This key defines the appearance and behavior of Microsoft Schedule+. This is the Registry path for this subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Schedule+\Microsoft Schedule+
This key also appears under HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT, but its only contents are MigrateIni and MigrateIniPrint.
These are the value entries that can appear in this key:
CopyTime REG_SZ minutes
Specifies the time interval that Schedule+ copies your online .CAL file to your local .CAL file (occurs in idle time).
Default: 15 minutes
CreateFileFirstTime REG_SZ 0 or 1
Specifies whether an online calendar (.CAL) file should be created for a first-time Schedule+ user. If this entry is 1, an online calendar (.CAL) file is created the first time a user signs on to Schedule+. If 0 (as set automatically the first time you run Schedule+), an online calendar file is not created automatically.
Default: 0
PollTime REG_SZ centiseconds
Specifies the frequency for checking the server for schedule file changes.
Default: 6000 centiseconds (one minute)
ReminderPollTime REG_SZ minutes
Specifies the frequency for polling the server for alarm changes.
Default: 15
UpdatePostOfficeTime REG_SZ centiseconds
Specifies the frequency for updating the postoffice on the server after a change is made.
Default: 6000 centiseconds (one minute)