MESSAGEBOX( ) Function Example

The following example displays a user-defined dialog box. The message "Record not found. Would you like to search again?" is displayed as the caption in the user-defined dialog box, and "My Application" is displayed in the title bar.

The user-defined dialog box contains Yes and No buttons and the question mark icon, and the second button (No) is the default button. When you choose one of the buttons, your choice is displayed.

cMessageTitle = 'My Application'
cMessageText = 'Record not found. Would you like to search again?'
nDialogType = 4 + 32 + 256
*  4 = Yes and No buttons
*  32 = Question mark icon
*  256 = Second button is default

nAnswer = MESSAGEBOX(cMessageText, nDialogType, cMessageTitle)

   CASE nAnswer = 6
      WAIT WINDOW 'You chose Yes'
   CASE nAnswer = 7
      WAIT WINDOW 'You chose No'