Regional Tab, Options Dialog Box

See Also

Contains options for date, time, and numeric formatting. You can temporarily or persistently override system settings in Visual FoxPro. The option settings on this tab are reflected in time, date, and currency output.

When you choose Set As Default — which appears on every tab in the dialog box — Visual FoxPro saves the option settings in the registry (system Windows registration database).

Tab Options

Use System Settings

Specifies that all settings on this tab are read from the system (as established in the Control Panel). In this mode, most options are read-only.

If you clear this option, you can specify settings that override system settings.

Date and time

Specifies how date and time data is displayed by default. An example of the current settings appears in the top-right box of the option group.

Date format

Specifies the order of the day, month, and year in a date. Choose Short to remove leading zeros from the date. Choose Long to display the date written out. Corresponds to the SET DATE command.

Date Separator

Specifies the character that appears between portions of a date. Clear this option to use the default separator. Corresponds to the SET MARK TO command.


Specifies that the year is displayed with century information (for example, 1997). Clear this option to display the year as 2 digits (for example, 97). Corresponds to the SET CENTURY command.


Specifies that hours are displayed in 12-hour format with “AM” or “PM.”


Specifies that hours are displayed in 24-hour format.


Specifies that seconds are included in the time display.

Currency and numbers

Specifies how currency data is displayed by default. An example of the current settings appears in the top-right box of the option group.

Currency Format

Specifies the location of the currency symbol. Corresponds to the SET CURRENCY command.

Currency Symbol

Specifies the character or characters used for currency. Corresponds to the SET CURRENCY command.

1000 Separator

Specifies the character inserted at every third digit left of the decimal separator. Corresponds to the SET SEPARATOR command.

Decimal Separator

Specifies a character used to indicate the decimal. Corresponds to the SET POINT command.

Decimal Digits

Specifies the number of digits to follow the decimal separator. Corresponds to the SET DECIMALS command.

Week Starts on

Specifies which day the week starts on. Corresponds to the SET FDOW command.

First Week of Year

Specifies where a yearly calendar begins. Corresponds to the SET FWEEK command.