Report Menu

See Also

The Report menu contains options that allow you to create and modify reports.

Report Menu Commands


Displays the Title/Summary dialog box, in which you specify whether a Title and/or Summary band is included in the report.

Data Grouping

Displays the Data Grouping dialog box so you can create data groups and specify their properties.


Displays the Report Variables dialog box, in which you create variables within a report.

Default Font

Displays the Font dialog box, in which you specify the persistent fonts, font styles, and font sizes for label and field controls in reports and labels. The settings are saved with the report, so each time the report is modified, the default is the same.

Private Data Session

Opens the tables used in the report in a private set of work areas so that they are not affected by other reports, forms, or programs. Click this command to turn it on or off.

Quick Report

Automatically places selected fields in an empty Report Designer window. The command prompts you to select a table and then displays the Quick Report dialog box, in which you select fields and a field layout.

Run Report

Displays the Print dialog box so you can send the report to a printer. Running a report doesn't change the data in the table, index, or memo files.

For more information, see Chapter 7, Designing Reports and Labels in the User's Guide and Chapter 12, Adding Queries and Reports in the Programmer's Guide.