_BROWSER System Variable

See Also

Contains the name of the class browser application.


_BROWSER = cProgramName



Specifies a class browser application. _BROWSER contains Browser.app if you have installed the class browser application.

If the class browser is in a directory other than the current default, include a path with the class browser application name.

If the class browser is in a folder other than the current default, include a path with the class browser application name.

You can also specify a class browser application in your Visual FoxPro configuration file by including a line using this syntax:

_BROWSER = cProgramName

A different class browser application can be specified by storing the new application name in _BROWSER from within the Command window or a program.


Browser.app displays the relationships between classes in a visual class library (.vcx) and is installed by default in the directory in which Visual FoxPro is installed.

You can run the class browser by issuing the following command:


Issuing this command adds a class browser menu item in the Tools menu and starts the class browser. The class browser can be run again by choosing the class browser menu item.

To add the class browser menu item to the Tools menu without starting the class browser, issue the following command:


You can also run the class browser for a specific visual class library or an object reference, and you can optionally include the name of a class that is initially selected. For example, the following command starts the class browser, opens the Buttons visual class library, and selects the VCR class:


For additional information about the Visual FoxPro Class Browser, see the Managing Classes with the Class Browser online topic.