ASORT( ) Function Example

The following example copies the contact field from the customer table to an array named gaContact. The first 20 contacts in the array are displayed, the array is sorted, and the contacts are displayed again in sorted order.

OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'Data\testdata')
USE Customer  && Open customer table

COUNT TO gnCount  && Number of contacts
DIMENSION gaContact(gnCount,1)  && Create a contact array
COPY TO ARRAY gaContact FIELD contact     && Fill the array

? 'Contact names:'
FOR nCount = 1 TO 20
   ? gaContact(nCount)  && Display first 20 contacts
= ASORT(gaContact)     && Sort the array

? 'Sorted Contact names:'
FOR nCount = 1 TO 20
   ? gaContact(nCount)  && Display first 20 contacts, sorted