Getting Tape Backups to Run Faster in Windows NT 3.5

You should be able to speed up backups from UNC shares in Windows NT 3.5. The problem is the case of a value in the Registry.

In Registry Editor, open the following HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key:


This key has several values. Double-click the "Devicename" value and change the case of the first letter in the data to uppercase. You'll be changing

"\device\LanmanRedirector" to "\Device\LanmanRedirector"

Why does this make a difference? Whenever there is a file that could be a POSIX file, Windows NT needs to open the file in a POSIX-compatible way. This means that the path and filename must match exactly with respect to case-sensitivity.

However, the case of "device" is wrong, so the operating system refuses to open the file when POSIX semantics are requested—it returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. The application must open the file a second time, this time specifying not to use POSIX semantics. Thus, the performance penalty occurs.

The case of the Devicename value has been changed to uppercase in Windows NT 3.51.