Build Options Dialog Box

See Also

Lets you create a custom application or refresh an existing project.

This dialog box appears when you select Build from the Project menu.

Dialog Box Options


Rebuild Project

Creates and builds a project file. This option corresponds to the BUILD PROJECT command.

Build Application

Builds the project, compiles files that are out of date, and creates a single .app file. This option corresponds to the BUILD APP command.

Build Executable

Creates an executable file from a project. This option corresponds to the BUILD EXE command.


Creates a Dynamic Link Library with a .dll file name extension using class information from the project file.


Recompile All Files

Recompiles all files in the project and creates an object file for each source file.

Display Errors

Displays compile-time errors in an editing window after the build is complete.

Run After Build

Allows you to specify if you want the application to run after it has been built.

Regenerate Automation server IDs

Installs and registers Automation servers contained in the project. When marked, this option specifies that new GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) are generated when you build a program. Only those classes marked OLE Public in the Class Info dialog box of the Class menu will be created and registered. This option is enabled when you have marked Build OLE DLL or Build Executable and have already built a program containing the OLEPublic keyword.


Displays the EXE Version dialog box, which allows you to specify information for the version number and the type of version. This button is enabled when you select Build Executable or Build OLE DLL in the Build Options dialog box.