INSERT – SQL Command

Example   See Also

Appends a record to the end of a table that contains the specified field values.


INSERT INTO dbf_name [(fname1 [, fname2, ...])]
  VALUES (eExpression1 [, eExpression2, ...])




INSERT INTO dbf_name

Specifies the name of the table to which the new record is appended. dbf_name can include a path and can be a name expression.

If the table you specify isn't open, it is opened exclusively in a new work area and the new record is appended to the table. The new work area isn't selected; the current work area remains selected.

If the table you specify is open, INSERT appends the new record to the table. If the table is open in a work area other than the current work area, it isn't selected after the record is appended; the current work area remains selected.

[(fname1 [, fname2 [, ...]])]

Specifies the names of the fields in the new record into which the values are inserted.

VALUES (eExpression1 [, eExpression2 [, ...]])

Specifies the field values inserted into the new record. If you omit the field names, you must specify the field values in the order defined by the table structure. If SET NULL is ON, INSERT – SQL attempts to insert null values into any fields not specified in the VALUES clause.


Specifies the array whose data is inserted into the new record. The contents of the elements of the array, starting with the first element, are inserted into the corresponding fields of the record. The contents of the first array element are inserted into the first field of the new record; the contents of the second array element are inserted into the second field, and so on.

Any default values for fields are ignored when you include the FROM ARRAY clause.


Specifies that the contents of variables are inserted into fields with the same names as the variables. If a variable doesn't exist with the same name as the field, the field is left empty.


The new record contains the data listed in the VALUES clause or contained in the specified array or variables. The record pointer is positioned on the new record.