FontBold, FontItalic, FontStrikethru, FontUnderline Properties

Applies To   See Also

Specifies whether text has one or more of the following styles: Bold, Italic, Strikethru, or Underline. Available at design time and run time.


Object.FontBold[ = lExpr]
Object.FontItalic[ = lExpr]
Object.FontStrikeThru[ = lExpr]
Object.FontUnderline[ = lExpr]



The settings for the font properties are:

Setting Description
True (.T.) Font style is bold, italic, strikethru, or underline.
False (.F.) (Default except for FontBold) Font style is not bold, italic, strikethru, or underline.


In general, change the FontName property before you set size and style attributes with the FontSize, FontBold, FontItalic, FontStrikethru, and FontUnderline properties. However, when you set TrueType fonts to smaller than 8 points, you should set the point size with the FontSize property, next set the FontName property, and then set the size again with the FontSize property. Windows uses a different font for TrueType fonts that are smaller than 8 points.

Note   Fonts that are available vary according to your system configuration, display devices, and printing devices. Font-related properties can be set only to values for which actual fonts exist.