DUMPFLOP.EXE is a command-line utility that you can use to write a dump file in segments to floppy disks, so it can be sent to a support engineer. This is rarely the most efficient way to send a dump file, but it is sometimes the only way. DUMPFLOP compresses the information it writes to the floppy disks, using the compression algorithm used by the NTFS file system, so a 32-MB dump file will generally fit onto 10 floppy disks, rather than 20 or more as you might expect. DUMPFLOP does not require access to symbols.

To store the crash dump onto floppy disks, use DUMPFLOP with the following command-line syntax:

dumpflop [options] <CrashDumpFile> [<Drive>:]

To assemble a crash dump from floppy disks, use DUMPFLOP with the following command-line syntax:

dumpflop [options] <Drive>: [<CrashDumpFile>]

In either case, the options are as follows:


Displays the command syntax.


Only prints the crash dump header on an assemble operation.


Shows compression statistics.


Formats the floppy when necessary during a store operation; also overwrites the existing crash dump file during an assemble operation.

If executed with no parameters, DUMPFLOP attempts to find a memory dump in the \systemroot directory (the default location for creating a memory dump) and writes it to floppy disks on the A drive.