AutoFormat Builder

See Also

The AutoFormat Builder of the Form Designer applies a set of styles to selected controls of the same type. For example, you can select two or more text box controls on the form and use the AutoFormat Builder to apply the same styles; or you can specify whether the styles apply to all or just some of the controls' borders, colors, fonts, layout, or 3D effect.

To use the AutoFormat Builder

  1. Using the Form Controls toolbar, place multiple controls of the same kind on the form.

  2. Select and right-click all the controls you want to format, and then choose Builder from the Form Designer shortcut menu.

    A dialog appropriate to the selected control appears.

  3. Choose the options you want from the dialog box, and then choose OK.

    When you choose OK, the builder closes and applies the selected configuration.


(Form Designer toolbar)

Builder Options


Specifies Embossed, Standard, or Professional style. When you click a style, the display to the left is updated to show you how the style looks.

Apply Style To


Applies the selected style to the control borders. This option corresponds to the BorderStyle property.


Applies the selected style to the control colors. This option corresponds to the BackColor and ForeColor properties, BackStyle property, and BorderColor property.


Applies the selected style to the control fonts.


Applies the selected style to the control alignment.

3D Effect

Applies the selected style to the control 3D effect.

Apply Now

Applies the style to the selected controls without leaving the AutoFormat Builder.

For more information, see "Using Builders" in Chapter 1, Getting Started and "Customizing Forms" in Chapter 8, Managing Data Through Forms in the User's Guide.