Mouse Entries for Users

To change these entries, choose the Mouse icon from Control Panel.

DoubleClickSpeed REG_SZ milliseconds

Sets the maximum time between clicks of the mouse button that the system permits for one double-click. The lower the value for this entry, the less time you have to click twice to double-click.

Default: 686

MouseSpeed REG_SZ 0 or 1 or 2

Sets the relationship between mouse and cursor movement when the value of either MouseThreshold1 or MouseThreshold2 is exceeded. When this occurs, cursor movement accelerates according to the value of MouseSpeed.




No acceleration.


The cursor is moved twice the normal speed when mouse movement exceeds the value of MouseThreshold1.


The cursor is moved twice the normal speed when the mouse movement exceeds the value of MouseThreshold1, or four times the normal speed if mouse movement exceeds MouseThreshold2.


Default: 1

MouseThreshold1 REG_SZ pixels
MouseThreshold2 REG_SZ pixels

These entries set the maximum number of pixels that the mouse can move between mouse interrupts before the system alters the relationship between mouse and cursor movement. If the mouse movement exceeds the threshold defined by MouseThreshold1 and if MouseSpeed is greater than 0, the system moves the cursor at twice the normal speed. If the mouse movement exceeds the threshold defined by MouseThreshold2 and if MouseSpeed is 2, the system moves the cursor at four times the normal speed.

Default: MouseThreshold1=6

SwapMouseButtons REG_SZ Boolean

Specifies whether to swap the right and left mouse buttons. If the value is 1, the buttons are swapped.

Default: 0