Set Grid Scale Dialog Box

See Also

Lets you define horizontal and vertical increments of the grid in pixels, and (for reports and labels) specifies whether the ruler displays in system units or pixels.

This command is available when you work with a report, label, form, or class.

You can set the default for Form Designer in the Forms tab of the Options dialog box.

Dialog Box Options

Grid (in pixels)


Specifies the number of pixels per inch horizontally. The range is from 1 to 48 pixels. Use the spinner control or type a number in the edit box.


Specifies the number of pixels per inch vertically. The range is from 1 to 48 pixels. Use the spinner control or type a number in the edit box.

Ruler Scale

System Default

Specifies inches or centimeters as the unit of measurement displayed on the ruler, depending on your language setting. This option appears only for reports and labels.


Specifies pixels as the unit of measurement displayed on the ruler. This option appears only for reports and labels.

For more information, see "Adjusting Control Placement" in Chapter 7, Designing Reports and Labels in the User's Guide.