Determines, in conjunction with the color properties, how a shape or line is displayed on screen. Available at design time and run time.
Object.DrawMode[ = nMode]
The settings for the DrawMode property are:
Setting | Description |
1 | Blackness Pen. Shape is drawn black. |
2 | NotMerge Pen. Inverse of setting 15. |
3 | Mask Not Pen. Combination of the colors common to the BackColor and the inverse of the ForeColor. |
4 | Not Copy Pen. Inverse of setting 13. |
5 | Mask Pen Not. Combination of the colors common to both the ForeColor and the inverse of the BackColor. |
6 | Invert. Inverse of the BackColor. |
7 | XOR Pen. Combination of the colors in the ForeColor and in the BackColor, but not in both. |
8 | Not Mask Pen. Inverse of setting 9. |
9 | Mask Pen. Combination of the colors common to both the ForeColor and the BackColor. |
10 | Not XOR Pen. Inverse of setting 7. |
11 | NOP. No operation. Output remains unchanged. In effect, this setting turns drawing off. |
12 | Merge Not Pen. Combination of the BackColor and the inverse of the ForeColor. |
13 | (Default). Copy Pen. Color specified by the ForeColor property. |
14 | Merge Pen Not. Combination of the ForeColor and the inverse of the BackColor. |
15 | Merge Pen. Combination of the ForeColor and the BackColor. |
16 | Whiteness Pen. Shape is drawn white. |
Use the DrawMode property to produce visual effects with Shape or Line controls or when drawing with graphics methods. As a new shape is drawn, Visual FoxPro compares each pixel in the pattern with the corresponding pixel in the existing background and then applies bitwise operations. For example, setting 7 uses the exclusive OR operator (XOR) to combine a drawing pattern pixel with the background pixel.
The exact effect of the DrawMode property setting depends on how the color of a line drawn at run time combines with colors already on the screen. Settings 1, 6, 7, 11, 13, and 16 yield the most predictable results.