Example   See Also

Creates a table from a COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED file.



   [FileName1 [DATABASE DatabaseName [NAME LongTableName]]]
FROM [FileName2]



Specifies the name of the new table to create.

DATABASE DatabaseName

Specifies a database to which the new table is added.

NAME LongTableName

Specifies a long name for the new table. Long names can contain up to 128 characters and can be used in place of short file names in the database.


Specifies the table (created either with COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED or manually) from which the new table is created.


This variation of CREATE assumes that the table specified in FileName2 has been created either with COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED or manually. A new table FileName1 is created with the structure described in FileName2. The newly created table becomes the active table.

If you don't include either FileName1 or FileName2 or both, a dialog box is displayed. In this dialog, you can specify the file to be created, or the FROM file, or both.

Note that all records in FileName2, including those marked for deletion, are used to created FileName1.