The Restrictions subkey defines restrictions for activities in Program Manager, under this Registry path:
Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
\Program Manager\Restrictions
Restrictions can be defined for users in User Profile Editor.
CheckBinaryTimeout REG_DWORD 0 to 4294967295 milliseconds
Allows you to configure the auto-check delay. When you bring up either the Run dialog box, the New Item dialog box, or the Edit Item dialog box, the "Run in Separate Memory Space" checkbox automatically turns on and off depending on the executable name being typed in. The delay between the last character typed and before the autochecking starts is this value. For example, if you are in a network environment and are concerned about network traffic caused by autochecking the binary type, increase this value to reduce the number of times the file is checked.
Default: 500
CheckBinaryType REG_DWORD 0 or 1
Allows you to turn off the binary type checking. When you bring up either the Run dialog box, the New Item dialog box, or the Edit Item dialog box, the "Run in Separate Memory Space" checkbox automatically turns on and off depending on the executable name being typed in. If you want this auto-checking feature turned off (and the checkbox always enabled), set this value to 0. For example, you might set this value to 0 if you frequently use a floppy disk drive to run programs, or if you are concerned about network traffic caused by auto-checking files on the server.
Default: 1
display.drv REG_SZ filename
Defines the video display driver used.
Default: vga.drv