Report Picture Dialog Box

See Also

Allows you to include bitmaps, icons, or other information from a General table field in your report or label. This dialog box appears when you choose the Picture/OLE Bound Control button from the Report Controls toolbar and place the control on a report or label.

Dialog Box Options

Picture Form


Specifies the bitmap or icon file name. Type the path and file name in the box, or choose the dialog button to open the Open dialog box so you can select the desired bitmap or icon file.


Specifies a General field to include in your report or label. Choose the dialog button to open the Choose Field/Variable dialog box so you can select the desired field, or type the name of the field in the text box.

If a General field in the table contains an object other than a picture or a chart (for example, a Microsoft Excel worksheet or a Microsoft Word document), an icon representing the object is printed in the report or label.

If Picture and Frame Different Size

Clip Picture

Shows a section of the original picture in the frame, retaining the picture's original dimensions if the picture is bigger than the frame you created in the Report or Label Designer. The picture is anchored at the top and at the left of the frame. You cannot see the lower-right portion of the picture that extends beyond the frame.

Scale PictureRetain Shape

Displays the whole picture, filling as much of the frame as possible while retaining the relative proportions of the picture. This will protect your picture from vertical or horizontal distortion.

Scale PictureFill the Frame

Displays the whole picture, filling the frame completely. If necessary, the picture will be distorted vertically or horizontally to fit the frame.

Object Position


Specifies that the selected picture move relative to the size of the surrounding fields.

Fixed Relative to Top of Band

Causes the picture to remain in the position you give it in the Report or Label Designer and maintains that position relative to the top of the band.

Fixed Relative to Top of Band

Causes the picture to remain in the position you give it in the Report or Label Designer and maintains that position relative to the bottom of the band.

Center Picture

Ensures that General field pictures smaller than the frame are centered in the report or label frame. The pictures included in a General field can be a variety of shapes and sizes. If the picture in a General field is smaller than the frame, it will be displayed in the upper-left corner of the frame unless you select Center Picture.

Note   If you are including a bitmap or icon file in your report or label, Center Picture will have no effect on the single picture. Because a single picture has known parameters, the picture will never be smaller than the frame.

Print When

Displays the Print When dialog box so you can control exactly when the picture is printed in your report or label.


Allows you to add comments. Comments are entirely for your reference and do not appear in the printed report or label.