_WOpenP( ) API Library Routine

See Also   Example

Creates a new window at the positions specified by the top, left, bottom, and right parameters.


WHANDLE _WOpenP(int top, int left, int bottom, int right, int flag,
        int scheme_num, Scheme FAR *scheme, char FAR *bord)
int top;                     /* Top coordinate in pixels. */
int left;                     /* Left coordinate in pixels. */
int bottom;                  /* Bottom coordinate in pixels. */
int right;                     /* Right coordinate in pixels. */
int flag;                     /* Attributes. */
int scheme_num;            /* Color scheme. */
Scheme FAR *scheme;      /* Points to color scheme to use. */
char FAR *bord;            /* Border type. */


The window positions may be off the screen. Additional memory is allocated to hold the off-screen image of this window.

The flag parameter determines the attributes for this window. The flag may be one or more of the flag values in the table below. You can combine multiple flag values using the C | or + operator. Typical window borders are defined in PRO_EXT.H.

flag Value Window attribute
WCURSOR The insertion point may be displayed in this window.
ZOOM The user may zoom the window.
ADJ The user may adjust the size of the window.
CLOSE The user may close the window.
MOVE The user may move the window.
AUTOSCROLL The window scrolls when output rolls off the bottom line.
WEVENT The window receives, activates, and deactivates events.
SHADOW The window casts a shadow.
WMODAL The user can't send this window to the back.
WMINIMIZE The user can minimize this window.

The scheme_num may be any valid color scheme number, or – 1 to indicate that the scheme parameter points to the color scheme to use.

For more information on how to create an API library and integrate it with Visual FoxPro, see Chapter 28, Accessing the Visual FoxPro API, in the Programmer's Guide.