DDEPoke( ) Function

See Also

Sends data between client and server applications in a dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversation.


DDEPoke(nChannelNumber, cItemName, cDataSent
  [, cDataFormat [, cUDFName]])





Specifies the channel number of the application data is sent to. If the channel number is a server channel, DDEPoke( ) sends the data in response to a request or a previously established notify or automatic link.


Specifies the item name to which data is sent. The item name is application-specific and must be understood by the application. For example, Microsoft Excel supports R1C1 as a valid item name that refers to the first cell in a worksheet.


Specifies the data sent to the item name specified with cItemName.


Specifies the format used to send the data. The default format is CF_TEXT. In this format, fields are delimited with tabs and records are delimited with a carriage return and a linefeed.


Allows asynchronous data transfer. If cUDFName is omitted, a client waits for the period specified with DDESetOption( ). If you specify the name of a user-defined function with cUDFName, client program execution continues immediately after the request is made.

When the data is available from the server application, the user-defined function specified with cUDFName is executed. The user-defined function is passed six parameters in this order:

Parameter Contents
Channel Number The channel number of the server application.
Action XACTCOMPLETE (successful transaction).
XACTFAIL (failed transaction).
Item The item name; for example, R1C1 for a Microsoft Excel worksheet cell.
Data The new data (REQUEST) or data passed (POKE or EXECUTED).
Format The data format; for example, CF_TEXT.
Transaction Number The transaction number returned by DDEPoke( ).

Use DDEAbortTrans( ) to cancel an uncompleted transaction. If the transaction fails, you can use DDELastError( ) to determine why it failed.

When you include cUDFName, DDEPoke( ) returns a transaction number if successful or –1 if an error occurs.


DDEPoke( ) sends data as a character string to the item name in the application specified by the channel number.

If the data is successfully sent, DDEPoke( ) returns true (.T.). If the data cannot be sent, DDEPoke( ) returns false (.F.). If the asynchronous user-defined function cUDFName is included, DDEPoke( ) returns a transaction number; if an error occurs, DDEPoke( ) returns –1.