Class Browser Shortcut Menu

See Also

Contains shortcuts to several commands useful in the Class Browser. These commands appear when you right-click the Class Browser window, the Class list, and the Members list. The shortcut menu is context sensitive and some of the items are displayed only when applicable.

Shortcut Menu Options


When checked, displays the Class Description box and the Member Description box. The Class Description box displays a description for the selected class, and the Member Description box displays information about the selected class member.

Always on Top

When checked, the Class Browser window remains on top, even when other windows are active. When unchecked, the window does not remain on top.

Restore Defaults

Restores the following settings:

Option Default Setting
Descriptions On
Always on top Off
Auto Expand On
Hierarchical On
Protected Off – Protected members not displayed
Hidden Off – Hidden members not displayed
Empty Filter Off – Empty members not displayed

Auto Expand

When checked, the Class Browser automatically expands the class tree to display all of the Objects, Properties, and Methods for each class or subclass when the class or subclass is selected.


When checked, displays the classes in a hierarchy so that subclasses are displayed under parent classes and the class trees can be expanded or collapsed. If not selected, the classes are displayed alphabetically.


When checked, displays protected members in the Members list. Protected members are indicated by an asterisk (*).


When checked, displays hidden members in the Members list. Hidden members are indicated by a caret (^).


When checked, displays empty methods in the Members list. Empty methods are indicated by a tilde (~).


Opens the selected class in the Class Designer or the selected form in the Form Designer. If a method is selected, opens the Designer with the method code window displayed.

Container Icon

Allows you to choose an icon or bitmap for a class.


Removes a selected class from a class library or removes, and optionally deletes, a selected class library.


Renames a class, property, or method in the Class Browser. If you rename a class, the Class Browser renames any references to the class in all the files open in all instances of the Class Browser.


Changes the ParentClass of the selected class.

Select ParentClass

Selects the ParentClass of the selected class. If the ParentClass is not already displayed in the Class Browser, the library with the ParentClass is added to the Class Browser.


Displays in a Message box the setting of a selected property in the Members list.


Sets the font attributes of all controls in the Class Browser.


Displays the class definition, property settings, and all method code for the selected class.


Displays a menu of registered add-in programs, applications, and classes.


Opens the Help file.