Example   See Also

Deactivates user-defined windows or Visual FoxPro system windows and removes them from the screen, but not from memory.


DEACTIVATE WINDOW WindowName1 [, WindowName2 ...] | ALL


WindowName1 [, WindowName2 ...]

Specifies one or more windows to deactivate. You can specify Visual FoxPro system windows such as the Command window or a Browse window.


Deactivates all active windows.

To display the main FoxPro window again, choose Visual FoxPro Screen from the Window menu or issue ACTIVATE WINDOW SCREEN or SHOW WINDOW SCREEN.


More than one user-defined window can be placed in the main Visual FoxPro window at the same time, but output is directed only to the most recently activated user-defined window. When more than one user-defined window is present, deactivating the current user-defined output window clears the contents of the window, removes the window from the screen and sends subsequent output to the previously activated user-defined window. If there is no output window, output is directed to the main Visual FoxPro window.

Use CLEAR WINDOWS or RELEASE WINDOWS to remove windows from both the screen and memory.

To deactivate a system window and or a toolbar (in Visual FoxPro), enclose the entire system window or toolbar name in quotation marks. For example, to deactivate the Report Controls toolbar in Visual FoxPro, issue the following command: