Form Menu

The Form menu contains commands for creating and modifying forms and form sets.

Form Menu Commands

New Property

Displays the New Property dialog box where you can add a new property to the form or form set.

New Method

Displays the New Method dialog box, where you can add a new method to the form or form set.

Edit Property/Method

Displays the Edit Property/Method dialog box, where you can edit an existing property or method. The property or method is scoped to the stand-alone form or form set, as applicable.

Include File

Displays the Include File dialog box, where you can specify a header file of predefined compile-time constants. This file is used when compiling the form's code.

Create Form Set

Creates a new form set, which is a parent container for one or more forms.

Remove Form Set

Removes an existing form set. You may want to remove a form set if you have only a single form in it and want to work only with that form. This command is enabled only if you have created a form set and have only one form in that form set.

Add New Form

Adds new forms once you have created a form set. Enabled only if you are working with a form set rather than individual forms.

Remove Form

Removes the selected form once you have created a form set. This command is enabled only when you have more than one form in your form set.

Quick Form

Displays the Form Builder, which helps you create a simple form that you can customize by adding your own controls.

Run Form

Once you have designed a form, use this command to run the form. Visual FoxPro prompts you to save the form before running it.

Shortcut: CTRL+E or .