Using NULL as a Parameter
See Also
Passing a null value as a parameter affects the behavior of many commands and functions in Visual FoxPro. The following general rules apply to null values passed to commands and functions:
Commands generate errors when passed a null value.
Functions that accept .NULL. as a valid value propagate .NULL. to the result.
Functions that accept parameters that could be numeric values generate an error if you supply .NULL. for those parameters.
USE Mytable ALIAS &n && Expected a workarea
&& name or number
? SUBSTR("Hello, world",n,5) && Expected a position
&& in the string
ISBLANK( ), ISDIGIT( ), ISLOWER( ), ISUPPER( ), ISALPHA( ), and EMPTY return false (.F.) when passed a null value. ISNULL( ) returns true (.T.) when passed a null value.
The commands INSERT - SQL and SELECT - SQL process null values through the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL clauses and, in the case of INSERT, UPDATE, and REPLACE, place null values into records.
SQL Aggregate functions ignore instead of propagate null values.
Visual FoxPro aggregate functions only propagate .NULL. if all supplied values are null values; otherwise, any null value is ignored.
For more information on using null values in your application, see Chapter 7, Working with Tables, in the Programmer's Guide.