Update Criteria Tab, View Designer

See Also

Specifies conditions for sending changes in the view to the original records in the tables used in the view. This tab is only displayed in the View Designer.

Tab Options


Specifies which tables used in the view can accept changes. The list shows the tables that have fields in the Selected fields list of the Fields tab.

Reset Key

Selects the primary key field from each table as the key fields for the view and places a check mark under the key symbol in the Field name list for each primary key field. Key fields are used for matching the changes in the view to the original record in the table.

Update All

Selects all fields other than the key fields for updating and places a check mark under the pencil symbol in the Field name list.

Send SQL Updates

Specifies whether changes to the records in the view are actually sent to the original tables. For more information, see "Combining Local and Remote Data in a View" in Chapter 6, Querying and Updating Multiple Tables, in the User's Guide.

Field Name Pane

Shows the fields that you have selected for output and, therefore, are available to update.

SQL WHERE Clause Includes

Controls which fields are added to the WHERE clause to detect update conflicts on the server when the changes to the view are sent to the original tables.

A conflict is based on a comparison between the old values in the view, OLDVAL( ), and the current values in the original table, CURVAL( ). If the values are equal, the original table is considered unchanged and no conflict exists. If they are not equal, a conflict exists and the data source returns an error.

The error returned for a conflict between the old value and the current value is Error 1585 "Record has been modified by another" or Error 1494 "Update conflict. Use TABLEUPDATE() to force the update or TABLEREVERT() to rollback".

Key Fields Only

Sets the WHERE clause to detect a conflict if a key field has been changed in the original table. Changes made by another user to any other field in the original record of the table are not compared.

Key and Updatable Fields

Sets the WHERE clause to detect a conflict if another user changed any of the fields that were updatable.

Key and Modified Fields

Sets the WHERE clause to detect a conflict if the key field or one of the modified fields in the record in the original table has changed since the view was first retrieved (default).

Key and Timestamp

Sets the WHERE clause to detect a conflict if the timestamp of the record on the original table has changed since it was first retrieved. This option is only available if the remote table has a timestamp column.

Update Using

Specifies how updates are performed on the back-end server.


Deletes the record from the original table, and then creates a new record from the modified record in the view.


Uses the changes in the fields of the view to modify the fields in the original table.