TABLEUPDATE( ) Function Example

The following example demonstrates how you can use TABLEUPDATE( ) to commit changes made to a buffered table. A table named employees is created and INSERT - SQL is used insert the value "Smith" into the cLastName field.

MULTILOCKS is set to ON, a requirement for table buffering. CURSORSETPROP( ) is used to set the buffering mode to optimistic table buffering (5).

The original value of the cLastName field (Smith) is displayed and then the cLastName field is modified with REPLACE. The new value of the cLastName field (Jones) is displayed. TABLEUPDATE( ) is then used to commit changes to the table (TABLEREVERT( ) could be issued instead to discard the changes). The updated value of the cLastName field (Jones) is then displayed.

CREATE TABLE employee (cLastName C(10))
SET MULTILOCKS ON  && Must be on for table buffering
= CURSORSETPROP('Buffering', 5, 'employee' )  && Enable table buffering
INSERT INTO employee (cLastName) VALUES ('Smith')

? 'Original cLastName value: '
?? cLastName  && Displays current cLastName value (Smith)

REPLACE cLastName WITH 'Jones'
? 'New cLastName value: '
?? cLastName  && Displays new cLastName value (Jones)

= TABLEUPDATE(.T.)  && Commits changes
? 'Updated cLastName value: '
?? cLastName  && Displays current cLastName value (Jones)