_FCreate( ) API Library Routine

See Also   Example

Assigns a Visual FoxPro channel to a new file.


FCHAN _FCreate(char FAR *filename, int mode)
char FAR *filename;         /* Name of file to create. */
int mode;                     /* File attributes. */


If a file with the specified name already exists, _FCreate( ) truncates the existing file to zero bytes.

The mode parameter may be one or more of the following flags: FC_READONLY, FC_SYSTEM, FC_HIDDEN, and FC_TEMPORARY. You can combine these flags using the C | or + operator. An additional flag, FC_NORMAL, specifies that the file has none of the other attributes. FC_TEMPORARY files are automatically deleted when you call _FClose( ) to close the file.

_FCreate( ) returns the file channel if it succeeds in creating the file, or  – 1 if it fails.

For more information on how to create an API library and integrate it with Visual FoxPro, see Chapter 28, Accessing the Visual FoxPro API, in the Programmer's Guide.