Edit Relationship Dialog Box

See Also

After creating a persistent relationship between tables, use the Edit Relationship dialog box to alter the relation.

This dialog box appears when you select a relationship line in the Database Designer and select Edit Relationship from the Database menu, or double-click the relationship line.

Dialog Box Options


Shows the name of the current parent table, and allows you to select a different index tag.

Related Table

Shows the name of the current child table, and allows you to select a different index tag.

Relationship Type

Shows the type of relationship between the parent and child tables.

Referential Integrity

Displays the Referential Integrity Builder so you can set up rules to control how records are inserted, updated, or deleted in related tables.

Note   If your tables are not already indexed, you need to open them in the Table Designer and create indexes before you use the Referential Integrity Builder. For more information, see "Creating an Index" in Chapter 2, Creating Tables and Indexes in the User's Guide.

For more information about table relationships, see Chapter 3, Collecting Tables into a Database in the User's Guide or Chapter 6, Creating Databases in the Programmer's Guide.