memory free.

Contact technical support.

The server could not expand a table because the table reached the maximum size.


A client opened too many files or had too many active directory searches on the server.

The client should either close some files or limit the number of simultaneous directory searches on the server.

The server could not find an AT schedule file so it created one.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3176

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server created a schedule file.

No action is needed.

The server could not open the named pipe file system. Remote named pipes are disabled.


The server was started on a computer that does not have any memory free.

Contact technical support.

The server could not read the AT schedule file.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3174

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. LAN Manager cannot read the schedule file because the file is damaged.

Restore the schedule file from a backup copy, if you have one. If not, delete the file and create a new one with the AT utility.

The server could not start the scavenger thread. The server could not be started.


The server was started on a computer that does not have any memory free.

Contact technical support.

The server did not bind to any transports. The server could not start.


There may be a problem with the underlying transport(s) because it (they) did not load. If the server could bind to at least one transport, it would have started.

Check the event log with Event Viewer for information about related errors. Contact your network administrator.

The server encountered an error when callingNetIMakeLMFileName. The error code is the data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3130

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server could not find the NET.MSG file.

The NET.MSG file should be in the LANMAN\\ NETPROG directory. If it is not there, copy it from the LAN Manager distribution disks.

The server endpoint cannot perform the operation.


In a distributed (RPC) application, the client failed to reach the server endpoint. The endpoint mapper may not be started or network communications may have failed.

Verify that the endpoint mapper can start and verify network communications. You may have to contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The server failed to register for the ReleaseMemory alert, with recipient computer name. The error code fromNetAlertStart is the data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3128

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server cannot respond to a ReleaseMemory alert. Otherwise, the server is functioning normally.

No action is needed.

The server failed to start. Either all three chdevparameters must be zero or all three must be non zero.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3124

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The configuration file entries CHARWAIT, CHARTIME, and CHARCOUNT must all be zero or must all have non-zero values.

Correct the entries and then restart the Server service.

The server found an invalid AT schedule record.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3175

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The schedule file contains a record with an invalid format.

Restore the schedule file from a backup copy. If you do not have one, delete the AT schedule file and create a new one with the AT utility.

The server has encountered a network error.


If you see many errors of this type in the event log in Event Viewer, they indicate a network hardware or software problem.

Contact your network administrator.

The server has reached the maximum number of connections it supports.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2465

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server is supporting the maximum number of connections.

To make another connection to the server, first end a current connection. If you have no connections that you can end, try your command again later. You will be able to make your connection once another user's connection is ended. Also, see your network administrator. Your administrator may want to increase the value of the MAXCONNECTIONS entry of the server's configuration file.

The server has reached the maximum number of sessions it supports.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2464

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server is supporting the maximum number of sessions.

Try the command later. You will not be able to start a session with this server until another user's session has ended. Also, see your network administrator. Your administrator may want to purchase an Additional User Pak for the server or increase the value of the MAXUSERS entry of the server's configuration file.

The server identification does not specify a valid server.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2460

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

If this error persists or causes other errors, contact technical support.

The server is configured without a valid user path.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2211

The USERPATH entry in the server's configuration file does not list a valid directory.

Add a user path by creating the directory (if it does not already exist). Stop the Server service and type the path of the directory as the value for USERPATH in the server's configuration file. Then start the Server and Netlogon services.

The server is currently out of the requested resource.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2119

The server could not access enough of a resource, such as memory, to complete this task. Some resources are limited.

Try again later. If you continue to receive this message, stop some nonessential processes or applications and try to complete the task again. If you still have problems, your network administrator may need to reconfigure your system.

The server is in use and cannot be unloaded.


You tried to stop the Server service, but it is being used by another application.

End the other application or wait for it to finish. Then retry the operation.

The server is not configured for remote administration.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3743

The server is not set up to be administered remotely.

For the server to be administered remotely, you must share the server's ADMIN$ and IPC$ resources.

The server is not configured for transactions.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2141

The specified server is not configured to accept the command you typed.

Ask your network administrator if the server is configured properly. The administrator may choose to share the server's IPC$ resource to correct this problem.

The server is not running with user-level security.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The server name you typed is invalid.


The server name you typed does not meet the criteria for server names, or was preceded with a double backslash (\\), which is redundant in this text box.

Make sure you have the correct name, and try again. Be careful not to mistype the server name.

The server received an incorrectly formatted request from computer name.


The specified computer sent an invalid SMB which indicates a problem with the computer's redirector.

Contact the vendor of the redirector.

The server received an unexpected disconnection from a client.


There is a problem with the underlying transport.

Contact the vendor of the transport.

The server service has not been started. Would you like to start the server service?

[Server Manager]

The Server service on the local computer is not running.

If you want to start this service, choose Yes.

The server service was unable to load the server driver.


Either the SRV.SYS file is missing from your computer's driver directory or it is corrupted. The system refused to load the driver.

Contact your system administrator.

The server service was unable to map error code code.


The server was unable to map a WIN32 error code to a LAN Manager error code.

Report this message to the vendor of application.

The server service was unable to recreate the share name because the directory name no longer exists.


The directory that was previously shared has been deleted.

If you want to recreate the share, create the directory first.

The server service was unable to unload the server driver.


Restart the server or, if the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

The server was unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool because the pool was empty.


The system ran out of its nonpaged pool.

Ask your system administrator to increase the system's memory.

The server was unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool because the server reached the configured limit for nonpaged pool allocations.


This is a non-critical message that appears if the server is configured to use limited resources. If the server is configured to use an unlimited number of connections, some hidden parameters may need to be changed.

No action is needed unless the server has reached the maximum configured Optimization setting. Then contact technical support. If the server is not configured to use the maximum number of connections, select Network in Control Panel. When the Installed Network Software box appears, select Server and then Configure. Select Maximize Connections in the Optimization box to increase the number of available resources.

The server was unable to allocate from the system paged pool because the pool was empty.


The system ran out of its paged pool.

Ask your system administrator to increase the system's memory.

The server was unable to allocate from the system paged pool because the server reached the configured limit for paged pool allocations.


This is a non-critical message that appears if the server is configured to use limited resources. If the server is configured to use an unlimited number of connections, some hidden parameters may need to be changed.

No action is needed unless the server has reached the maximum configured Optimization setting. Then contact technical support. If the server is not configured to use the maximum number of connections, select Network in Control Panel. When the Installed Network Software box appears, select Server and then Configure. Select Maximize Connections in the Optimization box to increase the number of available resources.

The server was unable to allocate virtual memory.


The system's paging file is full.

Ask your system administrator to increase the paging file's size or to increase the server's memory.

The server was unable to perform an operation due to a shortage of available resources.


This is a non-critical message that appears if the server is configured to use limited resources. If the server is configured to use an unlimited number of connections, some hidden parameters may need to be changed.

No action is needed unless the server has reached the maximum configured Optimization setting. Then contact technical support. If the server is not configured to use the maximum number of connections, select Network in Control Panel. When the Installed Network Software box appears, select Server and then Configure. Select Maximize Connections in the Optimization box to increase the number of available resources.

The server's call to a system service failed unexpectedly.


Contact technical support.

The server's configuration parameter "irpstacksize" is too small for the server to use a local device. Please increase the value of this parameter.


The server preallocates I/O request packets to be the size specified by the IRPSTACKSIZE parameter in the configuration information. The value of this parameter must be as large as the size required by any transport or file system in the network.

Ask your system administrator to change the parameter in the server's configuration information.

The server's Registry key name was not present and could not be created. The server could not start.


The Registry is corrupted.

Ask your system administrator to reinstall the Registry from the Emergency Repair Disk that was made when Windows NT was installed.

The server's Registry key name was not present. The server could not start.


The Registry is corrupted.

Ask your system administrator to reinstall the Registry from the Emergency Repair Disk that was made when Windows NT was installed.

name e servers computer name and name both claim to be an NT Domain Controller for the computer name domain. One of the servers should be removed from the domain because the servers have different security identifiers(SID).


This can happen if identically named domains on different networks are placed on the same network.

Remove one of the servers from the domain.

The service cannot accept control messages at this time.


There is a temporary mismatch between the requested control and the state of the service to be controlled. The service may be in a state of start-pending, stop-pending, or stopped.

Wait a few minutes, then retry your operation.

The service control dispatcher could not find the service name in the dispatch table.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The service control is busy.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2187

The service is not responding to requests now. Another program may be controlling the service or there may be a software problem.

Try to stop the service by typing NET STOP <service>. If this fails, stop all programs running on the computer and try typing the Net Stop command again. If the problem persists, contact technical support. Be prepared to give the name of the service and other information about the system, such as the services and applications that were running on the computer, and the amount and type of network activity when the problem occurred.

The service could not be controlled in its present state.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2189

The service is not currently accepting requests. If the service is starting, it cannot process requests until it is fully started.

Try the operation again in a minute or two. If this problem persists, the service may be stuck in a partially running state. Contact technical support. Be prepared to give the name of the service and other information about the system, such as the services and applications that were running, and the type and amount of network activity on the computer at the time of the problem.

The service database is locked.


An application may have tried to lock a service database that was already locked. Or an application may have tried to start a service when the service database was locked.

Wait a few minutes, then try the operation again.

The service database is locked.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2180

A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The service did not report an error.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3534

Try the task later. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.

The service did not respond to control and was stopped with the DosKillProc function.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3060

The service did not respond to a control signal. The service may not be running correctly or a fatal error might have occurred. Windows NT stopped the service.

Contact technical support.

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.


An application tried to start a service, or control a running service, and requested this be done within a certain time frame. It was not done within that time frame.

Wait a few minutes and then retry your request. If you receive this message again, contact your technical support group.

The service did not start due to a logon failure.


An application tried to start up a service, but the service could not log on.

Use the Event Viewer to look in the event log for details about the logon failure. If the service account is not a local account, verify that the domain controller is functioning.

The service does not respond to control actions.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2183

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The service ended abnormally.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2190

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The service was not running properly and would not respond to a command. The service was terminated.

Stop the service by typing NET STOP <service>. Then restart the service by typing NET START <service>. If the problem occurs frequently, contact technical support.

The service failed to authenticate with the primary domain controller.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The service failed to obtain a long-term lock on the segment for network control blocks (NCBs). The error code is the data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3102

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The service failed to release the long-term lock on the segment for network control blocks (NCBs). The error code is the data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3103

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The service has not been started.

[Kernel32] [Network] Net Message ID: 2184

You tried to use a service that is not running.

To display a list of active services, type NET START. To start a service, type NET START <service>.

The service has returned a service-specific error code.


You will have to check the documentation for the service to get an explanation of the service-specific error code.

The service has stopped due to repeated consecutive occurrences of a network control block (NCB) error. The last bad NCB follows in raw data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3140

A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The service is in an unexpected state.

[Server Manager]

One of the Windows NT services is in an unexpected state.

Contact technical support.

The service is not responding to the control function.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2186

The service cannot run your command at this time.

Try the command again later. If the problem persists, stop and restart the service. However, if the problem continues after you have restarted the service, report the problem. Be sure to include the name of the service and the command that was refused, to technical support.

The service is not responding.

[Server Manager]

You have attempted to start a service that is not responding. The possible reasons for this depend on the specific service.

Try again later.

The service name is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2185

You tried to start a service that is not configured on this system.

Check the spelling of the service name or check the configuration information for the service using the Services option from Server Manager.

The service process could not connect to the service controller.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The service table is full.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2181

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You cannot start another service because you have reached the maximum number of services specified in your configuration file.

You can start another service if you first stop a nonessential one. To display the list of services that are running, type NET START. You could also change the maximum number of services allowed to run simultaneously on the computer by changing the value of the NUMSERVICES entry in the computer's configuration file. If you need assistance, contact your network administrator.

The session from computer name has open files.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The session identification does not specify a valid session.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2461

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

If this error persists or causes other errors, contact technical support.

The session setup from the computer computer name failed because there is no trust account in the security database for this computer. The name of the account referenced in the security database is user name.

[Network] Net Message ID: 5723

The account may not exist in the security database.

Verify that the account exists. If the account exists, contact your network administrator to check the cause of the problem.

The session setup from the computer computer name failed to authenticate. The name of the account referenced in the security database is name. The following error occurred: text

[Network] Net Message ID: 5722

The computer account may not exist.

Verify that the computer account exists. If the account exists, contact your network administrator to check the cause of the problem.

The session setup to the Windows NT Domain Controller name for the domain name failed because the computer computer name does not have a local security database account.

[Network] Net Message ID: 5720

The local security database is corrupted.

Contact your network administrator.

The session setup to the Windows NT Domain Controller name for the domain name failed because the Windows NT Domain Controller does not have an account for the computer computer name.

[Network] Net Message ID: 5721

The specified server's security database is corrupted.

Contact your network administrator.

The session was canceled.


Transmission errors caused the connection to the remote computer to be disconnected.

Run the application again to reestablish the connection.

The settings could not be saved.

[User Profile Editor]

User Profile Editor was unable to write to the Registry. Or the hard disk is full.

Make sure that permissions on the appropriate Registry key (HKEY_USERS\\ <user name>) are not configured to keep you from writing to this key. If your hard disk is full, delete unnecessary files, and then try again.

The setup .INF file filename has a missing or invalid [Source Media Descriptions] section.


Most of the .INF files used by Setup have a [Source Media Descriptions] section which identifies the media the source installation files, such as video adapter drivers, are on. If this section of the .INF file is missing or has a bad format, then Setup will not be able to find some files needed for installation.

Retry the Setup operation. If you get the same message, and you are running maintenance Setup, try replacing the file named in the message with the .INF file from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the file). Otherwise, contact your technical support group.

The setup .INF file filename has a missing or invalid [Source Media Descriptions] section.

[Repair Disk]

Most of the .INF files used by Setup have a [Source Media Descriptions] section which identifies the media the source installation files, such as video adapter drivers, are on. If this section of the .INF file is missing or has a bad format, then Setup will not be able to find some files needed for installation.

Retry the Setup operation. If you get the same message, and you are running maintenance Setup, try replacing the file named in the message with the .INF file from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress the file). Otherwise, contact your technical support group.

The share could not be created. The gateway account could not access to the resource.

Verify that the gateway account has access to the share and that you supplied the correct credentials.

The share name entered may not be accessible from some MS-DOS workstations. Are you sure you want to use this share name? name : text


MS-DOS workstations can only recognize share names that fit the file naming requirements in MS-DOS. If you assign this name to the share, MS-DOS workstations will not be able to access it.

If you are sure this share will not need to be accessed from MS-DOS workstations choose Yes. Otherwise choose No.

The share name which you have specified is not a valid 8.3 file name and may not be visible from non-NT machines, e.g. DOS machines.

[Print Manager]

If you want users at computers that are not running Windows NT to be able to see this shared printer, specify a name that follows the MS-DOS naming conventions, as follows: The name can contain up to eight characters, optionally followed by a period and an extension of up to three characters. It must start with either a letter or a number, and can contain any uppercase or lowercase characters except the following:. " \ / [ ] : ; | = , ? * + < >

The shared queue cannot be deleted while a print job is being spooled to the queue.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You attempted to delete an active printer.

After the current print job has finished spooling, either print or delete the job. Then delete the printer.

The shared resource you are connected to could not be found.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2392

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. LAN Manager found a problem while trying to complete the task.

Type the command again in a few minutes. If you continue to receive this message, see your network administrator.

The signal handler cannot be set.


Signal handlers cannot be set when a process is ending.

Allow the process to end without setting a handler. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the TCP Chargen port. The TCP Chargen service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to Chargen requests from other systems that use the Chargen protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the TCP Daytime port. The TCP Daytime service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to Daytime requests from other systems that use the Daytime protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the TCP Discard port. The TCP Discard service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to Discard requests from other systems that use the Discard protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the TCP Echo port. The TCP Echo service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to Echo requests from other systems that use the Echo protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the TCP QOTD port. The TCP QOTD service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to Quote of the Day requests from other systems that use the Quote of the Day protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the UDP Chargen port. The UDP Chargen service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to Character Generator requests from other systems that use the Character Generator protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the UDP Daytime port. The UDP Daytime service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to UDP Daytime requests from other systems that use the UDP Daytime protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the UDP Discard port. The UDP Discard service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to UDP Discard requests from other systems that use the Discard protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the UDP Echo port. The UDP Echo service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to UDP Echo requests from other systems that use the UDP Echo protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not find the UDP QOTD port. The UDP QOTD service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer will be unable to respond to UDP Quote of the Day requests from other systems that use the UDP Quote of the Day protocol.

Make sure that the entry for this port is in the SERVICES file in the WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the Quotes file. The UDP and TCP QOTD services were not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Quote of the Day protocol.

Make sure that the file is present and that you have the necessary permissions to open it. If the file is missing or corrupt, you might need to restore it from a backup copy, or re-install it.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the TCP Chargen port. The TCP Chargen service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Quote of the Day protocol. There may not be enough free memory, or the port is open by another application.

Close some applications to free memory, and try again. To find out whether another application has the port open, use the netstat command.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the TCP Daytime port. The TCP Daytime service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Quote of the Day protocol. There may not be enough free memory, or the port is open by another application.

Close some applications to free memory, and try again. To find out whether another application has the port open, use the netstat command.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the TCP Discard port. The TCP Discard service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Discard protocol. There may not be enough free memory, or the port is open by another application.

Close some applications to free memory, and try again. To find out whether another application has the port open, use the netstat command.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the TCP Echo port. The TCP Echo service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Echo protocol. There may not be enough free memory, or the port is open by another application.

Close some applications to free memory, and try again. To find out whether another application has the port open, use the netstat command.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the TCP QOTD port. The TCP QOTD service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Quote of the Day protocol.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the UDP Chargen port. The UDP Chargen service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Character Generator protocol. There may not be enough free memory, or the port is open by another application.

Close some applications to free memory, and try again. To find out whether another application has the port open, use the netstat command.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the UDP Daytime port. The UDP Daytime service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Daytime protocol. There may not be enough free memory, or the port is open by another application.

Close some applications to free memory, and try again. To find out whether another application has the port open, use the netstat command.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the UDP Discard port. The UDP Discard service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Discard protocol. There may not be enough free memory, or the port is open by another application.

Close some applications to free memory, and try again. To find out whether another application has the port open, use the netstat command.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the UDP Echo port. The UDP Echo service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Echo protocol. There may not be enough free memory, or the port is open by another application.

Close some applications to free memory, and try again. To find out whether another application has the port open, use the netstat command.

The Simple TCP/IP Services could not open the UDP QOTD port. The UDP QOTD service was not started.

[Repair Disk]

This computer might be unable to respond to some requests from other systems that use the Quote of the Day protocol. There may not be enough free memory, or the port is open by another application.

Close some applications to free memory, and try again. To find out whether another application has the port open, use the netstat command.

The software requires a newer version of the operating system.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3512

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The software you are attempting to run requires a more recent version of the operating system.

Run the software using a more recent version of the operating system.

The source and destination paths are on different servers.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2383

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The source document cannot be found. Make sure that the object still exists in the source document, the link has not been corrupted or the source document has not been deleted, moved, or renamed.


A document containing linked information cannot be found. Possibly, the document is saved to a network share to which you are not currently connected.

Follow the user action specified in the message.

The source path cannot be a directory.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2380

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The source path you typed is a directory name, which is not allowed.

You must include a filename or wildcard in the path. To copy all files in a directory, type COPY [<source>]\\*.* <destination>.

The source path is illegal.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2381

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You referred to a nonexistent drive, directory, or filename, or you typed the command incorrectly.

Check the spelling of the source or pathname you have typed. Remember to precede computer names with two backslashes, as in \\\\<computer name>.

The source path specified in the Setup command is invalid. Check the /s switch.


Select OK to exit Setup. Correct the source path specification on the Setup command line, especially if you are running Setup to a share point, and then retry the Setup command. If you still get this message, contact your technical support group.

The source path specified in the Setup command is invalid. Check the /s switch.

[Repair Disk]

Select OK to exit Setup. Correct the source path specification on the Setup command line, especially if you are running Setup to a share point, and then retry the Setup command. If you still get this message, contact your technical support group.

The specified .INF file could not be found.


The application could not find the file you specified.

Make sure the file is in the directory you specified. Then try again, making sure you type the path correctly.

The specified account name is already a member of the local group.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified account name is not a member of the local group.


For instance, the Windows NT security subsystem cannot delete an account from an alias when that account is not in the alias in the security database.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified address is not available.


The address that you tried to assign to a client is either not in the IP address range for this scope, or is already in use.

Try again, specifying a different address.

The specified application is not a Windows or DOS program.

[Program Manager]

The application was written for an operating system other than one of the Microsoft Windows operating systems or MS-DOS. It cannot be run on this computer.

Get a version of the application that was written for use with Microsoft Windows or MS-DOS.

The specified application is not a Windows or DOS program.

[Task Manager]

The application you specified was written for another operating system. It cannot be run from Windows NT.

Use a Windows or MS-DOS version of the application. Or, run the application on a computer that is using the operating system that the application was written for.

The specified attributes are invalid, or incompatible with the attributes for the group as a whole.


The Windows NT subsystem maintains a set of attributes for a group of accounts as a whole, such as whether the group can own objects. An application ownership change request on behalf of a user may conflict with these.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified Client already exists in the database.


An address has already been assigned to this client.

No action is needed.

The specified client is a reserved client.


You cannot delete a reserved client.

If you want to remove this client, use the Reservations dialog.

The specified client is already registered for the specified event.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2430

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A program requested the alerter to notify it of an event for which it is already receiving notifications.

Contact technical support.

The specified client is not a reserved client.


You cannot change basic information for this client because this is not one of the clients that were explicitly assigned a reserved IP address.

No action is needed.

The specified codepage is invalid.


The code page that you specified with the /c or -c option on the command line is not valid.

Check the code page and try again, making sure to type the code page correctly.

The specified code page is not valid.


The code page supplied in the /code page switch to the Aclconv command is invalid.

Use the International option in Control Panel to determine what code pages are valid. Or omit the /code page switch and use the system code page.

The specified component could not be found in the configuration information.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2146

Windows NT could not find the required information in your configuration.

Ask your network administrator to check your configuration. The administrator should make sure your system configuration contains all information required to run Windows NT and any associated applications.

The specified datatype is invalid.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified device name is invalid.


An application program requested a connection between a local device and a network resource, but the local device name in the request was invalid.

If you have a user interface, try a different device name. For example, A: through Z: usually will work. Otherwise, contact the supplier of the application.

The specified DHCP element cannot be removed because it has been used.


No action is needed.

The specified disk or diskette cannot be accessed.


The hard disk or floppy disk is not properly formatted for the appropriate file system.

Format the hard disk or floppy disk for the file system you are using.

The specified document times conflict with the printer's times.

[Print Manager]

You have specified that a document be printed at a time when the printer is scheduled to be turned off or unavailable.

Specify a different time for printing your document.

The specified domain already exists.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified domain did not exist.


For example, an application requested the security ID of a domain served by a server, but the name of the domain supplied with the request did not exist on the server.

Find out what domain names can be used, check your spelling, and try again. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified drive is the System Partition on an ARC-compliant system; its file system cannot be converted


The system partition on an ARC-compliant system must always be FAT. If the system partition is converted to another file system, the system will not be able to restart.

No action is needed.

The specified driver is invalid.


The driver might have been specified incorrectly in the Registry or the driver version may be incompatible with this version of Windows NT.

Verify that the driver is installed properly. You might want to try using the Drivers option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall the driver. If you continue to see this message, contact the supplier of the driver.

The specified extended attribute handle is invalid.


A file contains a reference to an extended attribute that does not exist. Either the disk partition is damaged or the extended attribute system file has been improperly modified.

Run the Chkdsk utility with the /f switch on the disk.

The specified extended attribute name was invalid.


The extended attribute name contains a character that is not correct.

Correct the extended attribute name and try the operation again.

The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file may be corrupt, not in the correct format, or no file handler available for this format.

Try using either a different file with this device or a different device with this file. Or, restore this file from a backup copy and try again.

The specified group already exists.


A client requested the creation of new account (user, group, or alias), but the requested account name is already a group account name.

Use a different name, or delete the existing group account and retry with the same name.

The specified group does not exist.


A client requested a service for a group account, such as changing group security information, but the service could not find the account in this domain.

Use the correct group name. Check your spelling, then try again.

The specified IpRange already exists.


You specified a range that has already been assigned to another scope.

View the existing scopes to find out what ranges are already in use. Then try again, specifying a range that is not already in use.

The specified local group already exists.


A request for a new alias specified an alias name that already exists in the security database.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified local group does not exist.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified module could not be found.


The requested module is not loaded.

Check which module is being requested, and make sure it has been loaded. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified network name is no longer available.


The network resource that you specified was either temporarily taken offline or is no longer available. It is possible that: (1) the share at the server might have been temporarily deleted; (2) the server that shared the resource might have been turned off; or (3) the permissions might have been changed.

Retry the operation. If you continue to have difficulty accessing the resource: (1) contact the person who administers the server to find out why it is no longer available; or (2) contact the network administrator.

The specified network password is not correct.


The password that you specified is not correct for the account or resource you attempted to access.

Specify the correct password. Contact your network administrator if you continue to have problems.

The specified network provider name is invalid.


An application was browsing the resources on a network and specified a provider name that was unrecognizable by Windows NT.

Make sure you did not type the provider name incorrectly (if the running application has given you the ability to do that). If you cannot correct this condition through the application user interface, contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified network resource or device is no longer available.


The specified resource is not available. The computer that shared the resource might have been turned off, or the permissions might have changed.

Do one of the following: (1) check to see that the computer that is sharing resources is turned on, then retry the command; or (2) contact your network administrator to find out how you can use the resource.

The specified option already exists.


This option is already defined.

No action is needed.

The specified option does not exist.


You tried to use an option that has not been defined.

Define the option and try again.

The specified options are not supported by this serial device


While using the Mode command to change one or more options for a COMn: device, you specified at least one unsupported option. None of the option changes you specified were made.

To find out which serial port options can be changed with the Mode command, type HELP at the command prompt, followed by the command name (in this case, Mode).

The specified parameter could not be found in the configuration information.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2147

Windows NT could not find a particular entry in your configuration.

Ask your network administrator to check your configuration. The administrator should make sure your system configuration contains all information required to run Windows NT and any associated applications.

The specified path is invalid.

[File Manager] [Kernel32]

Check the path to the file and try again, making sure to type the pathname correctly. Start with the drive letter, followed by a colon (:) and a backslash (\), and be sure to separate directories from subdirectories with a backslash. In some cases you can use the Browse feature to specify a path.

The specified path is not valid.


The may be misspelled or a drive letter was specified where it shouldn't have been.

Check the spelling in the path or verify that the path should not be preceded with a drive letter.

The specified path points to a file that may not be available during later Windows sessions. Do you want to continue?

[Program Manager]

You have attempted to load into a Control Panel option a file (most likely, a font) from a network share or removable media. When you do this, Windows NT presents this message.

To ensure that the file will be available during later Windows NT sessions, copy the file to your Windows NT SYSTEM32 directory.

The specified path points to a file that may not be available during later Windows sessions. Do you want to continue?

[Program Manager]

You have attempted to load into a Control Panel option a file (most likely, a font) from a network share. When you do this, Windows NT presents this message.

To ensure that the file will be available during later Windows NT sessions, copy the file to your Windows NT SYSTEM32 directory.

The specified port is unknown.


The printer port name you specified does not currently exist on your computer.

Use Print Manager to look at the current list of ports you can print to and use one of those.

The specified printer driver is already installed.


This is an informational message. You cannot install a printer driver with the same name as a printer driver which is already installed.

No action is needed. The printer driver is already installed.

The specified printer or disk device has been paused.


The network printer or disk device that you specified has been paused.

Use the Net Continue command to reactivate the device, then retry the command.

The specified priority is invalid.


An application tried to use a document or printer priority outside the range of 1 to 99.

Unless you can specify a valid priority through the user interface of the application, you will have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified procedure could not be found.


The specified procedure is not in the module being searched.

Check which procedure is being requested and make sure that it is in the module. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified range either overlaps with an range or is invalid.


Make sure the End Address for the range is greater than the Start Address for the range. If you still get this message, look at the other scopes to see what ranges are already defined. Then try again, specifying a range that is not yet assigned.

The specified Range is full.


All addresses in this range have been assigned.

If possible, extend the range.

The specified Reserved Ip already exists.


You tried to assign an IP address that is already assigned or leased to another client.

Specify a different address.

The specified separator file is invalid.


A separator file is a file printed between print jobs to mark where the output from one job finishes and the output from the next job begins.

Use Print Manager to look at the printer details information, which lists all the separator files known to your computer. Either use one of those or install a new one.

The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.


You requested an operation that cannot be performed by the specified server.

Make sure you have specified the correct computer name and command, then retry the command. If you continue to have problems, contact your network administrator.

The specified service already exists.


An application tried to create a service that already exists on this computer.

Don't try the operation again without deleting the existing service.

The specified service database lock is invalid.


An application tried to unlock a service database without providing a previously acquired lock.

Contact the supplier of the running application. The database lock must be one obtained from the LockServiceDatabase API function call.

The specified service does not exist as an installed service.


Check the spelling of the service name and then retype it. If you still get this message, contact your system administrator.

The specified service has been marked for deletion.


For instance, an application may have tried to delete a service already marked for deletion, attempted to change the configuration or security for a service marked for deletion, or tried to start a service marked for deletion.

This message is for your information, no action is needed.

The specified service is disabled and cannot be started.


A service management user interface application has tried to start a service that is marked as disabled in the computer's service database.

If it was intended for this service to be enabled, then the Windows NT Setup program should have enabled it at system installation time, or the system administrator should have done so later. Contact your network administrator to see if the specified service was ever enabled. If it was, you may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified Subnet already exists.


You tried to create a scope for a subnet that already has a scope.

No action is needed.

The specified Subnet does not exist.


You tried to delete a scope that does not exist.

No action is needed.

The specified system semaphore name was not found.


Make sure the semaphore name is correct and try again. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

The specified user account is not a member of the specified group account.


For instance, a client may have requested that a service delete a user account from a group and the user is not a member of the group.

You may want to add the user account to the group account before retrying, or you may have used the wrong group name in your request.

The specified user already exists.


A service request to create a new user, group, or alias account has been denied because the requested account name already exists.

Use a different name, or delete the existing account and retry with the same name.

The specified user does not exist.


A client requested an operation on a user account, such as changing the password, but the user account could not be found.

Check that you spelled the account name correctly, then retry.

The specified username is invalid.


An application has specified a user name as part of a network service request and the format of the user name is invalid.

Check the syntax of the user name.

The specified volume has hotfixes; it cannot be converted. Run CHKDSK /f to resolve these references.


On the HPFS volume you specified as the source for a file system conversion from HPFS to NTFS, not all temporary areas (which were created to correct disk write errors) have been written to permanent areas on the volume.

Run the Chkdsk command with the /f switch on the HPFS volume. Then retry the conversion.

The specified volume is dirty; it cannot be converted. Run CHKDSK /f to correct this problem.


On the HPFS volume you specified as the source for a file system conversion from HPFS to NTFS, not all file changes have been written to permanent areas on the volume.

Run the Chkdsk command with the /f switch on the HPFS volume. Then retry the conversion.

The spooler is not running.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2161

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The spooler has not been started.

Use Print Manager to start the spooler.

The start offset is out of range.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2371

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The start type for the Netlogon service could not be changed. Use the Services applet to correct the problem.

[Control Panel]

In order to change the domain, the application must change the start type for the Net Logon service. It was unable to do so.

Choose the Services icon from the Control Panel. Select the Net Logon service, and choose the Startup button. You can then specify how the service should be started.

The static data file that is used to initialize WINS database is too big.

[WINS Service]

The static initialization file you tried to use is too large. If the initialization was done automatically, the registry can provide the name of the file.

Split the file into two or more files, and try again

The status port for name overlaps the control registers for the device.

Either a newly installed device driver configured the port incorrectly, or an error was made while editing the Registry directly.

Contact the vendor of the driver and report this message. Or, if the error was introduced while editing the Registry, delete the nodes that were added and try again.

The status register for name overlaps the name control registers.

The multiport card is incorrectly configured.

Delete the configuration information from the Registry and try again.

The status register for name overlaps with the name status register.

The multiport card is incorrectly configured.

Delete the configuration information from the Registry and try again.

The string and prefix specified are too long.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2354

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The string binding is invalid.


A string binding contains only some of the information necessary to make a remote procedure call. An application needs to map string bindings to bindings before attempting the call. In this case, the string binding submitted to the mapping procedure was invalid. For example, a string binding cannot contain white space.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The string could not be converted.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The string universal unique identifier (UUID) is invalid.


The unique object identifier part of a string binding in a distributed (RPC) application is incorrect.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The structure size is incorrect.

[Remote Access Service]

This error should not occur under normal circumstances.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If the error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

The stub is unable to get the remote procedure call handle.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The stub received bad data.


Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The sub-service failed to start.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3062

The specified service could not be started automatically when another service was started.

Start the service individually.

The subdirectory name is already in the list.

[Server Manager]

The subdirectory you specified cannot be added to this list because it is already there.

No action is needed.

The supplied user buffer is not valid for the requested operation.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The syntax is incorrect.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3953

You did not use the correct syntax of this command.

To see the syntax of this command, type NET HELP <command>.

The syntax of the command is incorrect.


Make sure you typed the command correctly and that the parameters are correct. To get help on this command, type the command, then /?. Or type HELP, followed by the command name.

The syntax of the command is incorrect.

[Command Prompt]

Make sure you typed the command correctly and that the parameters are correct. To get help on this command, type the command, then /?. Or type HELP, followed by the command name.

The system cannot accept the date entered.


You have entered a date that does not correspond to the correct format for the Country that you have specified in the Country dialog in Control Panel. Or you have specified a date that does not follow the mm-dd-yyyy format. Or you have indicated that the year is before 1980 or after 2099.

Open the International option in Control Panel to determine the country that you have specified, then enter at the command prompt a date that corresponds to the specified country's format. Or specify a date that corresponds to the mm-dd-yyyy format. Or enter a year between 1980 and 2099.

The system cannot accept the date entered.

[Command Prompt]

You have entered a date that does not correspond to the correct format for the Country that you have specified in the Country dialog in Control Panel. Or you have specified a date that does not follow the mm-dd-yyyy format. Or you have indicated that the year is before 1980 or after 2099.

Open the International option in Control Panel to determine the country that you have specified, then enter at the command prompt a date that corresponds to the specified country's format. Or specify a date that corresponds to the mm-dd-yyyy format. Or enter a year between 1980 and 2099.

The system cannot accept the START command parameter parameter.

[Command Prompt]

You typed a parameter for the Start command that is invalid for that command.

To determine what parameters are valid for Start, type HELP START at the command prompt.

The system cannot accept the START command parameter parameter.


You typed a parameter for the Start command that is invalid for that command.

To determine what parameters are valid for Start, type HELP START at the command prompt.

The system cannot accept the time entered.


At the command prompt, you have invoked the Time command, and you have entered the time in an invalid format. The correct format for setting time is hours:minutes:seconds.hundredths:a|p. The a|p specifies a.m. or p.m., and if you do not include this setting, Command Prompt automatically uses a.m.

At the command prompt, enter a correctly formatted setting.

The system cannot accept the time entered.

[Command Prompt]

At the command prompt, you have invoked the Time command, and you have entered the time in an invalid format. The correct format for setting time is hours:minutes:seconds.hundredths:a|p. The a|p specifies a.m. or p.m., and if you do not include this setting, Command Prompt automatically uses a.m.

At the command prompt, enter a correctly formatted setting.

The system cannot change your password now because the domain name is not available.


The domain on which you have an account is temporarily unavailable. The domain controller may not be started, or a trust relationship may have been broken.

Try again later. Or contact your domain administrator.

The system cannot complete the process.

[Command Prompt]

You may be low on memory.

Close one or more of the applications or windows that you have running, and then try again.

The system cannot complete the process.


You may be low on memory.

Close one or more of the applications or windows that you have running, and then try again.

The system cannot delete current connections to network resources.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2372

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Loading the profile failed because one or more connections between your computer and other network computers are active. LAN Manager could not delete the active connections.

If you were trying to load the profile onto a workstation, be sure the workstation is not actively using any shared resources. Be sure the current directory in each session is not a shared directory. If you were trying to load the profile onto a server, you must wait until none of the server's shared resources are being actively used. To see which users are actively using the server's resources, type NET FILE.

The system cannot execute the specified program.

[Command Prompt]

You directed the system to start an executable program file that may be corrupted or that is not compatible with Windows NT.

Run a valid program file.

The system cannot execute the specified program.


You directed the system to start an executable program file that may be corrupted or that is not compatible with Windows NT.

Run a valid program file.

The system cannot find message for message number 0xcode in message file for filename.


The message is not in the message file.

Enter the correct message number or reinstall the message file, and retry the command.

The system cannot find the batch label specified.


Use the CD command to reach the directory that contains the batch file, then type the filename.

The system cannot find the batch label specified.

[Command Prompt]

Use the CD command to reach the directory that contains the batch file, then type the filename.

The system cannot find the device specified.


An unknown device was specified.

Retry the command, using a correct device name.

The system cannot find the drive specified.


One of the following has occurred: (1) the specified drive does not exist; (2) the drive letter is incorrect; (3) you are trying to restore to a redirected drive; or (4) you are trying to restore to a read-only drive.

For situations (1) and (2) above, retry the command using the correct drive letter. For situation (3), you cannot use the Restore command on a redirected drive.

The system cannot find the file filename.

[OS/2 Subsystem]

The OS/2 subsystem task manager cannot find the file that is named in the message. For example, the file does not exist in the current directory or on the specified search paths.

Retry the command specifying the correct filename.

The system cannot find the file specified.


The file named in the command does not exist in the current directory or search path specified. Or the filename was entered incorrectly.

Retry the command using the correct filename.

The system cannot find the path specified.


The path named in the command does not exist for the drive specified, or the path was entered incorrectly.

Retry the command using the correct path.

The system cannot find the command processor in the path specified.


Type a valid path to the command processor.

The system cannot log you on to this domain because the system's computer account in its primary domain is missing or the password on that account is incorrect.


You have typed the wrong password. Or the trust relationship between your domain and the domain onto which you are attempting a log on has been broken.

Retype the password. If this fails, contact your domain administrator. If you are the domain administrator, contact the administrator of the domain with which trust has been broken. Then use Server Manager to reestablish the relationship.

The system cannot log you on to this domain because the system's primary domain password is missing.


The trust relationship between your domain and the domain that you are attempting to log on to may be broken.

Contact your system administrator. If you are the system administrator, contact the domain administrator. The domain administrator should use Server Manager to attempt to reestablish the broken trust relationship.

The system cannot log you on to this domain because the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.


The trust relationship between your domain and the domain that you are attempting to log on to has probably been broken.

Contact the system administrator. If you are the system administrator, contact the administrator of the domain that you attempted to log on to. The domain administrator should use Server Manager to reestablish the trust relationship.

The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.


The file cannot be moved to a different disk drive at the same time you rename it using the Rename command.

Retry the command specifying the same drive for both the original and changed file names, or copy the file to the different drive and rename it by using different source and destination filenames.

The system cannot open name port requested by the application.

[Virtual DOS Machine (VDM)]

An application has attempted to use a communications (COM) port that NTVDM was unable to locate or open. The port that cannot be opened is named in the message.

Retry the operation using a different communications port (for instance, COM2 instead of COM1). If you still get this message, contact your system administrator to check the status of the communications ports on your computer.

The system cannot open the file.


The maximum number of open files has been reached.

Wait until another application has ended. Then retry the operation.

The system cannot open the device or file specified.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The system cannot perform a JOIN or SUBST at this time.


The drive specified is being used by another process.

Retry the command later.

The system cannot read from the specified device.


The operating system detected an error while reading from this device.

Make sure the device is: (1) installed and connected; (2) switched on; (3) not being used by another process; (4) in the proper send mode; or (5) formatted, if the device is a disk. Then retry the command.

The system cannot start another process tattoos time.


The maximum number of running processes has been reached.

End a process or retry the command after the current process has completed.

The system cannot support a COM port number greater than 256.

[Program Manager]

Windows NT supports up to 256 COM ports.

Specify a COM port with a smaller number.

The system cannot support a COM port number greater than 256.

[Program Manager]

Specify a COM port with a smaller number.

The system cannot write to the specified device.


The operating system detected an error while writing to this device.

Make sure the device is: (1) installed and connected; (2) switched on; (3) not being used by another process; (4) in the proper receive mode; or (5) formatted, if the device is a disk. Then retry the command.

The system could not find message: text.


The system could not find the message.

Contact your system administrator.

The system detected a divide by zero error.

[Command Prompt]

The program attempted to divide by zero. There may be a problem in the program.

Contact technical support.

The system detected a divide by zero error.


The program attempted to divide by zero. There may be a problem in the program.

Contact technical support.

The system detected a segment number that was not correct.


The .DLL or .EXE file contains a segment number that is not correct, or the file is unusable.

Do one of the following and then retry the command: (1) restart the system; or (2) replace the .DLL or .EXE file.

The system file is not suitable for running DOS and WINDOWS applications.

[Virtual DOS Machine (VDM)]

There is a problem with either CONFIG.NT or AUTOEXEC.NT. When NTVDM starts up, it edits these files to meet the requirements of MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows. If you get this message, NTVDM was not able to make all the edits necessary to meet all of those requirements.

Contact your system administrator.

The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the Registry, but the specified file is not in a Registry file format.


Specify the correct path to a file that has a Registry file format and retry the operation.

The system is not fully installed. Please run setup again.


You chose to abort Setup.

If you want to install Windows NT on this workstation, you must run Setup again.

The system is out of environment space.


The environment space cannot be expanded any further, so the specified environment variable cannot be added or redefined.

You can increase the size of the existing environment by using the Set command to delete some of the existing environment variables before redefining or adding new environment variables. If you are using the Set command within a batch file and get this message, try typing the Set command again at the command prompt. If you still get this message, specify a larger environment using the /e switch with the Shell command in your CONFIG.SYS or CONFIG.NT file, then restart your computer.

The system is out of environment space.

[Command Prompt]

The environment space cannot be expanded any further, so the specified environment variable cannot be added or redefined.

You can increase the size of the existing environment by using the Set command to delete some of the existing environment variables before redefining or adding new environment variables. If you are using the Set command within a batch file and get this message, try typing the Set command again at the command prompt. If you still get this message, specify a larger environment using the /e switch with the Shell command in your CONFIG.SYS or CONFIG.NT file, then restart your computer.

The system ran out of a resource controlled by the name option.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3101

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The system required more of a resource than was available.

Change the value of the listed option in the configuration file to allow the system to access more of the resource.

The system returned an unexpected error code. The error code is the data.


The system returned an unexpected error code. The error code is in the data.

Check the cause of the error.

The system returned the following unexpected error code: code


This message is logged in the event log by the Netlogon service.

Look up the indicated error and take appropriate action

The system reverted to its last known good configuration. The system is restarting....


The current system configuration was unacceptable so the system restarted with the last saved configuration that worked. A service may have had an error that caused it to fail to start.

Ask your system administrator to check the event log with Event Viewer to identify the configuration problems. The log has information about errors that preceded this one. Your system administrator may need to contact the vendor of the component that failed.

The system was unable to parse the command line in this file.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2373

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The profile contains an invalid command.

Check the profile. See your network administrator if you need assistance.

The tag is invalid.


A remote procedure call (RPC) cannot be carried out in a distributed application.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The Take Ownership Dialog failed: text

[Print Manager]

The indicated system error prevented Print Manager from opening the Take Ownership dialog.

Look up the error message that is included at the end of this message, and take appropriate action. Then try again.

The tape device driver failed on a request to drive letter.


Contact technical support. Be sure to record any messages and information you see for technical support.

The tape device failed on a request to drive letter.


Contact technical support. Be sure to record any messages and information you see for technical support.

The tape device reported an error on a request to drive letter. Error reported:code.


Contact technical support. Be sure to record any messages and information you see for technical support.

The tape has been rewound, insert tape #number in drive letter.


The tape that is now in the specified drive has been rewound, and the application is ready for the specified tape to be inserted in its place

Remove the tape that is now in the specified drive, and replace it with the specified tape from the current tape family.

The tape in drive letter cannot be read.


You attempted to use a tape with a format that Backup does not support.

Insert a tape that is supported

The tape in drive letter is not blank. It was created by another application.


Backup requires that blank tapes or tapes formatted for backup be used.

Choose Yes to overwrite the contents of the tape or choose No. If you choose No, you will be prompted about aborting the backup operation.

The tape in drive letter is not blank. It was created by another application. Do you wish to continue?


You chose to erase a tape that contains data that Backup cannot read, but may contain valid data.

Before choosing Yes, you should probably determine the contents of the tape.

The tape in drive letter is not properly inserted.


The tape in the specified drive cannot be read until it is properly inserted.

Remove and re-insert the tape. Make sure that it is positioned correctly, and that the door to the tape drive is closed.

The tape in drive letter is unrecognizable and cannot be read.


Either the tape is bad, or is in a format that Backup does not support.

Insert another tape. Or if you can determine which application was used to create the tape, use the application to access the data.

The tape in drive letter is write-protected.


Remove the tape, and flip the tab that write-protects it.

The tape in the drive has an unrecognizable format or is not formatted.


This tape was created by another application. The current application cannot read the information on it.

If you are sure you want to overwrite the tape, use the Erase command. To read the tape, access it from within the application that created it.

The tape in the drive is "name" and was created by name on date at time.


If this is a tape you do not want to erase, cancel the operation. Otherwise, continue.

The tape in the drive is blank.


You do not need to erase the tape in the drive because it is already blank.

No action is needed.

The tape in the drive is unrecognizable.


The data on the tape was not created using the backup application.

Insert another tape. Or, use the application that was used to create the tape to access the data on the tape.

The tape in the drive is unrecognizable. Use another tape.


The tape in the drive cannot be erased because it is not recognizable. This could be caused by a damaged tape.

Use a different tape.

The tape in the drive must be erased before it can be used.


Backups can only be made on blank tapes. If old data were left on the tape and overwritten, there is a chance it could be extracted later, which would pose a security risk.

Erase the data on this tape, or use a blank tape.

The tape is out of sequence. Insert the first tape in this tape family.


The application is trying to catalog the contents of the tape or set. You must start with the first tape in the tape family for this operation to be successful.

Insert the first tape into the drive.

The tape operation was terminated by the user.


You canceled an operation on the tape that was in progress.

No action is needed.

The target drive is not formatted for NTFS; ACLCONV can only restore security information to NTFS volumes.


Convert the volume to NTFS before restoring permissions.

The target server is not setup to accept Remote Procedure Calls.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The target server has not been started.

Type NET START <MacFile> at the target server to enable it to accept remote procedure calls (RPCs).

The text in the filename file has changed. Do you want to save the changes?


You tried to exit a Notepad file to which you have made changes, but you have not yet saved the changes to the document.

If you want to save the changes that you have made to your Notepad file, select Yes. If not, select No. If you want to return to the file, select Cancel.

The time range specified ends before it starts.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3761

You specified a time range that starts later than it ends. Time ranges must start and end on the same day.

Retype the command with a valid time range. You can use either the 12-hour or the 24-hour time format. When you use the 12-hour format, you must specify either AM or PM for each time. When you use the 24-hour format, do not specify AM or PM.

The time zone bias calculated between computer name and the current workstation is too large. The data specifies the number of 100ns units between the workstation and server. Make sure that the time of day on the workstation and server are correct.


The time difference between the workstation and the server is larger than 24 hours which indicates a configuration failure in one of the computers.

Type TIME or DATE at the command prompt to determine whether the server or workstation has the incorrect time and then correct the time on that computer.

The Time Zone information cannot be found in the registry.

[Program Manager]

Either the location of time zone information specified in the Registry is incorrect, or the Registry is corrupt.

Contact technical support. The value of REG_MULTI_SZ in Machine\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\TimeZones needs to be checked by someone who is an expert user of Regedit32. If you still get this message, restart the computer, and press the spacebar immediately after selecting Windows NT at the Boot Loader prompt. Then choose Last Known Good.

The time/date in the View From box has to be less than the time/date you selected in the View Through box.

[Event Viewer]

The date that you have specified in the View Through box precedes that which you have specified in the View From box.

Make sure that the View From date precedes the View Through option.

The timeout period has expired on a call to another WINS server. Assuming that the network and routers are working properly, either the remote WINS server is overloaded, or its TCP listener thread has terminated.

[WINS Service]

This server tried to communicate with another WINS server, but got no response within the time-out period. The problem is with either the network or the other server. Either one may be slow (probably due to a temporary overload). Or WINS on the other server may have encountered an error that left it unable to respond.

Check the Event log to find out what push or pull partner WINS was trying to communicate with. Then check that server's Even log to find out what the problem is, and take appropriate action. If there appears to be no problem on the remote server, check the network and routers that connect the servers.

The timeout value is invalid.


In a distributed (RPC) application, the client can specify the relative amount of time that should be spent to establish a relationship to the server before giving up. There is a small set of numbers that can be specified to represent the relative time (it is not measured in seconds), and apparently an invalid number has been used.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The Tmm Thread could not be signaled. This indicates that this computer is extremely overloaded or that the WINS application has failed.

[WINS Service]

A component of WINS that keeps track of timeout periods could not be contacted.

Stop and restart WINS. Make sure that the computer is not overloaded (close some applications if necessary).

The token is already in use as a primary token.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The TrueImage Interpreter experienced an access violation during job processing.(Document Name: name )

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter experienced an access violation during initialization.(Document Name: name )

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The document did not print.

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter failed to allocate memory required to process a job.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The server may be running out of memory.

Try stopping other running applications. You might also need to remove unused files and applications from the server's disk.

The TrueImage Interpreter had an error string occur out of sequence.(Document Name: name )

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter has reached its limit for internal fonts. No more fonts could be defined.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The system is out of resources.

Try stopping other running applications. You might also need to remove unused files and applications from your disk.

The TrueImage Interpreter process was unable to start succesfully. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to allocate required memory.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Try stopping other running applications. You might also need to remove unused files and applications from your disk. Also try increasing the page file size. Otherwise, contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to create a required Device Context. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The system is out of resources.

Try stopping other running applications. You might also need to remove unused files and applications from your disk. Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to generate the Error Page. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to image to the target printer. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to initialize the required information to begin processing the job. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to Initiate the Start of Document. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to query the font list correctly to begin processing the job.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to reset page-level information, such as paper size or number of copies. The job printing may not be correct. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to retrieve data from the printspooler. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to retrieve the default printercharacteristics. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

There is a problem with the printer configuration.

Use Print Manager to recreate the printers.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to set its priority correctly. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The TrueImage Interpreter was unable to set the correct security privilege and cannot print the Job. The error code returned from the system was code.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Contact technical support.

The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.


Contact your system administrator to reestablish the trust relationship using Windows NT Server Manager.

The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.


Contact your system administrator to reestablish the trust relationship, using Windows NT Server Manager.

The type of the token is inappropriate for its attempted use.


A security token was misapplied.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The type universal unique identifier (UUID) has already been registered.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a server can specify the type of each object it offers to clients. In this case, that object type already existed when the server tried to establish an object type.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The universal unique identifier (UUID) type is not supported.


The client in a remote procedure call supplied an object universally unique identifier (UUID) of a type not supported by the server.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The UPS driver could not be opened. The error code is the data.


The UPS service could not be started because the driver that accompanies your UPS hardware could not be opened. Either you do not have permission to open the file, or the file is corrupt.

Make sure you have the necessary permissions on the driver file and on all directories in the path to that file. If you still get this error you might need to reinstall the driver.

The UPS indicated a line fail or low battery situation. Service not started.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2483

The UPS service was not configured correctly when it was installed.

Contact your network administrator or consult the UPS battery documentation for the correct configuration information. Change the configuration of the service using Control Panel. Then restart the service.

The UPS must support signal on either low battery or power failure.

[Control Panel]

In the UPS Configuration box in the UPS window, you are provided with three options, including Power failure signal option and the Low battery signal at least 2 minutes before shutdown. You have indicated that your UPS is installed on a serial communications port, and have selected the OK button, but have not selected either of the first two options in the UPS Configuration box. The first of these options (Power signal failure) will alert you only if the main power supply on your computer fails. The second option will alert you when the battery on your UPS device is low two minutes before UPS automatically shuts down your computer.

Select the Power failure signal option if you wish to be alerted by your UPS only in the event of a power failure. Or select the Low battery signal at least 2 minutes before shutdown if you want to be notified before UPS shuts down your computer.

The UPS service could not access the specified Comm Port.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2482

Either the specified communications port does not exist, is in use by another application, or is malfunctioning.

Verify that the communications port exists and then verify that it is not being used by another application. If the port is being used, either close the other application or wait until the application has closed. If the communications port is malfunctioning, see if it will work with another application. If so, try to connect the UPS service again. If the service still cannot access the specified communications port, contact technical support.

The UPS service did not complete execution of the user specified shut down command file.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3232

The UPS service could not finish running the specified command file in less than 30 seconds.

Modify the contents of the command file so that it can be completed in 30 seconds or less.

The UPS service failed to execute a user specified shutdowncommand file filename. The error code is the data.


Use Event Viewer to find the error code. Then look up the error and take appropriate action.

The UPS service failed to perform a system shut down.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2484

The UPS service attempted to perform a system shutdown because the UPS battery is low. The system was not shut down.

Contact technical support.

The UPS service is about to perform final shut down.


Close any open files on this computer and disconnect from it.

The UPS service is not configured correctly.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2481

A configuration error occurred in the UPS service.

Check the UPS battery's documentation for the correct configuration information and re configure the UPS service.

The UPS service is starting shut down at computer name due to low battery.


Close any open files on this computer and disconnect from it.

The UPS service is starting shut down at computer name.


Close any open files on this computer and disconnect from it.

The UPS service performed server shut down.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3231

The UPS battery is low, probably because of an extended power outage.

No action is needed. The system will start automatically when the power is restored.

The usage of this font on screen will require a translation from the Adobe Type 1 font format to Windows native format, TrueType. Before converting the font, please obtain the distributor's authorization.

[Fonts (CP)]

Contact the vendor of the font and request the necessary permission. Once you have permission, you can continue past this message.

The usage parameter in the media .INI file is invalid.

[Remote Access Service]

One of the Remote Access configuration files probably contains invalid information.

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to reinstall Remote Access. Use the Network option in Control Panel to remove and reinstall RAS. If you are using a modem that is not supported by Remote Access, switch to a supported modem, or see "Modem Script File" in the Remote Access Service on-line Help for information about modifying the modem script file for your modem. The Remote Access script files (PAD.INF, MODEM.INF, and SWITCH.INF) are in the \SYSTEM32\RAS subdirectory of your Windows NT directory.

The user user name has connected and failed to authenticate on port address. The line has been disconnected.

[Remote Access Service]

Check the user's permissions in the Administrator's utility. Make sure the user is typing the correct user name and password. Try again to connect.

The user user name has opened this resource for text. Are you sure you want to close text?

[Network] [Server Manager] [Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

To avoid data corruption, the resource should be closed by the process that opened it.

Ask the user to close this resource. If you must force the resource to close, check for data corruption afterward.

The user name \\ user name connected to port address has been disconnected because the computer could not be projected onto the network.

[Remote Access Service]

The Remote Access Service server is configured incorrectly if many users receive this message. If only one user receives this message, the user's remote computer may be configured incorrectly.

The user should disconnect and then reconnect to the network. Users' remote computers should have unique computer names. Remote users might also want to stop some services that are running on their computers. If the problem persists with several users, reconfigure the server.

The user account already exists.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2224

You tried to create a user account with a user name that already exists.

Use a different user name for the new user account. To display a list of existing user names, type NET USER.

The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local security system is restoring the backup database made at date.Any updates made to the database made after this time are lost.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3184

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The user accounts database file is missing, so the backup file made at the listed date is now being used. Changes made to the user accounts database since this time were lost. Local security is still in effect.

To update the user accounts database, retype changes made to it since the listed date.

The user accounts database is not configured correctly.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2450

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The user accounts database is not configured properly. There may be a conflict between the computer's role, which defines how this server participates in logon security, and the server's record of the name of the primary domain controller. For example, the role of this computer may be set to PRIMARY while the primary domain controller entry names a different server.

Contact your network administrator.

The user already belongs to this group.


The user you are trying to add to this group is already a member.

No action is needed.

The user cannot be removed from a group because the group is currently the user's primary group.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The user connected to port address has been disconnected because an internal authentication error occurred.

[Remote Access Service]

The user should try to connect to the port again. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

The user connected to port address has been disconnected because of a failure to lock user memory.

[Remote Access Service]

If this message appears frequently, free memory on the server by optimizing memory allocations to different resources, or by stopping some nonessential services, or by installing more memory on the server.

The user connected to port address has been disconnected because there is not enough memory available in the system.

[Remote Access Service]

Either the server does not have enough virtual memory, or the system quota settings are too low, or the server does not have enough physical memory.

Free memory on the server by optimizing memory allocations to different resources, or by stopping some nonessential services, or by installing more memory on the server.

The user connected to port address has been disconnected because there was a transport-level error during the authentication conversation.

[Remote Access Service]

The modem being used may not be supported or users' modem baud rates may be too high.

If you see this message frequently, verify that the supported modems are being used. Also, advise users to try using lower baud rates. Redial and try to connect again.

The user connected to port address has been disconnected due to a critical network error on the async network.

[Remote Access Service]

Check the serial port connections. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

The user connected to port address has been disconnected due to a critical network error on the local network.

[Remote Access Service]

Verify that the network adapter card is connected and working properly. If so, and if the problem persists, contact technical support.

The user connected to port address has been disconnected due to an authentication timeout.

[Remote Access Service]

The user has taken too long to authenticate.

The user should try to connect to the port again. If the problem persists with this user and several others, considering increasing the authentication time.

The user connected to port address has been disconnected due to inactivity.

[Remote Access Service]

The Remote Access Service by default disconnects users after 20 minutes of inactivity. The amount of time to disconnect is configurable through the Autodisconnect parameter in the Remote Access parameters section of the Registry.

Redial and then reconnect to the port.

The user context supplied is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3775

The user context you supplied with /USER is invalid.

Retype the command with a valid user context which may be a simple user name or a qualified user name (in the form DOMAIN\\USER NAME).

The user does not belong to this group.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2237

This user is not a member of this group.

To see a list of users in this group, type NET GROUP <group name> if you are running the Windows NT Advanced Server. If you are using Windows NT, type NET GROUP <group name> /domain. The Windows NT workstation must be a member of a domain that is running Windows NT Advanced Server. Otherwise, you will see a message that tells you that NET GROUP is a Windows NT Advanced Server command only.

The user is not allowed to log on at this time.


You are not allowed to log on at this time of day.

If you need to log on, have your network administrator change the logon hours listed in your account.

The user is not allowed to log on from this workstation.


You are not allowed to log on from this workstation.

If you need to log on from this workstation, have your network administrator change the logon workstation(s) listed in your account.

The User Manager cannot administer Domain Controllers. Use the User Manager for Domains instead.

[User Manager]

If your system is a domain controller, you cannot administer the workstation using User Manager.

Select the User Manager for Domains icon.

The user must be a member of the primary group.

[User Manager]

You tried to remove one or more users from a group that is the primary group for the user or users.

To set a primary group for a set of users, choose Help and follow the procedure under Managing Group Accounts for Multiple User Accounts.

The user name could not be found.


You specified an unknown user name.

Check the spelling of the user name. To display a list of the users in the security database, type NET USER.

The user name entered is not properly formatted.

[Control Panel]

A username in the Network dialog consists of no more than 15 characters, and cannot contain the following characters: : ; " <>*+= \\ | , ?. You have included one of these characters in your user name.

Remove the character from your user name, then try again.

The user name is invalid.


You typed an invalid user name.

Retype the command with a valid user name.

The user name or group name parameter is invalid.


You specified an invalid user name or group name.

Use a different user name or group name.

The user specified port for name is way too high in physical memory.

The port address that you specified is within 7 bytes of the last byte of virtual memory.

Change the address to one that is further from the end of virtual memory.

The user was successfully created but could not be added to the USERS local group.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3774

The user name was not added to the local group.

Try deleting the user. Then add the user to the local group again. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

The user's account has expired.


Contact your system administrator to reinstate your account.

The user's home directory could not be determined.


The system could not determine your home directory.

Ask your network administrator to add a home directory for you.

The user's home directory has not been specified.


The system could not determine your home directory.

Ask your network administrator to add a home directory for you.

The User/Group name no longer exists on this server. Do you want to continue writing the permissions on this resource without name?


A user or group was deleted from the UAS of the server while an ACL (access control list) that contains that User/Group was being edited. You cannot write the resource to the server because the User/Group no longer exists on the server.

If you want to continue writing these permissions, choose Yes. If not, choose No.

The validation information class requested was invalid.


An authentication package could not interpret the specified information.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The value for ENABLESCRIPT must be YES.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3771

The /ENABLESCRIPT option of the Net User command accepts only YES as a value.

Retype the command, either specifying /ENABLESCRIPT:YES, or not specifying /ENABLESCRIPT.

The value for the parameter parameter to the browser service was illegal.


Ask your network administrator to correct the parameter in your configuration information.

The value for WANFilter in the registry must be 0-2. The Nw Sap Agent cannot continue.


The application could not start because a key is missing from the Registry or is incorrect.

This key in the Registry should be changed to a value between 0 and 2, inclusive, by someone experienced with Regedit32.

The value named name in the server's Registry key name was invalid. The value was ignored, and processing continued.


Ask your network administrator to remove the value from the Registry or to use the default for the Registry key.

The version of the file is not Windows NT 3.5.


The SETUP.LOG file on the Emergency Repair Disk might be corrupted or bad.

Make sure you have inserted the correct Emergency Repair Disk for your computer. If you don't have the correct disk, let Setup attempt to locate your Windows NT installation.

The version option is invalid.


In a distributed (RPC) application, an operation such as deleting entries was to be performed on the name-service database. Part of the request for such an operation specifies how to treat database entry version numbers. The operation was not performed.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The video device failed to initialize for full screen mode.

[Virtual DOS Machine (VDM)]

Some system resource could not be allocated because it is in use by another application.

Close any applications that might be competing for resources, and try again.

The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupt.


Run the Chkdsk utility to check for a corrupted volume. Contact your system administrator to make sure all required file system drivers are loaded.

The volume for a file has been externally altered such that the opened file is no longer valid.


Contact your system administrator.

The volume is too fragmented to be converted to NTFS.


Delete some unneeded files and retry the conversion. If this fails, back up all files, format the volume to NTFS, and then restore files.

The volume is too small for the specified file system.

Each file system requires a certain amount of space for its internal structures. The NTFS file system requires volumes to use the most space of the three file systems and FAT requires the least. NTFS typically requires at least 4 MB. Usually, any volume smaller than 10 MB should be formatted to FAT.

Format the volume to FAT instead of NTFS, or repartition the media to make the volume larger.

The volume set is not formatted to NTFS; only NTFS volume sets can be extended.

[Disk Administrator]

In order to extend this set, you must reformat the volume as NTFS. Since reformatting overwrites all data on the volume, be sure to back up the files on the volume first.

The Win 16 Subsystem was unable to end the selected task. The Subsystem will terminate.

The application will close. Any files were open by this application might be corrupted.

When you reopen the application, check the files that were open for corruption. If the files are corrupt you might need to restore them from backup copies.

The window cannot act on the sent message.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

The window does not have a system menu.


An application, as part of its user interface, has attempted an unsupported operation on a window.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The window does not have scroll bars.


An application, as part of its user interface, tried to do an operation on a window that can only be done on a window that has scroll bars.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The window is not a child window.


An application, as part of its user interface, tried to operate on a window as if it were part of a multiple-document interface set of windows, but it was not.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The window is not a combo box.


An application, as part of its user interface, has tried to perform an operation on a window that can only be done on a combo box, and the specified window is not a combo box.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The window is not a valid dialog window.


An application, as part of its user interface, has tried to get user input from a window that does not have that capability.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

The window style or class attribute is invalid for this operation.


SetPixelFormat requires that a window whose pixel format is to change has a compatible window style or class attribute.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

The Windows Internet Naming Service is not running on the target machine.

[WINS Service]

Either start WINS on the target computer, or specify a different computer.

user name Windows NT name logon request for the user computer name\\user name from computer name (via computer name) failed.

[Network] Net Message ID: 5709

The user or domain name may be invalid.

Ask your system administrator to verify that the domain and user name exist and that the password is valid.

The Windows NT domain controller for this domain could not be located.


Try again later. If you still get this message, contact your system administrator.

The Windows NT Print System is not responding. (The data is the Win32 error code.)

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use the Services option in Control Panel to verify that the Spooler service is running. If so, stop and restart the service.

The Windows NT Service Controller reported an error. (The data is the Win32 error code.)

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

The system may be out of resources.

Verify the key values in the Registry. Otherwise, contact technical support.

The WINS configuration key could not be created/opened.

[WINS Service]

The WINS configuration is stored in the Registry, under Current Control Set\Software\WINS key. This key could not be created (or opened).

Ask the administrator to check that the entry is correct, or reinstall WINS.

The WINS PARAMETERS key could not be created/opened

[WINS Service]

The WINS configuration is stored in the Registry, under Current Control Set\Software\WINS key. The Parameters in this section could not be created (or opened).

Ask the administrator to check that the entry is correct, or reinstall WINS.

The WINS PULL configuration key could not be created/opened

[WINS Service]

The WINS configuration is stored in the Registry, under Current Control Set\Software\WINS key. The Pull key under WINS\Partners could not be created (or opened).

Ask the administrator to check that the entry is correct, or reinstall WINS.

The WINS PUSH configuration key could not be created/opened

[WINS Service]

The WINS configuration is stored in the Registry, under Current Control Set\Software\WINS key. The Push key under WINS\Partners could not be created (or opened).

Ask the administrator to check that the entry is correct, or reinstall WINS.

The workgroup name entered is not properly formatted.

[Control Panel]

This is not a valid workgroup name.

Type in a new workgroup name. A workgroup name can contain up to 15 characters, including letters, numbers, and the following characters: !@#$%^&()_-;:'",.It cannot contain any spaces, and must begin with a letter or number.

The working directory is invalid.

[Program Manager]

The directory specified in the Working Directory option or in the Command Path option does not exist.

Select OK, then specify the name of a directory that contains the program file and all of the required libraries.

The workstation could not initialize the Async NetBIOS Thread. The error code is the data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3162

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The workstation could not open the initial shared segment. The error code is the data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3163

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The Workstation service may have been started improperly. Always use the Net Start command to start the workstation; do not run WKSTA.EXE directly.

To start the Workstation service, type NET START WORKSTATION. If more problems occur, contact technical support.

The workstation does not have a trust secret.


Contact your system administrator to reestablish the trust secret on the your computer. This is a necessary part of any trust relationships between domains. If this trust relationship once functioned, the administrator may have to delete the relationship and reestablish it.

The workstation driver is not installed.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2102

Windows NT is not installed, or your configuration file is incorrect.

Install Windows NT, or see your network administrator about possible problems with your configuration file.

The workstation encountered an error while responding to an SSI revalidation request. The function code and the error codes are the data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3167

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The workstation encountered an error while trying to start the user accounts database. The error code is the data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3166

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The Workstation service failed to start the user accounts database.

Contact technical support.

The workstation has open files.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The workstation host table is full.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3164

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The internal table that maintains information about network servers is full. You can access all network servers normally, but you may not be able to see all servers when you type the Net View command. This happens only on very large networks.

Contact your network administrator. Your administrator may want to divide the network into domains, using the DOMAIN entry in each computer's configuration file.

The workstation information segment is bigger than 64K. The size follows, in DWORD format:

[Network] Net Message ID: 3160

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The workstation's main information segment is larger than the largest segment that can be allocated.

Decrease the values for one or more of the following entries in the [workstation] section of the configuration file. If you need assistance, contact your network administrator. MAXCMDS, NUMCHARBUF, NUMWORKBUF, MAXTHREADS, NUMDGRAMBUF, SIZCHARBUF, NUMALERTS, NUMSERVICES, SIZERROR. After you change the configuration file, restart the Workstation service. If you change the MAXCMDS or MAXTHREADS entry, you will have to restart the computer.

The workstation is not configured properly.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

The workstation is not logged on to the local-area network.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2201

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You must log on to the network before performing this operation.

To log on, type NET LOGON <user name>[<password>].

The Workstation must be started with the NET START command.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

Type NET START at the MS-DOS prompt.

The Workstation service has not been started.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2138

You have tried to use the network before starting the Workstation service.

Start the Workstation service by typing NET START WORKSTATION.

The Workstation service is already running. Windows NT will ignore command options for the workstation.


No action is needed.

The Workstation service is in an inconsistent state. Restart the computer before restarting the Workstation service.


The workstation is in an inconsistent state.

Restart the computer.

The Workstation service or the Browser service has not been started.


You cannot use the network until the Workstation service has been started. You cannot browse network resources until the Browser service has been started.

Start the Workstation and/or Browser services. The command is net start <service>

The Workstation service or the Browser service has not been started.


Check the Event Log in Event Viewer for messages related to the services not starting.

The workstation was unable to get the name-number of the computer.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3161

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

The wrong device is attached to the port.

[Remote Access Service]

Your hardware configuration and the Remote Access setup are probably inconsistent with each other.

If you have changed your communications equipment (such as serial port or modem), be sure to reconfigure Remote Access accordingly. Use the Network option in Control Panel to reconfigure RAS. For more information see "Reconfiguring Remote Access" in the Remote Access Service online Help. This error also occurs when the section header in the MODEM.INF file is longer than 32 characters. Ensure that the section header in MODEM.INI for this device is less than 31 characters before attempting any other corrective action.

The wrong disk is in the drive.

[File Manager]

You have inserted into a drive a disk that is in the incorrect format, the wrong size, or that has an unacceptable density rating.

Try another disk.

The wrong version of the driver has been loaded.

Contact your system administrator to check the driver version installed on your computer. You may have to contact the driver suppliers.

The Zone Information Socket could not be opened on a new node being acquired, and the acquired node is being released on adapter "number ".

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

A Zone Information Protocol socket could not be opened by the protocol internally. This might mean the protocol is functioning improperly.

Use the Devices option in Control Panel to try stopping and restarting the AppleTalk protocol.

There already exists a WINS server entry with that address.

[WINS Service]

No action is needed; however, you can specify a different address for this entry if you want.

There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.


This may be due to a network failure, or because the computer is physically removed from the network (such as with laptop computers).

If you are using a network, make sure the domain controller you are trying to log on to is accessible. If necessary, obtain administrative assistance to do this. As an alternative, and in the case of laptops, log on to the machine locally as the primary user of the system.

There are no adapters configured for this protocol stack.

This protocol cannot be used to communicate over the network because none of the network adapter cards in this computer are currently configured to communicate using the protocol.

Use Network from the Control Panel to configure a network adapter card to use this protocol.

There are no alternate servers registered on this server.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2467

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. This server has no alternate servers registered.

Contact your network administrator.

There are no available drive letters left.


You cannot connect to any more remote drives until you disconnect from one or more drives.

If you need to make a new connection, disconnect from at least one drive and try again.

There are no bindings.


In a distributed (RPC) application, there are currently no bindings over which a server can receive a remote procedure call.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

There are no child processes to wait for.


Try the operation again (you may have to restart the application). If this message reappears, contact the supplier of the running application.

There are no drivers installed, and Print Manager cannot locate the file filename. No printers can be created.

[Print Manager]

The installation of the print drivers was not completed, either due to some error or because the user interrupted the process. There are no installed drivers on this computer at this time.

Install one or more printer drivers. If you continue to get this message, check the event log for errors that occurred at the same time as this one. Take appropriate action on those errors, and try again.

There are no endpoints.

[Remote Access Service]

Most likely, your network configuration is wrong.

Restart your computer to make sure that all recent configuration changes have taken effect. If error persists, consult the Windows NT event log for detailed warnings or errors.

There are no entries in the log to filter on.

[Event Viewer]

You chose the Filter option on a log that is empty.

If you want to filter another log, switch to a log that contains entries, then try again.

There are no entries in the log to filter on. The contents in the event viewer main window will be refreshed.

[Event Viewer]

You chose the Filter option while focused on a log that appears to contain log information. Event Viewer has determined that no log information exists, however, and will now update the Event Viewer window.

No action is needed.

There are no icons available for the file specified. You can choose an icon from those available for Program Manager.

[Program Manager]

The file that you have specified does not contain any icons.

To use the icons available in Program Manager, execute the following procedures: Choose the icon in Program Manager, and select the Properties option in the File menu. In the Program Item Properties dialog box, choose the Change Icon button, then type PROGMAN.EXE or MORICONS.DLL in the File Name option of the Change Icon dialog box. Then, select an icon and choose OK.

There are no more bindings.


A distributed application was unable to carry out a remote procedure call (RPC).

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.


In a distributed (RPC) application, the client called a server endpoint but no server had registered that endpoint.

Make sure the server is started.

There are no more members.


In a distributed (RPC) application, an inquiry has been made repeatedly of one of the lists in the name-service database, and there are no more members in the list.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

There are no more ports of the specified type to clone.

[Remote Access Service]

The local computer does not have any more ports to clone.

Add more ports to the computer before attempting to clone.

There are no protocol sequences.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a server can specify the protocol sequences it will use to receive calls. In this case, a server did not specify a protocol sequence that is supported by Windows NT.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

There are no readable FATs.


A critical sector near the beginning of the volume is unreadable. Back up files from the drive and replace the disk.

There are no selected servers.

[FTP Server]

Select a server from the main window of Server Manager.

There are no Serial Ports which can be setup on this system.

[Program Manager]

This message occurs when the Control Panel cannot access the key \\HARDWARE\\DeviceMap\\SerialComm.

Contact technical support.

There are no Serial Ports which can be setup on this system.

[Program Manager]

This message occurs when the Control Panel cannot access the key \\HARDWARE\\DeviceMap\\SerialComm.

Contact technical support.

There are no shared communication devices.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2337

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The server is not sharing any communication-device queues, so the command you typed is invalid.

No action is needed.

There are no user configurable Advanced I/O parameters for this COM port.

[Program Manager]

Advanced I/O settings include such things as a base port address and an interrupt request (IRQ) line that Windows NT uses to send information to a serial port. For the device that you have attached to the selected port, no such advanced settings are necessary.

Select the OK button to return to the Settings for dialog box.

There are no user configurable Advanced I/O parameters for this COM port.

[Program Manager]

Advanced I/O settings include such things as a base port address and an interrupt request (IRQ) line that Windows NT uses to send information to a serial port. For the device that you have attached to the selected port, no such advanced settings are necessary.

Select the OK button to return to the Settings for dialog box.

There are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on the connection to computer name.


Disconnecting from this resource at this time could result in locked files and/or data corruption. This message is followed by the message, "Do you want to continue?"

The best course is to answer No and try again later. If you must disconnect immediately, check the files that were open for possible corruption as soon as possible.

There are open files on the connection.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2401

You tried to delete an active connection. There are open files or requests pending on this connection.

Close all files and end all programs related to the connection before you try to delete it.

There are some unreadable FATs.


A critical sector near the beginning of the volume is unreadable. Back up files from the drive and replace the disk.

There are some unwriteable FATs.


A critical sector near the beginning of the volume is unwriteable. Back up files from the drive and replace the disk.

There are too many names in the user accounts database.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2228

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The user accounts database is full.

Make space in the database by deleting users, groups, and resource permissions.

There are too many NETWORKS entries in the LANMAN.INI file.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3404

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The LANMAN.INI file cannot have more than 12 entries in the [networks] section.

Remove entries from the [networks] section until 12 or fewer remain.

There is a conflict in the value or use of these options: text.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3063

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Two command-line options or configuration file entries have conflicting values.

Check the command you typed or the configuration file for conflicting options.

There is a problem with a configuration of user specified shut down command file.


Examine your command file to make sure there are no special characters. Be sure to save it as an ASCII text file.

There is a problem with a configuration of user specified shut down command file. The UPS service started anyway.


Examine your command file to make sure there are no special characters. Be sure to save it as an ASCII text file.

There is a problem with the file.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3064

A problem with the listed configuration file prevented the service from starting.

Check the listed file.

There is a problem with the font file. Cannot display font sample.

[Program Manager]

The font file might be corrupt.

Remove the font and replace the font file from a backup or from the installation disk.

There is a problem with the font file. Cannot display font sample.

[Program Manager]

The font file might be corrupt.

Remove the font and replace the font file from a backup or from the installation disk.

There is a problem with the printer; please check it.


The printer might be jammed, out of paper or other supplies, or it might need to be reset, among other possibilities.

Go to the printer to check for and correct any problems.

There is a problem with the security database creation date or serial number.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

There is a process on other end of the pipe.


This is an informational message. No action is needed.

There is a syntax error in the Setup information file at line number !u!. This indicates an internal Setup error. Setup cannot continue. Press F3 to exit.


Contact the supplier of the installation media.

There is already a logon domain for this computer.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2216

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. This workstation already has a logon domain established.

To log on in a different domain, you must first log off from the current domain and then log on again to a different domain.

There is no account for this computer in the security database.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

There is no answer.

[Remote Access Service]

A modem did not pick up the phone.

Please check the number and dial again.

There is no association for filename.

[Program Manager]

Using the Run command, you specified a file that is not executable or that is not associated with a Windows NT application.

In File Manager, associate the file that you are trying to run with an application, then try again to run it.

There is no current MIDI port.

None of your ports have been assigned to a MIDI device.

There is no dial tone.

[Remote Access Service]

Make sure the phone line is plugged into the correct socket in the modem. Also, make sure you've added any special access numbers, such as the prefix 9 followed by a comma, to connect to an outside line. For example: 9,555-8181

There is no mouse installed. Use Windows NT Setup to install a mouse.

[Program Manager]

You have attempted to set Mouse options in the Control Panel prior to installing a Mouse.

Install a mouse, then try again.

There is no mouse installed. Use Windows NT Setup to install a mouse.

[Program Manager]

You have attempted to set Mouse options in the Control Panel prior to installing a Mouse.

Install a mouse, then try again.

There is no space for another entry in the table of available servers.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2463

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The table of available servers is full. You will not be able to see a complete list of network servers when you type the Net View command or use the LAN Manager Screen.

Stopping other processes or services on the workstation may free enough memory to correct this problem. MS-DOS workstations have a NUMSERVERS entry in the configuration file, which specifies the number of servers that the workstation can list with Net View. Increasing this value can solve this problem, but will also use more memory.

There is no such computer: computer name.


The computer account specified does not exist.

Retype the command with a correct computer name.

There is no such global user or group: name.


The name you specified is not used on this domain.

Check to make sure you have the correct name. Then try again, being careful to type the name correctly.

There is no such user or group: name.


The user or group specified does not exist.

Retype the command with a correct user name or group name.

There is no such user: user name.


You typed an unknown user name.

Check the spelling of the user name and then retype the command.

There is no tape in the drive.


You directed Backup to perform an erase or eject operation on a drive that contains no tape.

Insert a tape into the specified drive, then try again.

There is not a remote procedure call active in this thread.


In a distributed (RPC) application, a server can impersonate an active client (a client that is being served by this server thread). In this case, a server tried to impersonate a client but there was no active client to impersonate.

Contact the supplier of the running distributed application.

There is not an open file with that identification number.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2314

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. There is no open file on the server corresponding to the number you specified.

Check the identification number of the open file. To display a list of open files and their identification numbers, type NET FILE.

There is not enough free space on disk to save lost data.


The Chkdsk utility found some lost data on an HPFS volume, but there is not enough room on the disk to recover it.

Delete unneeded files from the volume, then try the Chkdsk command again.

There is not enough memory available for CHKDSK to fix the drive.


The Chkdsk utility is attempting to fix an HPFS volume, but not enough memory is available.

End one or more programs that are running in other processes, then run the Chkdsk utility again.

There is not enough memory available to CHKDSK to save lost data.


The Chkdsk utility has found lost data on an HPFS volume, but not enough memory is available to recover all the data.

End one or more programs that are running in other processes, then run the Chkdsk utility again.

There is not enough memory available to run CHKDSK.


The Chkdsk utility requires more memory than your system currently has available in order to check the HPFS volume.

End any programs that you no longer need that are running in other processes, then try the Chkdsk command again.

There is not enough memory to attempt to recover lost data.


The Chkdsk utility has found lost data on an HPFS volume, but not enough memory is available to recover all the data.

End one or more programs that are running in other processes, then run the Chkdsk utility again.

There is not enough memory to start the Workstation service.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3400

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The computer does not have enough memory available to start the Workstation service.

Stop other applications that are running on the computer, and then start the Workstation service again.

There is not enough space on the disk.


The disk being written to has no more room.

Delete some unwanted files from the disk and retry the command.

There is not enough space on this drive for the paging file size specified. Please enter a smaller number or free some disk space.

[Program Manager]

In the Virtual Memory dialog in the Control Panel's System option, you have specified a Paging File Size that exceeds the amount of space on the drive that you are using.

Double-check the numbers that you have entered in the Initial Size and Maximum Size options in the Virtual Memory dialog. The Initial and Maximum Size options must be less than the Space Available. In addition, the number in the Maximum Size option must be equal to or larger than the number that appears in the Initial Size option. Change the numbers according to the criteria, or open File Manager and delete unnecessary files to free disk space.

There is nothing to configure for this port.

[Print Manager]

You have attempted to configure the file port, such as c:\file.txt. Ports such as this are files that are printed to instead of ports. This is why there is nothing to configure.

No action is needed.

There is nothing to unexport.


In a distributed (RPC) application, an attempt was made to remove objects from an entry in the name-service database, but there were no objects of the specified type to remove.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

There was an error expanding name as a group name. Try splitting the group into two or more smaller groups.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3171

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. An error occurred when LAN Manager tried to identify the members of the specified group. The group is probably too large.

Split the group into two or more smaller groups.

There was an error in creating or reading the alerter mailslot. The error code is code.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3173

A software error occurred.

Verify that the Alerter service has been started. If the service has already been started, contact technical support.

There was an error initializing the International dialog; ensure that you have valid language.inf and layout.inf files in your Windows NT system directory.

[Program Manager]

The International dialog in Control Panel requires the LANGUAGE.INF, LAYOUT.INF and the CONTROL.INI files to function. These files should appear in the Windows NT SYSTEM32 directory.

Exit or minimize Control Panel, open File Manager, and check for the presence of these files. If they are not present, copy them to your SYSTEM32 directory.

There was an error initializing the International dialog; ensure that you have valid language.inf and layout.inf files in your Windows NT system directory.

[Program Manager]

If necessary, restore these files from a backup copy.

There was an error installing NETWKSTA.SYS. Press ENTER to continue.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The LAN Manager device driver NETWKSTA.SYS could not be installed.

Another error message that contains a more detailed explanation of the error should have been displayed prior to this message. See that message for the cause of the problem.

There was an error sending user name the alert message -( text )The error code is code.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3172

An error occurred when an alert message was sent. The user name designated to receive the alert may no longer exist.

Use Server Manager to repair the error.

There was an error stopping service name.The error code from NetServiceControl is the data.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3104

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

There was an unrecoverable error in the dynamic-link library of the service.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3256

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. An unrecoverable error occurred because of a problem with the dynamic-link library of the Remoteboot service.

Be sure you are using the correct versions of the dynamic-link libraries.

There was more than one zone specified in the zone list for a LocalTalk adapter "name ".

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

More than one zone was specified in the zone list for a LocalTalk adapter by directly accessing the Registry instead of using the Network option in Control Panel.

Use the Network option in Control Panel to specify one zone in the zone list for the LocalTalk adapter. Select Services for Macintosh and then choose Configure. Check the Enable Routing check box and then choose Advanced. Check the Seed this Network check box.

There were number access-denied errors in the last number minutes.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

There were number access-denied errors in the last number minutes. Please review the server's audit trail.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

There were number bad password attempts in the last number minutes. Please review the server's audit trail.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer.

This filename driver is required by the system. If you remove it, your system may not work properly. Are you sure you want to remove it?

[Drivers (CP)]

You have attempted to remove a device driver, and have not removed the device that requires the driver. Any device that you attach to your machine requires a driver file, and should you opt to remove the currently selected driver, the device to which it is linked will not function in Windows NT.

If you want to remove the driver, select Yes. If not select No.

This action will permanently remove the component from the system. If you wish to reinstall it, you will have to restart the system before doing so. Do you still wish to continue?

[Control Panel]

In the Network dialog box, you chose to remove either a piece of installed network software or an adapter card. This is a standard confirmation message.

If you are sure you want to remove the selected component, choose Yes.

This application requires a newer version of Microsoft Windows.

[Program Manager] [Task Manager]

You are trying to use an application that uses features of Microsoft Windows that were not available on the version of Windows you are using. You cannot use this application with the version of Windows you are using.

Upgrade to the current version of Microsoft Windows or Windows NT.

This application requires Standard or Enhanced Mode Windows.

[Program Manager]

The application you tried to run is an older version that uses Real Mode. It is not compatible with this operating system.

Upgrade the application to one that uses Standard or Enhanced Mode. Or, use a computer that is running Microsoft Windows version 3.0 to open this application.

This asg_type is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2251

A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

This card cannot be viewed. Delete the card.


The selected card could not be read either from an original or a temporary file. Consequently, this card is not valid or viewable.

Choose OK, then delete the card.

This card contains an open embedded object. Before you can delete the object, you must close it by closing the server application.


The server application is the application through which the embedded object was created. You attempted to delete an embedded object, but the application through which the embedded object was created is still running.

Double-click on the embedded object. The application in which the object was created appears. Selecting the Exit option in the File menu, exit the application, then attempt again to delete the object from the destination file.

This change will take effect when File Server for Macintosh service is restarted.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

Use the Services option in Control Panel to stop and then restart the service.

This computer is no longer a member of any domain.

[Control Panel]

Your computer is currently a stand-alone workstation and will be unable to access domain resources.

If you want to use domain resources, join a domain.

This computer name is already configured as a server on the domain. Please contact your domain administrator.

[Control Panel]

This name cannot be used as a computer name because it is already being used as a domain name.

Specify a different name.

This computer name is already configured as a workstation on the domain. Please contact your domain administrator.

[Control Panel]

This name cannot be used as a computer name because it is already being used as a workstation name on the current domain.

Specify a different name.

This computer name is invalid.


The specified computer name is invalid.

Contact technical support.

This Counter Style Not Available For Display

[Performance Monitor]

This message appears when you choose a counter style that is presented by a vendor's application but is not supported in this release of Performance Monitor.

Contact the vendor.

This device cannot be shared as both a spooled and a non-spooled resource.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2318

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You cannot route requests from both a printer queue and a communication-device queue to the same device.

To assign the device to a printer queue, you must first remove it from all communication-device queues. To assign the device to a communication-device queue, you must remove it from all printer queues.

This device cannot be shared.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2332

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The device name you typed does not represent a valid local device that can be shared.

Select a valid device name.

This device is already in use as a communication device.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2343

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. This device is used with a communication-device queue. You cannot use a device with both communication-device queues and printer queues.

To use this device with a printer queue, you must disconnect all communication-device queues from it.

This device is already in use by the spooler.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2342

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. This device is used with a printer queue. You cannot use a device with both printer queues and communication-device queues.

To use this device with a communication-device queue, you must first disconnect all printer queues from it.

This device is currently being shared.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2252

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The device name you have tried to assign to a shared resource represents a local device that is already being shared.

Select another device name or stop sharing the device you specified.

This device is not shared.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2311

The device you specified is not shared.

Check the spelling of the device name. To share the device, type NET SHARE <share name>=<device name>.

This device name list is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2334

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

This device was not open.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2333

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You tried to purge an empty communication-device queue.

No action is needed.

This document is corrupt and cannot be accessed.


You have attempted to open a corrupted document in Write.

No action is needed.

This domain has more global groups than can be replicated to a LanManBDC. Either delete some of your global groups or remove the LanManBDCs from the domain.


Either delete some of your global groups or remove the LAN Manager\r\nBDCs from the domain.

This drive contains the Windows system files and cannot be disconnected.

[File Manager]

The drive from which you are attempting to disconnect contains the file that are required to run Windows NT.

Choose OK.

This file extension is already associated with a Creator/Type item.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

File extensions can be associated with only one Creator/Type item.

Select another Creator/Type item to associate with the file extension.

This file is in use by some other application.

[File Manager] [Program Manager] [Task Manager]

You attempted to open a file that is in use by another application. This is a sharing violation.

If you know which application is using the file, close the application, then try again.

This file is not a Windows Help file.


You have attempted to run in Windows NT a help file that Windows NT does not support.

Consult the written documentation that accompanied the application for help on the topic, or contact technical support.

This global group is in a domain which is not in the list of trusted domains. Have more trusted domains been added while new users were being selected?


The specified global group was not in the list of trusted domains that appeared in the User Browser dialog, but does appear in the Local Group Membership dialog. Most likely, a trusted domain was added while new users were being selected.

Choose OK. Then close and reopen User Browser.

This global group is in a domain which is not in the list of trusted domains. Have more trusted domains been added while new users were being selected?


The specified global group was not in the list of trusted domains that appeared in the User Browser dialog, but does appear in the Local Group Membership dialog. Most likely, a trusted domain was added while new users were being selected.

Close and then reopen the User Browser. Try the operation again.

This hook procedure can only be set globally.


An application, as part of its user interface, has tried to install the wrong type of procedure to monitor system events.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

This image was saved in an old format. Do you want to convert it into the standard bitmap format?


Very often, Windows 3.1 or Windows NT does not support applications developed for earlier versions of Windows. When earlier applications are supported, text or format conversion is sometimes necessary.

If you want to convert to the standard bitmap format, select the Yes option. If not, select the No option.

This is a share-level server. You can only set permissions and auditing information on Windows NT File System (NTFS) volumes and LAN Manager 2.x user-level servers.


From a Windows NT computer, you attempted to set permissions on a share-level resource. This action is not permitted.

No action is needed.

This is a system, hidden, or read-only file.

[File Manager]

When you attempt to delete a system, hidden, or read-only file, File Manager presents you with this message.

If you still want to delete the file, choose Yes. If not, choose No.

This is an invalid argument: text.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3402

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The listed variable or option (from an entry in the [networks] section of the LANMAN.INI file) is invalid.

Check the format of the entries in the [networks] section of the LANMAN.INI file.

This is an invalid device name.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2294

You typed a command or ran a program that specified an invalid device name.

If you specified the device name, be sure that it is valid and that you have typed it correctly. If a program specified the device name, consult the program's documentation.

This is an invalid response.


The only valid responses to the prompt are Yes and No.

Answer Yes or No at the prompt.

This is not a valid computer name or domain name.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3730

You typed an invalid computer name or domain.

Retype the command with a valid computer name or domain. If you need further assistance, contact your network administrator.

This is not an embedded or linked object. You cannot activate it.


The object that you have attempted to activate is a static object. This means that it cannot be edited in the document in which it is embedded.

Return to the actual Paintbrush file in which the object was originally created, and activate it from that file.

This is not an embedded or linked object. You cannot activate it.


You have attempted to activate an object that is not linked to a server application.

No action is needed.

This is not an NTFS volume.


The NTFS volume is unrecoverably corrupted.

Reformat the NTFS volume. Then restore the data from a backup.

This keyboard cannot change its speed.

[Program Manager]

No action is needed.

This list box does not support tab stops.


An application, as part of its user interface, has tried to operate on a list box in a way that list box does not support.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

This list of devices is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2340

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

This message alias already exists locally.


You tried to add a message alias that already exists on this computer.

Use a different name if you want to add a new message alias. To display the list of aliases on this computer, type NET NAME.

This message alias has been added but is still forwarded.


This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Messages for this alias are being forwarded to another computer.

Stop forwarding messages and allow messages to be received by the local computer again.

This message alias will be deleted later.


Some hardware configurations have a delay between the typing of a command and the deletion of an alias.

No action is needed. The deletion will occur soon.

This network connection does not exist.


An application tried to delete or retrieve information about an established network connection (such as the user name used to establish the connection), but the network connection does not exist.

Check the spelling of the connection name, and also make sure it is one that is currently connected.

This network connection has files open or requests pending.


An application tried to cancel a network connection that had one or more files open.

Either close the files or wait until the files are closed, then try to cancel the connection.

This new drive letter assignment will happen immediately. Do you wish to continue?

[Disk Administrator]

If there are no applications with open files or unsaved data on this computer, choose Yes. Otherwise, wait until you are ready for a graceful shutdown and restart.

This object has been changed. Update document before proceeding?

You attempted to exit Object Packager before saving the changes you made to an object, and this is a standard confirmation message.

If you want to save the changes you have made, choose Yes.

This operation cannot be performed on the print destination in its current state.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2162

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The requested change cannot be made because a software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

This operation cannot be performed on the print job in its current state.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2164

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The requested change cannot be made because a software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

This operation cannot be performed on the printer queue in its current state.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2163

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The requested change cannot be made because a software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

This operation is not allowed on the last administrative account.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2452

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. This is the only account with administrative privilege. You cannot delete it.

You must add another account with administrative privilege before deleting this one.

This operation is not allowed on this special group.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2234

You cannot perform this task on special groups such as Users, Administrators and Guests.

No action is needed.

This operation is not permitted when the Netlogon service is running.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2451

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You cannot perform this task while the Netlogon service is running.

To perform this task, stop the Netlogon service on the server. Retype the command, and then restart the Netlogon service.

This operation is not supported on computers with multiple networks.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2300

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You cannot run this command on a computer that is on multiple networks.

No action is needed.

This operation is not supported on workstations.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2106

This operation can be performed only on a server.

See your network administrator if you need more information.

This operation is only allowed for the Primary Domain Controller of the domain.


For instance, the password associated with a user cannot be changed at a domain server that is in a backup, rather than primary, role.

Change the domain server role, or change domain servers, and retry the operation.

This operation is only allowed on the primary domain controller of the domain.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2226

The specified server is not the domain controller, so you cannot update its security database.

Run the command on the domain controller. If you are using User Manager, set the focus on the domain controller, and then retry the command.

This operation is privileged on systems with earlier versions of the software.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3714

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You must have administrative privilege on the remote computer to perform this task because that computer is running a previous version of LAN Manager.

To complete this task, ask your administrator to give you administrative privilege on the remote computer, or have that computer upgraded to Windows NT.

This operation will delete all scheduled jobs.


You used the command AT /D and are being warned that all of your scheduled jobs are about to be deleted.

Type Y if you want to delete all scheduled jobs, or N if not.

This operation will erase ALL data from the destination disk. Are you sure you want to continue?

[File Manager]

When you use the Copy Disk option in the Edit menu to copy the contents of one floppy disk to another, File Manager presents you with this message.

If you want to continue, choose Yes. If not, choose No to return to the Copy Disk dialog box.

This operation will result in a disk whose partition scheme may not be compatible with MS-DOS. Some partitions may not be accessible if the disk is used with MS-DOS in the future. Do you want to continue and create the partition anyway?

[Disk Administrator]

MS-DOS is capable of seeing only one primary partition. If you add more than one (you can create up to four), MS-DOS is unable to see them, and you are unable to access those partitions from MS-DOS.

If you are sure that you want to create the partition, select Yes. If not, choose No to return to the Disk Administrator window.

This page could not be shared.


A networking error has prevented you from sharing a ClipBook page.

Wait, and try again later. Or save the page as a text file and locate it in a shared directory.

This password cannot be used now.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2244

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You cannot use a password that has just expired. Your network administrator may also have configured your account so that you cannot use any of your previous passwords.

Change your password to one that you have not used before.

This path component is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2356

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

This printer destination is idle and cannot accept control operations.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2158

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The specified printer is not in use.

Be sure you are referring to the correct printer.

This printer destination request contains an invalid control function.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2159

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. An internal control function is invalid.

Contact technical support.

This program can only be used by Administrators.

[User Profile Editor]

You do not possess the level of permission required to use User Profile Editor.

Contact your system administrator. If you are the administrator of this system, log off, then log on again under your administrative account.

This program group already contains the maximum number of items.

[Program Manager]

The maximum number of program items that a program group can contain is 50. The currently selected program group already contains that number.

Delete one of these items to create room for the new one.

This program is not a valid Windows NT application.

[File Manager]

The application cannot be started from within Windows NT. It may have been created for use with MS-DOS or some other operating system.

If the application was written for MS-DOS, open an MS-DOS command prompt window and run the application from there.

This program or one of its components is compressed. Please uncompress it and try again.

[Program Manager]

While File Manager can store compressed files, these files must be decompressed before they can be accessed as programs in Program Manager.

When you have identified the compressed file, go to the command prompt, type the keyword EXPAND, the path to the compressed file, and (where necessary) a file path for the file's destination.

This program or one of its components is compressed. Please uncompress it and try again.

[Task Manager]

Use the EXPAND command (in an MS-DOS window or by choosing Run from the File menu of File Manager) to expand this file. For more information, use the command expand /?

This replicant database is outdated; synchronization is required.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2249

The local server's security database is completely out of synchronization with that of the domain controller, so a complete synchronization is needed.

Use the Synchronize With Domain option in Server Manager to synchronize the local server's database with that of the domain controller.

This schedule date is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3802

You typed an invalid schedule date.

Specify either a day of the month represented by a number between 1 and 31, or a day of the week represented by one of the following abbreviations: M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, Su.

This screen saver has no options that you can set.

The Desktop Window's Screen Save option usually allows you to set a number of options, including such things as the length and width of the Screen Saver. These options differ, depending upon the type of Screen Saver that you select, and the one that you have currently selected has no options that you can set.

No action is needed.

This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.


The owner of a new object must be one of the users or groups you have been given the right to assign as owner. Typically, this is your user account and, if you are an administrator, the administrator's local group.

Learn which users and groups you have the right to assign as owner. Then retry the operation with that knowledge.

This security ID may not be assigned as the primary group of an object.


Contact the supplier of the running application, or your technical support group or system administrator may know how to edit the security ID structure.

This selection contains open embedded objects that will be deleted.


When you attempt to save a document containing embedded objects in a 3.0 Write or Word for MS-DOS format, embedded objects in the document disappear. If you need to preserve these objects, you may want to attempt to save them in a different format.

No action is needed.

This server's clock is not synchronized with the primary domain controller's clock.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2457

The internal clock for servers must be set to within 10 minutes of the domain controller's clock.

Use the Net Time command to synchronize the server's clock with the domain controller's clock.

This set contains an SMS data stream and cannot be viewed or restored.


Use the application with which the tape was written to view or restore the data.

This set is compressed and cannot be viewed or restored.


The data on the tape was compressed with another application. Backup cannot uncompress data.

Uncompress the data with the same application that was used to compress the data.

This set is not completely cataloged.


You have a set that crosses tapes, and you are not looking at all of the files and directories in the set.

No action is needed.

This set was written with a newer version of software and cannot be viewed or restored.


Use the application with which the tape was written to view or restore the data.

This share name or password is invalid.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2403

Either the share name or password you typed is incorrect.

Check the spelling of the share name or password. If you still have problems, ask your network administrator to verify the password and the share name. Your administrator should also verify that you have access to the resource. This problem can also be caused by duplicate computer names. Do not give computers on different networks identical computer names if there is any computer that is on both networks.

This shared resource does not exist.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2310

The share name you specified does not exist.

Check the spelling of the share name. To display a list of resources shared on the server, type NET SHARE.

This system has not been properly installed by Windows NT Setup. Although you may use the Domain Settings dialog, use of other configuration capabilities may have unpredictable results.

[Control Panel]

No action necessary; however, it would be best to reinstall Windows NT.

This system lacks a properly setup/installed Keyboard Layout entry for both the User and System default entries.

[Program Manager]

Two important entries are missing from your Registry. The Registry is probably corrupt.

Restart the computer, and press the spacebar immediately after selecting Windows NT at the Boot Loader prompt. Then choose Last Known Good.

This system lacks a properly setup/installed Keyboard Layout entry for both the User and System default entries.

[Program Manager]

In REGEDT32's HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control KeyBoard Layout key, one of the value entries is missing or incorrect.

Run Maintenance Mode Setup or reinstall Windows NT.

This system lacks a properly setup/installed Locale entry for both the User and System default entries.

[Program Manager]

Two important entries are missing from your Registry. The Registry is probably corrupt.

Restart the computer, and press the spacebar immediately after selecting Windows NT at the Boot Loader prompt. Then choose Last Known Good.

This system lacks a properly setup/installed Locale entry for both the User and System default entries.

[Program Manager]

Two important entries are missing from your Registry Editor.

Run Maintenance Mode Setup or reinstall Windows NT.

This tape has been secured. You do not have the proper backup privileges.


You cannot write to this tape using your current logon name, because the security settings on the tape do not list you as having backup privileges.

Either log in with a user name that has backup privileges, or ask that the security settings be changed to give you backup privileges, or use a different tape.

This tape has been secured. You do not have the proper erase privileges.


You cannot erase this tape using your current logon name, because the security settings on the tape do not list you as having erase privileges.

Either log in with a user name that has erase privileges, or ask that the security settings be changed to give you erase privileges, or use a different tape.

This tape has been secured. You do not have the proper privileges.


You cannot perform the requested action on this tape using your current logon name, because the security settings on the tape do not list you as having the necessary privileges.

Either log in with a user name that has the necessary privileges, or ask that the security settings be changed to give you the necessary privileges.

This tape has been secured. You do not have the proper restore privileges.


You cannot read from this tape using your current logon name, because the security settings on the tape do not list you as having restore privileges.

Either log in with a user name that has restore privileges, or ask that the security settings be changed to give you restore privileges, or ask that someone with restore privileges restore the file or files for you.

This tape is of the same tape family. Insert a different tape in the drive.


The backup you are performing has filled the tape that is currently in the drive and needs to continue data onto an additional tape. It will not overwrite earlier tapes in this family.

Insert a blank tape or a tape that is not part of this family.

This tape was made with a newer version of software and cannot be read by this application.


Newer software has backward compatibility but earlier versions of the software do not have forward compatibility.

Use the version of the software with which the data was placed on the tape to read the data.

This tape was written with software ECC and cannot be read by this application.


Use the application with which the tape was written to view or restore the data.

This user account has expired.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2239

Only an administrator can access an expired account.

The administrator must reinstate this account before the action you specified can be taken.

This user account is undefined.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2238

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

This user is not cached in user accounts database session cache.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2235

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A software error occurred.

Contact technical support.

This volume cannot be checked with this version of UHPFS.DLL.


To insure you are using the correct version of UHPFS.DLL, you might want to restore it from the distribution medium (you will have to decompress it), and then erase all other instances of UHPFS.DLL.

This volume cannot be checked with this version of UNTFS.DLL.


The file system version number on the NTFS volume indicates that it was created with a later release of Windows NT than this version of UNTFS.DLL.

Use the version of UNTFS.DLL that came with the later version of Windows NT.

This volume cannot be converted to file system Possible causes are: 1.- Bad sectors in required areas of the volume. 2.- file system structures in areas required by file system


The volume is still in its original (unconverted) state. However, there is nothing you can do to make this volume suitable for conversion.

This volume is not a valid HPFS volume; it cannot be converted.


Run the Chkdsk /f command and then try the conversion again.

This volume is not an Windows NT File System (NTFS) volume. You can only set permissions and auditing information on NTFS volumes and LAN Manager 2.x user-level servers.


You attempted to set permissions on a directory or file on a FAT or an HPFS volume that is not a LAN Manager user-level server.

Move or copy the file or directory to an NTFS volume, then set permissions on it.

This volume is not an Windows NT File System (NTFS) volume. You can only set the owner on NTFS volumes.


You attempted to set Permissions on a file on a FAT or an HPFS volume.

Move the resources on which you wish to set the owner to an NTFS volume, then set permissions on it.

This will cancel the current play operation, continue?

[CD Player]

You are playing a CD on a player with multiple drives, and you have opted to switch from one drive to another.

If you want to make the switch, choose Yes.

This will end mirroring and create two independent partitions. Are you sure you want to break the selected mirror?

[Disk Administrator]

When you choose to break a mirror relationship, the two partitions that mirror one another become independent partitions, and thus no longer reflect one another's contents.

If you are sure that you want to break the selected mirror, choose Yes. If not, choose No to return to Disk Administrator.

This will log off the current user. Any unsaved work will be lost.


As the system administrator, you may force a user off of a workstation, and this is a standard confirmation message.

If you want to do this, continue.

This will terminate the entire installation process. Are you sure you wish to proceed?

[Control Panel]

You have selected an Exit or Cancel option at some point during an installation procedure.

If you want to terminate installation, choose Yes.

This Windows NT computer is configured as a member of a workgroup, not as a member of a domain. The Netlogon service does not need to run in this configuration.


Do not start the Net Logon service, or set it for automatic startup unless you reconfigure this computer as a member of a domain.

This workstation is already logged on to the local-area network.

[Network] Net Message ID: 2200

This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. A user is already logged on at this workstation.

To see who is currently logged on at the workstation, type NET CONFIG WORKSTATION.

This workstation is in use and has been locked. The workstation can only be unlocked by name \\ name ( name ) or an administrator.


The workstation onto which you are attempting to logon has been locked.

Contact your system administrator. If you are the system administrator, log onto your administrative account and press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to unlock the workstation.

This workstation is in use and has been locked. The workstation can only be unlocked by name \\ name or an administrator.


The workstation onto which you are attempting to logon has been locked.

Contact your system administrator. If you are the system administrator, log onto your administrative account and press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to unlock the workstation.

This workstation is locked. Only computer name \\ user name (text) or an administrator can unlock this workstation.


This message occurs when the delay time passes on a Screen Saver that is password-protected.

If you have an administrator's account on this workstation, type the user name and password for your administrator account in the Workstation Locked dialog box. If not, contact your system administrator.

This workstation is locked. Only computer name \\user name or an administrator can unlock this workstation.


This message occurs when the delay time passes on a Screen Saver that is password-protected.

If you have an administrator's account on this workstation, type the user name and password for your administrator account in the Workstation Locked dialog box. If not, contact your system administrator.

Thousand separator cannot contain digits.

[Program Manager]

In the Number Format dialog box, you entered a number in the 1000 Separator box empty.

Enter in the 1000 Separator box the mark that you want to see to the right of the 1000 column in numbers on your system.

Thread does not have a clipboard open.


An application, as part of its user interface, has tried to operate on the clipboard without first opening it.

Contact the supplier of the running application.

Time is invalid.

[WINS Service]

The time you entered is not valid, or is in an invalid format. Either it does not match the format specified in your International settings, or it is out of range (for example 25:00 or 13 p.m.) or it has characters that are not used to specify time.

Re-enter the time. If you are not sure what format is valid, choose the International icon in the Control Panel, and then select Time Format.

Time out error. From device: name


The time-out interval elapsed without a response from the indicated device. The attempt to communicate with the device has been abandoned.

Reboot your computer. If you continue to get this message, contact the hardware vendor.

Time supplied is not exactly on the hour.

[Network] Net Message ID: 3764

Specifying minutes in your logon command is optional, but if included, the minutes must be in the format :00 (a colon and two zeros).

Retype the command, either omitting the minutes or using the correct format, :00.

Timeout ( number milliseconds) waiting for ReadFile.


The service controller could not communicate with the service within the specified time.

Ask your system administrator to start the service again using the Services option in Control Panel. If the service will not start, contact the service vendor.

Timeout ( number milliseconds) waiting for service to connect.


The service controller could not communicate with the service process within the specified time.

Ask your system administrator to start the service again using the Services option in Control Panel. If the service will not start, contact the service vendor.

Timeout ( number milliseconds) waiting for transaction response.


A control message could not be sent to a service.

Retry the operation. If the problem persists, ask your system administrator to stop and then restart the service. It may be necessary to contact the vendor of the service.

Timeout before function completed


The driver expected the tape drive to respond in a certain amount of time. You may have a slower drive or the cabling may not be secure.

Check the Hardware Compatibility List for the compatible version of the tape drive. Also check the cabling.

Timeout occurred

[FTP Server] [TCP/IP]

The data connection, in use by a TCP/IP utility, was not properly closed down due to the loss of the ACK,FIN part of the TCP close-down sequence.

Retry the TCP/IP utility operation. If you still get this message, contact your network administrator.

Timer expired

The task could not be completed because there was no response within the timeout period.

Title setup error corrected; Please rerun Viewer.

[Disk Administrator]

Rerun Viewer to refresh your screen.

Tmm could not signal the client thread. This indicates something seriously wrong.

[WINS Service]

Contact Technical Support.

To change the Advanced I/O settings, you must be logged onto the Windows NT workstation as an Administrator.

[Program Manager]

Log onto the workstation as an administrator, then try again to change the workstation's Advanced I/O settings.

To join a workgroup, enter its name and click OK. To join a domain which already has an account for this computer, enter its name and click OK. If a computer account must be added for this computer, select the 'Administrator Name' option and enter the name and password of an administrative account on the domain.

[Control Panel]

You can join either a workgroup or a domain. No special permissions are needed to join a workgroup. To join a domain, there must be an account for this computer on that domain.

If you want to join a workgroup, enter the name of the workgroup in the Workgroup text box, and choose OK. If you want to join a domain, enter the name of the domain in the Domain text box, and choose OK. If you are logged are a domain administrator, you can also create an account for this computer on the domain at this time. Otherwise, make sure there is an account on the domain for this computer before you attempt to join it.

To seed this network, you must specify a default zone.

[Services for Macintosh (SFM)]

To specify a default zone, select a zone from the zone list and then choose Set to indicate a default zone.

To specify the size of the command history buffer under Window NT, use the /listsize switch which sets the number of commands to remember.


The Windows NT version of Doskey does not recognize the /bufsize=size switch that was used in previous versions.

Use the /listsize switch instead. Note that the numeric value in the /listsize switch represents the maximum number of commands to remember, and not the size of the buffer in bytes.

Too little disk space for that catalog

[Disk Administrator]

Choose a smaller catalog, or delete some files from the disk and try again.

Too many arguments in command line


Make sure the syntax of the command line is correct, and that you only specify one process at a time. To check which arguments are valid for this command, type HELP at the command prompt followed by the command name (in this case, More).

Too many commands were outstanding; the application can retry the command later.

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

NetBIOS has as many commands waiting for processing as it can handle.

Wait and try again.

Too many directory windows are open. Close one or more windows, and then try again.

[File Manager]

To prevent users from accidentally opening an infinite number of windows, File Manager allows you to open no more than 27 windows at once. You either have 27 windows currently open, or you have opened so many windows that they are making demands upon your workstation's available memory.

Too many dynamic link modules are attached to this program or dynamic link module.


The system ran out of space for keeping track of dynamic-link modules that are attached to the module being executed or loaded.

Remove some dynamic-link library dependencies from the program or module. You may have to contact the supplier of the running application.

Too many errors occurred because of poor phone line quality.

[Remote Access Service]

Too many asynchronous errors occurred on your phone line during authentication.

Try to connect again. If the problem persists, lower your baud rate and disable any modem features that may be set. For more information, see "Setting Modem Features" and "Modem Idiosyncrasies" in the Remote Access Phone Book online Help.

Too many files opened for sharing.


The maximum number of files in the sharing buffer has temporarily been exceeded.

Retry the command when fewer programs are running.

Too many open files


Close some unneeded files, then retry the command.

Too many other files are currently in use.

[Program Manager] [Task Manager]

You are low on memory.

Close some of the files that you have open, then try again.

Too many parameters - text

[Command] [Utilities]

You typed too many parameters for this command. This message usually refers to parameters other than switches (which begin with a slash, such as /s) or keywords (which contain an equal sign, such as cols=80).

To determine which parameters are valid for this command, type HELP at the command prompt followed by the command name.

Too many posts were made to a semaphore.


There is a limited number of times that an event semaphore can be posted. You tried to post an event semaphore that has already been posted the maximum number of times.

Wait, and then retry the operation. If you still get this message, contact the supplier of the running application.

Too many recursive calls.

[Fonts (CP)]

There is a problem with the way one of the characters is constructed.

Contact the vendor of the font, and report this message.

Too many retries to "name " for xmit errors ( number ) ... closing connection

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

The connection is being closed because there was no response to data that was sent. There may be some data corruption.

Check any files that were being written to on the specified computer for corruption, and restore from a backup if necessary.

Too many security IDs have been specified.


Contact the supplier of the running application.

Too many string lists


The regular expression you specified as a search string in the Findstr command is too complex.

Use a sequence of Findstr commands, so you can use simpler regular expressions. You can pipe the output of one Findstr command to the next, in order to achieve the regular expression you need.

Too many titles;displaying first 400.


When you do a full text search, and your search references too many topics, this message appears.

Specify a more nearly unique keyword to reduce the range of topics found.

Too many transmit retries ( number ) for same packet to "name " ... closing connection

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

The connection is being closed because there was no response to data that was sent. There may be some data corruption.

Check any files that were being written to on the specified computer for corruption, and restore from a backup if necessary.

Too many xmit retries to "name " for memory errors ( number ) ... closing connection

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

The connection is being closed because there was no response to data that was sent. There may be some data corruption.

Check any files that were being written to on the specified computer for corruption, and restore from a backup if necessary.

Too much lost data to recover it all.


Run the Chkdsk command again, with the /f switch, to recover the rest of the data.

Topic name is invalid

[Dynamic Data Exchange]

A topic name can contain up to 255 characters. There can be no commas (,) in the name, and the vertical bar (|) cannot be the first or last character.

Enter a valid topic name.

Topic too long to edit copy selection and excess was trimmed. Use CTRL+INS while viewing to copy entire topic.


When you attempt to copy a topic, and the topic is too long for the Copy dialog box, the topic is trimmed.

Perform the user action prescribed in the message.

Transmit buffer on port address isn't drained! ( code )


Contact Digi technical support.

Try again later code

[FTP Server]

A new process, which is necessary for carrying out the Ftp command, could not be created.

Try the Ftp operation later. If you continue to get this message, contact your network administrator to interpret the error code displayed at the end of the message, and then take appropriate action.

Two ports, number and number, on a single multiport card can't have two different interrupts.

The IRQ value for one of these ports was entered incorrectly.

If the IRQ values were set by a setup program, contact the vendor of the application. Otherwise, use Regedit to correct the values.

Type a password which meets these requirements in both text boxes.


This message is preceded by a message informing you of the Account Policy for passwords for this workstation.

Look at the specifications that precede this message, then type in a password that meets these requirements.

Type the password for text : text


Enter the password for this resource, being sure to type the password correctly, including capitalization.