List Items Tab, List Box Builder

See Also

The List Items tab in the List Box Builder specifies items to fill the list box. The other List Box Builder tabs are Layout tab, Style tab, and Value tab.

When you choose OK, the builder closes, applying the property settings from every tab.

Tab Options

Fill the List With

Specifies the kind of data with which to fill the list. The selection you make here determines which options appear on this tab. The options are Fields from a Table or View, Data Entered by Hand, and Values from an Array. Each set of options is described below.

Fields from a Table or View

Databases and Tables

Lists the available databases and the option to select Free Tables. To find a database or table, click the dialog button, which displays the Open dialog box.

List of Tables

Displays tables and views in the selected database, or free tables.

Available Fields

Shows all fields in the selected table or view. Select the fields whose data you want in your list box.

Arrow Buttons

Adds fields to and removes fields from the Selected Fields list.

Selected Fields

Displays the fields that will be used to fill the list. This option corresponds to the RowSource property.

Note   You must choose this option in order to hide the column from the Layout tab.

Data Entered by Hand


Specifies the number of columns in the list. This option corresponds to the ColumnCount property.

Column Grid

Displays the columns in which to enter data. Type the data in the grid cells. You can size the columns by dragging the lines between the column headers with the mouse. Use the arrow keys to move through the columns. This option corresponds to the RowSource property.

Values from an Array

Array Name

Specifies the name of an array. This option corresponds to the RowSource property.

Entire Array

Specifies that the entire array will fill the list.

Range of the Array

Specifies that a part of the array will fill the list.

Column and Row Range

Specifies the starting and ending column and row as the array range. These options are available when you select Range of the Array. This option corresponds to the FirstElement property, NumberOfElements property, and ColumnCount property.

For more information, see "Creating an Array Property" in Chapter 9, Creating Forms, in the Programmer's Guide.