_SCREEN System Variable Example

The following example demonstrates the use of _SCREEN to customize the main Visual FoxPro window.

* Local variables to store current settings
Local oldScreenLeft
Local oldScreenTop
Local oldScreenHeight
Local oldScreenWidth
Local oldScreenColor
WITH _Screen
 oldScreenLeft=.Left       && Save current position and size
 oldScreenColor = .Backcolor
 .LockScreen=.T.       && Disable screen redraw
 .BackColor=rgb(192,192,192)   && Change the background to grey
 .BorderStyle=2        && Change the border to double
 .Closable=.F.         && Remove window control buttons
 .Caption="Custom Screen"    && Set a caption
 .LockScreen=.F.       && Enable screen redraw
=MESSAGEBOX("Return to normal  ",48,WTITLE())
With _Screen
 .Left = oldScreenLeft     && Reset original 
 .Top = oldScreenTop       && position and size
 .Height = oldScreenHeight
 .Width  = oldScreenWidth
 .BackColor=oldScreenColor     && Change background to white
 .LockScreen=.T.       && Disable screen redraw
 .BorderStyle=3        && Change border to sizeable
 .Closable=.T.         && Reset window control buttons
 .Caption="Microsoft Visual FoxPro"  && Reset the caption
 .LockScreen=.F.       && Enable screen redraw