Debug Tab, Options Dialog Box

See Also

Enables you to set options to customize the Visual FoxPro debugger windows, including:

When you choose Set As Default — which appears on every tab in the dialog box — Visual FoxPro saves the option settings in the registry (system Windows registration database).

Tab Options


Specifies the debugging environment.

Display timer events

Choose this option if you want Timer Control timer events displayed in the Trace window when their interval value is reached. If you clear this option, the timer event still occurs, but is not displayed; it is treated as if you had specified Step Over for that event.

Specify Window

Choose an option to specify which debugger window you want to set options for. The window you choose here affects the following available options.

Call Stack

Displays the following options for the window:


No additional options are available for this window.


Displays the Log debug output area, which contains the following options:


Displays the following options for the window:


No additional options are available for this window.

Options Available for All Debugger Windows


Choose a font and style for the specified debugger window. For example, to set the font of the debugger’s Trace window, choose Trace under Specify Window, and then choose Font to select the font, size, and style.



Select the text element for which you want to specify a color. For example, to specify a color for the text used for changed values, select Changed Value. The choices in the Area list depend on what window has been specified under Specify Window.


Choose a color for the text of the selected area. To use the default color established in the Windows control panel, select Automatic.


Choose a background color for the selected area. For example, to show comments in yellow text on a blue background, select yellow in Foreground and blue in Background. To use the default color established in the Windows control panel, select Automatic.

For more information, see Chapter 14, Testing and Debugging Applications in the Programmer’s Guide.