IncrementalSearch Property

Applies To   See Also

Specifies whether a control supports an incremental search for keyboard steering. Available at design time and run time.


Control.IncrementalSearch[ = lExpr]



The settings for the IncrementalSearch property are:

Setting Description
True (.T.) (Default) Supports incremental search.
False (.F.) Does not support incremental search.


An example of an incremental search is if you are searching for the word "ELASTIC," you can type E-L-A, and so on. As you type, Visual FoxPro incrementally searches for the combination of letters you have typed to match the word you are looking for. Otherwise, it finds the first word that starts with an E, then the first word that starts with an L, and so on.

Note that the setting of the _DBLCLICK system variable determines how long to wait for the next letter to be typed. You may need to adjust the value of _DBLCLICK to make incremental searching work properly.