Copies another result set to a Visual FoxPro cursor if more result sets are available.
Specifies the connection handle to the data source returned by SQLCONNECT( ).
SQLMORERESULTS( ) determines if more result sets are available from a SQL statement executed with SQLEXEC( ) in non-batch mode. If more result sets are available, they are copied to a Visual FoxPro cursor, one set at a time.
SQLMORERESULTS( ) returns 0 if the SQL statement is still executing, returns 1 if it is finished executing, and returns 2 if no more data is found. In non-batch mode, SQLMORERESULTS( ) should be called after each successful SQLEXEC( ) call until SQLMORERESULTS( ) returns 2 (no more data found). The setting of the SQLSETPROP( ) batch mode option determines whether SQLEXEC( ) executes a SQL statement in batch or non-batch mode.
SQLMORERESULTS( ) returns – 1 if a connection level error occurs, and returns – 2 if an environment level error occurs.
SQLMORERESULTS( ) is one of the four functions that you can execute either synchronously or asynchronously. The asynchronous setting of SQLSETPROP( ) determines if these functions execute synchronously or asynchronously. In asynchronous mode, you must call SQLMORERESULTS( ) repeatedly until it returns a value other than 0 (still executing).