Displays the Open dialog box and returns the name of the file you chose.
GETFILE([cFileExtensions] [, cText] [, cOpenButtonCaption]
[, nButtonType] [, cTitleBarCaption])
Specifies the file extensions of the files displayed in the scrollable list when the All Files menu item isn't chosen. If passing a value as a literal, enclose it in quotation marks. Do not include a period (.) in front of file extensions.
cFileExtensions can take a variety of forms:
For example, if cFileExtensions is "Text:TXT" the file description "Text" appears in the Files of Type list box and all files with a .txt extension are displayed.
If cFileExtensions is "Tables:DBF; Files:TXT,BAK" the file descriptions "Tables" and "Files" appear in the Files of Type list box. When "Tables" is chosen from the Files of Type list box, all files with a .dbf extension are displayed. When "Files" is chosen from the Files of Type list box, all files with .txt and .bak extensions are displayed.
Specifies the text for the directory list in the Open dialog box. In Windows 95, the text appears below the list of files and long text strings may be truncated.
Specifies a caption for the OK button.
Specifies the number and type of buttons that appear in the Open dialog box. The following buttons appear in the dialog box when nButtonType is 0, 1, or 2.
nButtonType | Buttons |
0 (or omitted) |
OK Cancel |
1 | OK New Cancel |
2 | OK None Cancel |
"Untitled" is returned with the path specified in the Open dialog box if nButtonType is 1 and the user chooses the New button. The empty string is returned if nButtonType is 2 and the user chooses the None button.
Specifies the title bar caption.
GETFILE( ) returns the empty string if you exit the Open dialog box by pressing ESC, choosing Cancel, or choosing Close from the Control menu.