SetAll Method

Example   Applies To   See Also

Assigns a property setting on all, or a certain class of, controls in a Container object.


Container.SetAll(cProperty, Value [, cClass])



Specifies the property to be set.


Specifies the new setting for the property. The data type of Value depends on the property being set.


Specifies the class name (the class on which the object is based, not the Visual FoxPro base class for the object).


Use the SetAll method to set a property for all, or a certain class of, controls in a Container. For example, to set the BackColor property on all the Column objects in a Grid control to red, issue the following:

Form1.Grid1.SetAll("BackColor", RGB(255, 0, 0), "Column")

You can also set the properties for objects that are contained by other objects within the container. To set the ForeColor property of the Headers that are contained by each Column object contained in a Grid control to green, issue the following:

Form1.Grid1.SetAll("ForeColor", RGB(0, 255, 0), "Header")