See Also

Restores to memory keyboard macros saved in a keyboard macro file or memo field.


  [FROM FileName | FROM MEMO MemoFieldName]


FROM FileName

Specifies the macro file from which macros are restored. Macro files have an .fky extension, and this extension is assumed if you don't specify one. If you have assigned a different extension to the file, you must include this extension in FileName.

FROM MEMO MemoFieldName

Specifies the memo field from which macros are restored.


Use SAVE MACRO to store keyboard macros to a keyboard macro file or a memo field.

By default, restoring macros from a file or memo field is additive — the restored macros are appended to the existing set of macros in memory. If a macro name in the file or memo field is the same as an existing macro name, the macro in the file or memo field overwrites the existing macro.

If issued without a file name or memo field name, RESTORE MACROS clears all macros from memory and restores the default macros. The default macros are restored from the keyboard macro file named Default.fky. If Default.fky cannot be found, Visual FoxPro restores the F2 through F9 keys to the standard Visual FoxPro startup settings.