StartMode Property

Applies To   See Also

Contains a numeric value that indicates how an instance of Visual FoxPro was started. Read-only at run time.




The following table lists the numeric values the StartMode property can contain and how the instance of Visual FoxPro was started.

Value Description
0 A development version of Visual FoxPro was started in an interactive session.
1 Visual FoxPro was started as an application object. For example, the following command creates an instance of Visual FoxPro as an application object:
oMyObject = CREATEOBJECT('VisualFoxPro.Application')
2 Visual FoxPro was started as an out-of-process .exe automation server.
3 Visual FoxPro was started as an in-process .dll automation server.
4 Visual FoxPro was started as a distributable .app or .exe file.

For additional information about using Visual FoxPro to create custom automation servers, see Chapter 16, Adding OLE, in the Programmer's Guide.