Query Menu

The Query menu contains commands that create, modify, and run queries. This menu is available when the Query Designer or View Designer is open.

Query Menu Commands

Add Table

Displays the Add Table or View dialog box so you can add a table or view to the designer window.

Remove Table

Removes the selected table from the top pane of the designer window. This command is enabled when you have at least one table selected in the Query or View Designer.

Remove Join Condition

Removes the selected join line from between tables. This command is enabled when you select a join line between tables.

Output Fields

Puts the Fields tab on top in the Query or View Designer window. The Output Fields tab lets you specify the fields that appear in a query result.


Puts the Join tab on top in the Query or View Designer window.


Puts the Selection Criteria tab on top in the Query or View Designer window. The Selection Criteria tab lets you specify the records that appear in a query result.

Order By

Puts the Order By tab on top in the Query or View Designer window. The Order By tab lets you specify the fields to order the records by in the query.

Group By

Puts the Group By tab on top in the Query or View Designer window. The Group By tab lets you specify conditions for grouping records in the query results.

Update Criteria

Puts the Update Criteria tab on top in the View Designer window. This command is available only for views.


Puts the Miscellaneous tab on top in the View Designer window.

Query Destination

Displays the Query Destination dialog box, which allows you to send the results of your query to seven different outputs.

View SQL

Displays the SQL statement that your query or view is building in a read-only text file.

Advanced Options (View Designer Only)

Displays the Advanced Options dialog box, in which you can fine-tune how records are retrieved in a view or how updates are made to the server or source tables. This command is available with views only.

View Parameters (View Designer Only)

Displays the View Parameters dialog box, where you can set up views that prompt for a value entry to complete the query. This command is available with views when you have a database open.


Displays the Comment dialog box, where you can enter notes or comments to identify the query or view and its purpose.

Run Query

Executes the SQL select statement you build, and sends the results to the output destination you specified. Shortcut: CTRL+Q