The following example uses FREAD( ) to display the contents of a file. If the file is empty, a message is displayed.
* TEST.TXT must exist -- you can create this file
* using Notepad.
Local gnFileHandle,nSize,cString
gnFileHandle = FOPEN("test.txt")
* Seek to end of file to determine the number of bytes in the file
nSize = FSEEK(gnFileHandle, 0, 2) && Move pointer to EOF
IF nSize <= 0
* If the file is empty, display an error message
WAIT WINDOW "This file is empty!" NOWAIT
* If file is not empty, the program stores its contents
* in memory, then displays the text on the main Visual FoxPro window
= FSEEK(ggnFileHandle, 0, 0) && Move pointer to BOF
cString = FREAD(gnFileHandle, nSize)
? cString
= FCLOSE(gnFileHandle) && Close the file